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Science Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Types of FossilsVocabulary 1Vocabulary.

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2 Science Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Types of FossilsVocabulary 1Vocabulary 2Potpourri 1Potpourri 2 Final Jeopardy

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4 Question Answer A-100 QUESTION: What type of fossil gave archaeologists evidence that prehistoric birds existed? ANSWER: Imprints ( of feathers)

5 Question Answer A-200 QUESTION: What type of fossil keeps the original organism in tact? ANSWER: Preserved Fossils

6 Question Answer A-300 QUESTION: This type of fossil leaves an empty space in the shape of the creature that was there. ANSWER: Molds

7 Question Answer A-400 QUESTION: This type of fossil turns the original object to stone by minerals entering the organic matter. ANSWER: Petrification

8 Question Answer A-500 QUESTION: This type of fossil contains no actual parts of the creature. ANSWER: Trace Fossil

9 Question Answer QUESTION: This is a term that means “to change over time”. ANSWER: Evolve B-100

10 Question Answer B-200 QUESTION: This is rocks or organic material that has been carried and deposited by wind, water, or even glaciers. ANSWER: Sediment

11 Question Answer B-300 QUESTION: This is the remains, or evidence, of a living thing. ANSWER: a fossil

12 Question Answer B-400 QUESTION: This is the fossil of a creature that lived only during one period in time. ANSWER: Index Fossil

13 Question Answer B-500 QUESTION: This is what you get when minerals fill in the space where organic material ONCE WAS inside of sedimentary rock. ANSWER: Cast

14 Question Answer C-100 QUESTION: This determines whether a fossil or layer of rock is older or younger than another fossil or layer. ANSWER: Law of Superposition

15 Question Answer C-200 QUESTION: These are igneous rocks that form within the Earths surface. ANSWER: Intrusion

16 Question Answer C-300 QUESTION: This is a crack or break along which rocks and layers move. ANSWER: a fault

17 Question Answer C-400 QUESTION: These occur when igneous rocks form ON Earths surface. ANSWER: extrusion

18 Question Answer C-500 QUESTION: These are layers of sediment that show a yearly cycle. ANSWER: a varve

19 Question Answer D-100 QUESTION: What is the process called that bends and distorts the rock layers on the Earth? ANSWER: folding

20 Question Answer D-200 QUESTION: A footprint is this type of fossil. ANSWER: a Trace Fossil

21 Question Answer D-300 QUESTION: Do molds and casts represent the remains OR evidence of past organisms? ANSWER: Evidence (they are not actual organic material)

22 Question Answer D-400 QUESTION: What is Amber? ANSWER: Hardened Evergreen Sap

23 Question Answer D-500 QUESTION: This is the old eroded surface beneath NEW rock layers. ANSWER: Unconformity

24 Question Answer E-100 QUESTION: What can we assume about a creature if we unearth a LONG, SHARP, POINTED tooth? ANSWER: it was a carnivore (meat eater)

25 Question Answer E-200 QUESTION: What of the three types of rock are fossils mostly found in? ANSWER: Sedimentary

26 Question Answer E-300 QUESTION: In interpreting the Earth’s layers, which layers tend to be the oldest? ANSWER: the lower layers

27 Question Answer E-400 QUESTION: After studying fossils and rock layers, how old do scientists believe the Earth to be? ANSWER: 4.6 billion years old

28 Question Answer E-500 QUESTION: What are the three ways that a fossil can be preserved? ANSWER: Ice, Amber, and Tar

29 Question Answer FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION: Think back to the Bill Nye film. What percentage of all creatures that have lived on Earth are now extinct? ANSWER: 90%

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