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Changes to the Earth’s Surface. landform a physical feature on Earth’s surface.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes to the Earth’s Surface. landform a physical feature on Earth’s surface."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes to the Earth’s Surface

2 landform a physical feature on Earth’s surface

3 weathering the process of breaking rock into silt, sand, and other tiny pieces

4 erosion the process of moving sediment from one place to another

5 deposition the process of dropping, or depositing, sediment in a new location

6 mass movement the downhill movement of rock and soil because of gravity

7 crust the thin, outer layer of Earth

8 mantle the layer of rock beneath Earth’s crust

9 core the center of the Earth

10 plate a rigid block of crust and upper mantle rock

11 fault a break of place where pieces of Earth’s crust move

12 continental drift a theory of how Earth’s continents move over its surface

13 Pangea a supercontinent containing all of Earth’s land that existed about 225 million years ago

14 fossil the remains of traces of past like found in sedimentary rock

15  Every day, the Mississippi River deposits about 2 million metric tons of soil into the Gulf of Mexico  Where do these soil particles come from?  The fastest moving ice sheet in the world, the Quarayaq Glacier in Greenland, moves about 82 to 100.5 cm per hour.  How do you think a glacier affects land? Fast Facts

16  Weathering & Erosion Weathering & Erosion Study Jams!

17  Answer the following on index card Weathering & Erosion Exit Ticket

18  Extremely high pressure at the center of the Earth makes everything solid, even though the temperature is estimated to be 4000 degrees Celsius (about 7000 degrees Farenheit)  How can heat deep inside Earth affect Earth’s surface?  In China in 1556, the deadliest earthquake in history killed about 800,000 people.  How does an earthquake effect Earth? Fast Facts

19 Earth layers & Mountains Exit Ticket  Answer the following questions in notebook 1.How do mountains form where continental plates collide? 2.How do mountains form where continental and oceanic plates collide? 3.How do mountains form where plates full apart?

20 Volcanoes and Earthquakes

21  Create a double bubble map to show similarities and differences between volcanoes and earthquakes. Volcanoes and Earthquakes – Exit Ticket

22  The pillars in the ruins of an ancient Roman temple show evidence of the presence of sea organisms.  What does the presence of sea organisms in the pillars tell use about Earth’s movement?  In 1991 the body of a 5000 year old man, perfectly preserved in a glacier, was discovered in the Alps.  What information might this body give to scientists? Fast Facts

23  Describe Pangea on index card. Continental Drift

24  Describe Pangea on index card. Continental Drift – Exit Ticket

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