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Stage 2: Business Case Objective of the Business Case Stage Collect, in a standardized manner, the essential data required to define (in this order):

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2 Stage 2: Business Case

3 Objective of the Business Case Stage Collect, in a standardized manner, the essential data required to define (in this order): The final program and service (P&S) composition of the end-state project Eligibility of each Provider Organization for ministry funded space Final space requirements (and associated cost share distribution) of the end-state project Site selection Total estimate of cost for the project Enable a data-driven assessment of the relative value of the project for Implementation Grant funding recommendations 2

4 Steps in the Business Case There are Steps and sub-steps in the Business Case Stage of the CHCP process Each step and sub-step corresponds to a Worksheet in the Community Health Capital Toolkit Workbook The CHCP Toolkit Workbook is an Microsoft Excel based workbook that captures the essential data for planning, review and approval of the Business Case Once provided with a Planning Grant the ministry will meet with the Lead Organization/resource team, Endorsing Organization and Partners (as appropriate) to review the toolkit and define those worksheets in the workbook that will be required for that project (Project Planning Meeting) 3

5 Business Case Step 1: Defining Program and Service Composition 4 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Provide Lead Organization with Planning Grant and Toolkit with Approved Application Complete Worksheet BC_1_Programs and Services in the Toolkit Workbook Checkpoint 11: Review P&S composition and endorse or amend with Lead Organization prior to endorsement Checkpoint 11: Review Endorsed P&S composition and define eligibility for ministry space funding per CHCP 2. Re-define P&S composition based on outcome of ministry review of funding eligibility Eliminate from composition or gain commitment for partner funding for organizations not eligible for ministry space funding As aboveCheckpoint 11: Review for compliance and once complete activate next worksheets BC_2 to BC_6 in workbook for Lead Organization to complete

6 Business Case Step 1: Defining Program and Service Composition – Additional Information This worksheet is required for all projects This worksheet provides a detailed view of each program and service (P&S) proposed for the end-state project Defines Lead and Partner Organizations Funding Organization Source of Funding Organization Administering the P&S Description of Services FTEs associated with the P&S Whether that P&S is requesting ministry funded space 5

7 Checkpoint II This is a key Checkpoint defining the composition of the end-state service model and eligibility for ministry funded space The Endorsing Organization endorses, or amends with Lead Organization, composition of P&S and Partners for end-state project The Ministry approves (or not) Lead and Partner eligibility for space funding per CHCP criteria Commitment must be achieved from all partners (FTE, funding commitments for space and/or operating costs) to receive ministry approval to proceed with further planning 6

8 Business Case Step 2: Detailed FTE Data 7 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Provide Lead Organization with Toolkit with BC_2 to BC_6 enabled Complete Worksheet BC_2_Detailed FTE Data in the Toolkit Workbook No actionNo Action This worksheet is required for all projects This worksheet provides a detailed view of program and service provider staff (Direct and Indirect service providers) This information is used to support space requests for space to support Direct and Indirect Service provision) Does not include administrative or administrative support staff FTEs. These are captured later in BC_6_Space Requests

9 Business Case Step 3: Care Team Model 8 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Continue to BC_3_Care Team Model Complete Worksheet BC_3_Care Team Model in the Toolkit Workbook No actionNo Action This worksheet is required only for those organizations who will require examination rooms as a space type Provides an understanding of the project end-state care team composition and model Composition of team (roles/function and leadership) FTE distribution per team Average Encounter times Information is used to understand space requirements

10 Business Case Step 4: Service Volumes 9 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Continue to BC_4_Service Volumes worksheet Complete BC_4_Service Volumes worksheet in the Toolkit Workbook No actionNo Action This worksheet is required to be completed by all Lead Organizations Defines the project end-state service volumes by type(s) of space requirements Defines volumes by formulae based on prior history, net new FTE allocations, and a 10% design efficiency adjustment for growth Information is used to define examination room space requirements and inform other room type requirements

11 Business Case Step 4.1: Exam Room Calculator 10 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Continue to BC_4_Service Volumes worksheet Complete BC_4_Service Volumes worksheet in the Toolkit Workbook No actionNo Action This worksheet is relevant only to those Lead Organizations who identified examination room use on the BC_3_Service Volume worksheet This worksheet automatically calculates the number examination rooms for the project at 100%, 80%, 70% and 60% efficiency The Lead Organization can select the number of rooms defined by any level of efficiency for use in requesting the number of exam room spaces in BC_6_Space Requests

12 Business Case Step 5: Exam Room Calendar 11 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Continue to BC_5_Exam Room Calendar worksheet Complete BC_5_Exam Room Calendar worksheet in the Toolkit Workbook No actionNo Action This worksheet is relevant only to those Lead Organizations who identified examination room use on the BC_3_Service Volume worksheet This worksheet is used by the organization to efficiently plan use of examination rooms through scheduling of Care Teams This worksheet does not define the number of exam rooms that the ministry will approve. That number is defined by the Examination Room Calculator

13 Business Case Step 6: Space Requests 12 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Continue to Space Requests worksheet Complete BC_6_Space Requests worksheet in the Toolkit Workbook Checkpoint II1: Confirm Lead Organization’s ability to manage the cost any requested space (and related costs) not approved by the ministry for funding Checkpoint II1: Review and approval of space requests Review requests for amendments to Space Tables This worksheet is completed by all Lead Organizations where renovation/addition to existing, or new space development is part of project scope Checkpoint III defines the total ministry total approved space for the project and the proportion of that space that will be funded by ministry, the Lead Organization or Partner Organization(s )

14 Checkpoint III The is the second key point in the planning of the project Once the ministry completes its review of the Space Requests there will be opportunity for the Lead Organization and/or their partners to amend the BC_6_Space Requests to reduce or eliminate the Own Funds components identified Where new room types or changes to size of existing room types have been proposed, where the ministry approves these, the Space Planning Guide for Community Health Service Providers will be amended and these new standards will be available to all projects in planning 13

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