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Featuring: VEAR Pilot States Volunteer Engagement & Activation Resources Featuring: VEAR Pilot States Volunteer Engagement & Activation Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Featuring: VEAR Pilot States Volunteer Engagement & Activation Resources Featuring: VEAR Pilot States Volunteer Engagement & Activation Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Featuring: VEAR Pilot States Volunteer Engagement & Activation Resources Featuring: VEAR Pilot States Volunteer Engagement & Activation Resources


3 Chris Gleason Jane Hayes-Johnk

4 Increase capacity to work with more young people Utilize skills, expertise, and passion Share program costs and resources Provide positive impact on local communities Corporate Volunteers

5 Productive citizensOutstanding communicatorsEffective leadersSuccessful learners 4-H partnerships benefit businesses and the community by building youth who are:

6 4-H and corporate partners share interest in Healthy Living, STEM, a skilled workforce, and improving communities.

7 Assess Volunteer Delivery System Provide professional development for staff Create volunteer asset map Identify potential community partners Prepare

8 Develop a recruitment plan utilizing VEAR and Volunteerism for the Next Generation (VNG) resources Design a Plan

9 Segment profiles Data from profiles Marketing messages Marketing materials VEAR

10 Assessment Needs- Based System Volunteer Positions Volunteer Recruitment Campaign VNG

11 Iowa Sites

12 Prezi Louisa and Muscatine Counties

13 Clay County 2012 Census Population: 16,599 2011 4-H membership: 252

14 Best Practice Strategy based on public value impact statements that illustrate corporate and community benefits of 4-H partnerships.

15 “The Pitch” Customization of Service Method of Learning Mission of Education

16 Lessons Learned Assess your audience/partner and customize Build Program Momentum (build on wins) Make strong ties to workforce development

17 Resources Spell out responsibilities Division of labor Partnership Agreements Grow 4-H course Volunteerism for the Next Generation (VNG) Assessment Tools

18 Assets Developed Recognition tools (Newspaper inserts & online) Publicity & Recognition tools

19 Assets Developed Video Volunteer and Youth Impact Statements 3tpIS6ZJWU& Online SPIN Book outlining 2014 activities B7A/fdh9et7v

20 Outcomes in Clay County New partnerships will create 15 different learning experiences for up to 180 youth in 2014 and club enrollment is increasing.

21 Clay County Team Wade Weber Annisa Jepsen Bonnie Dalager Jo Engel

22 Wrap up

23 Prepare staff and create recruitment plan Utilize personal contacts/networksDevelop the “pitch” Best Practices

24 Know the corporate partner Engage new volunteers in innovative ongoing programming Provide volunteers opportunities to share what they are excited about Best Practices

25 It takes time to build relationships

26 Prepare Extension for non-traditional volunteers Match corporate partners’ interests with program needs Provide opportunities to experience a taste of 4-H Message for Staff

27 Youth and adults experience excitement about hands on learning Adults share what they are passionate about Provide positive youth development and experiential learning training Win - Wins

28 VEAR marketing materials co-brandedNew role descriptionsMarketing packetsPosters & recognition materialsVideo Assets Developed

29 Thanks!

30 4-H is the youth development program of our nation’s Cooperative Extension System.

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