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COLLADA™ Khronos Group Khronos Group COLLAborative Design Activity for establishing an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications Введение.

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Presentation on theme: "COLLADA™ Khronos Group Khronos Group COLLAborative Design Activity for establishing an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications Введение."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLLADA™ Khronos Group Khronos Group COLLAborative Design Activity for establishing an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications Введение в стандарт COLLADA Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И.Лобачевского Факультет вычислительной математики и кибернетики проф. Турлапов В.Е.,

2 COLLADA From Wikipedia COLLADA Filename extension.dae Developed by Sony Computer EntertainmentSony Computer Entertainment, Khronos Group Khronos Group Initial releaseOctober 2004 Latest release1.5.0 / August 2008 Type of format3D computer graphics Extended fromXML COLLADA is a COLLAborative Design Activity for establishing an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications. COLLADA is managed by the not-for-profit technology consortium, the Khronos Group. COLLADA documents that describe digital assets are XML files, usually identified with a.dae (digital asset exchange) filename extension.XML COLLADA defines an open standard XML schema for exchanging digital assets among various graphics software applications that might otherwise store their assets in incompatible file formats.XML schema History. Originally created by Sony Computer Entertainment as the official format for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable development, it has since become the property of the Khronos Group, a member-funded industry consortium, which now shares the copyright with Sony. Several graphics companies collaborated with Sony from COLLADA's beginnings to create a tool that would be useful to the widest possible audience, and COLLADA continues to evolve through the efforts of Khronos contributors. Early collaborators included Alias Systems Corporation, Criterion Software, Autodesk, Inc., and Avid Technology. Dozens of commercial game studios and game engines have adopted the standard.Sony Computer EntertainmentPlayStation 3 PlayStation Portable SonyAlias Systems CorporationCriterion SoftwareAutodesk, Inc.Avid Technologygame engines

3 COLLADA From Wikipedia Tools and compatibility COLLADA was intended originally as an intermediate format for transporting data from one digital content creation (DCC) tool to another. Applications exist to support that usage for several DCCs, including Maya (using ColladaMaya); 3ds Max (using ColladaMax); Poser (v.7.0); LightWave 3D (version 9.5); Cinema 4D (MAXON); Softimage|XSI; Side Effect's Houdini; MeshLab; CityEngine, SketchUp, Blender, modo and Strata 3D. COLLADA.dae files can be used in Adobe Photoshop software since version CS3. Game engines, such as Unreal engine, have also adopted this format. The basic support for viewing the format is also built-in in the Mac OS X 10.6 Snow content creationMaya3ds MaxPoserLightWave 3DCinema 4D Softimage|XSISide Effect's HoudiniMeshLabCityEngineSketchUpBlendermodoStrata 3DAdobe PhotoshopUnreal engineMac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Two open-source utility libraries/projects are available to simplify the import and export of COLLADA documents: the COLLADA DOM library and the OpenCOLLADA project. The COLLADA DOM is generated at compile-time from the COLLADA schema. It provides a low-level interface that eliminates the need for hand- written parsing routines, but is limited to reading and writing only one version of COLLADA, making it difficult to upgrade as new versions are released. The OpenCOLLADA project provides the next generation plugins for 3ds Max & Maya and the sources of utility libraries which were developed for the plugins.3ds MaxMaya An additional open-source utility library is available from Feeling Software: FCollada. In contrast to the COLLADA DOM, Feeling Software's FCollada provides a higher-level interface. FCollada is used in ColladaMaya, ColladaMax, and several commercial game engines. The development of the open source part was discontinued by Feeling Software in 2008.FColladaColladaMaya ColladaMax Some applications have adopted COLLADA as their native format or as one variety of native input rather than simply using it as an intermediate format. Google Earth (release 4) has adopted COLLADA (1.4) as its native format for describing the objects populating the earth. Users can simply drag and drop a COLLADA (.dae) file on top of the virtual Earth. Alternatively, Google SketchUp Pro can also be used to create.kmz files, a zip file containing a KML* ) file, a COLLADA (.dae) file, and all the texture images.Google EarthSketchUpKML *) Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML-based language schema for expressing geographic annotation and visualization on Web-based, two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional Earth browsers. KML was developed for use with Google Earth, which was originally named Keyhole Earth Viewer. It was created by Keyhole, Inc, which was acquired by Google in 2004.XMLlanguageWebEarthGoogle EarthKeyhole, IncGoogle

4 COLLADA From Wikipedia COLLADA Physics As of version 1.4, physics support was added to the COLLADA standard. The goal is to allow content creators to define various physical attributes in visual scenes. For example, one can define surface material properties such as friction. Furthermore, content creators can define the physical attributes for the objects in the scene. This is done by defining the rigid bodies that should be linked to the visual representations. More features include support for ragdolls, collision volumes, physical constraints between physical objects, and global physical properties such as gravitation.physics Physics middleware products that support this standard include Bullet Physics Library, Open Dynamics Engine, PAL and NVIDIA's PhysX. These products support by reading the abstract found in the COLLADA file and transferring it into a form that the middleware can support and represent in a physical simulation. This also enables different middleware and tools to exchange physics data in a standardized manner.Bullet Physics LibraryOpen Dynamics EnginePALPhysX The Physics Abstraction Layer provides support for COLLADA Physics to multiple physics engines that do not natively provide COLLADA support including JigLib, OpenTissue, Tokamak physics engine and True Axis. PAL also provides support for COLLADA to physics engines that also feature a native interface.Physics Abstraction LayerJigLibOpenTissueTokamak physics engineTrue AxisPAL Versions 1.0: October 2004 ; 1.2: February 2005 ; 1.3: June 2005 1.4.0: January 2006; added features such as character skinning and morph targets, rigid body dynamics, support for OpenGL ES materials, and shader effects for multiple shading languages including the Cg programming language, GLSL, and HLSL. First release through Khronos.Cg programming languageGLSLHLSL 1.4.1: July 2006; primarily a patch release. 1.5.0: August 2008; added kinematics and B-rep as well as some FX redesign and OpenGL ES support (Retrieved 2008-10-13)kinematicsB-rep OpenGL ES Links Official homepage OpenCOLLADA Project ColladaLoaderColladaLoader - to load and visualize COLLADA files in real time using OpenGL. GLC_Player

5 COLLADA. OpenCOLLADA Project & GLC Player OpenCOLLADA Project COLLADA SDK within various DCC tools like 3ds Max, Maya, Blender,... (OpenCOLLADA Project(OpenCOLLADA Project) The OpenCOLLADA SDK is open source software and released under the MIT license. The latest plugins are released under a proprietary free to use license. GLC_Player is an Open Source 3D viewer used to view 3d models (COLLADA, 3DXML, OBJ 3DS STL OFF COFF Format) and to navigate easily in these models. (GLC_Player ) (GLC_Player

6 COLLADA. Official homepage COLLADA Overview COLLADA - 3D Asset Exchange Schema COLLADA™ defines an XML-based schema to make it easy to transport 3D assets between applications - enabling diverse 3D authoring and content processing tools be combined into a production pipeline. The intermediate language provides comprehensive encoding of visual scenes including: geometry, shaders and effects, physics, animation, kinematics, and even multiple version representations of the same asset. COLLADA FX enables leading 3D tools to work effectively together to create shader and effects applications and assets to be authored and packaged using OpenGL® Shading Language, Cg, CgFX, and DirectX® FX COLLADA at a glance COLLADA defines an XML Namespace and database schema to make it easy to transport 3D assets between applications without loss of information, enabling diverse 3D authoring and processing tools to be combined into a content production pipeline. COLLADA 1.5 COLLADA 1.5 is the newest specification that provides all of the features found in the stable COLLADA 1.4 schema plus several new features that enable users of CAD, GIS, and Automation applications to enjoy the benefits of open standard royalty free content format. COLLADA 1.5.0 SpecificationCOLLADA 1.5.0 Specification (Last updated: Oct 2008, local link)local COLLADA PDF Overview Click here (Dec 2008)Click here (Dec 2008) COLLADA Community The Khronos Group is host to the COLLADA community web site ( There are also a growing number of open source software projects that can help you to develop your COLLADA applications more quickly: COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) (also includes RT, FX, and Refinery tools) COLLADA Test Model Bank (exchange test models for COLLADA development projects)

7 COLLADA 1.5. New features



10 COLLADA 1.5. Specification & Content COLLADA 1.5.0 SpecificationCOLLADA 1.5.0 Specification (Last updated: Oct 2008, local link)local Библиотеки Примеры

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