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Published byFranklin Stewart Modified over 8 years ago
Understanding WHO YOU ARE and HOW YOU LEARN!
LOOK, Learn, and Label !
Look, Learn and Label: 1. 1. Black Swingline stapler 2. 2. Pink piece of paper (8 ½ X 11 - blank) 3. 3. Empty 16.9 fl oz plastic bottle of Aquafina water 4. 4. Crayola Classic color – Wide-lined markers (box of 8) 5. 5. Red/White/Blue American History Book “America: The People and the Dream”
Understanding who you are will help you understand how you learn.
It is important to understand and accept others – who they are and how they learn!
It is only in this understanding and acceptance that growth and knowledge will occur.
“Be Who You Are and Be That Well” - St Francis de Sales
What is YOUR BEST Learning Style?
How do you best learn information? How Do You Study?
HOW TO STUDY depends on knowing and understanding HOW YOU LEARN!
1. When you study for a test, would you rather… 1. When you study for a test, would you rather… a. read notes, read headings in a book, and look at diagrams and illustrations? b. have someone ask you questions, or repeat facts silently to yourself? c. write things out on index cards, make your own diagrams or outlines?
2. Which one of these do you do when you listen to music? 2. Which one of these do you do when you listen to music? a. daydream or look at things around you b. hum or sing along c. dance or move with the music, tap your foot, etc..
3. When you work at solving a problem, you 3. When you work at solving a problem, you a. make a list, organize the steps, and check them off as they are done b. talk it through with friends or an expert on the situation c. make a model of the problem or walk through all the steps in your mind
4. To learn how a computer works, would you rather… 4. To learn how a computer works, would you rather… a. watch a movie or read instructions about it? b. listen to someone explain how it works step-by-step? c. try to experiment, take it apart and figure it out by yourself?
5. You have just entered a science museum, what will you do 5. You have just entered a science museum, what will you do first? a. look around and find a map showing the locations of the various exhibits b. talk to a museum guide and ask about the exhibits c. go into the first exhibit that looks interesting, and read directions later
6. When going somewhere just for fun, would you rather go to 6. When going somewhere just for fun, would you rather go to a. an art class? b. a music class? c. an exercise class?
7. If you were at a party, what you most likely remember the next day? 7. If you were at a party, what you most likely remember the next day? a. the faces of the people there (probably forget their names) b. the names of people you met (probably forget their faces) c. the things you said and did while you were there
8. When you tell a story, would you rather… 8. When you tell a story, would you rather… a. write it b. tell it out loud c. act it out c. act it out
9. What seems to be most distracting for you when you are trying to concentrate? 9. What seems to be most distracting for you when you are trying to concentrate? a. visual distractions b. noises c. other sensations like hunger, tight shoes, worries c. other sensations like hunger, tight shoes, worries
10. When you aren’t sure how to spell a word, which one of these are you most likely to do? 10. When you aren’t sure how to spell a word, which one of these are you most likely to do? a. write it out to see if it looks right b. sound it out c. write it out or trace it to see if it feels right
11. Which are you most likely to do when you are waiting in line 11. Which are you most likely to do when you are waiting in linesomewhere? a. look at people or watch the things that are going on around you b. talk to the people next to you or talk on the phone c. fidget, look around, play with your cell phone or some other type of gadget
12. You can learn a foreign language best by 12. You can learn a foreign language best by a. writing and using workbooks b. listening to CD’s or tapes c. attending a class in which you read, write, create and give presentations
13. You usually remember more from a class lecture when 13. You usually remember more from a class lecture when a. you sit near the front of the room, watch the speaker, read the board, and obtain teacher notes or outlines b. you do not focus on note-taking, but listen very closely and participate in class discussion c. you focus on note-taking and hope for hands- on experiences
14. You find it easiest to learn something new by… 14. You find it easiest to learn something new by… a. watching a demonstration on how to do it or reading about it b. listening to someone explain how to do it c. trying it yourself c. trying it yourself
15. You remember most clearly from a movie or a play… 15. You remember most clearly from a movie or a play… a. the setting, scenery and costumes b. what the characters said, background noises and music c. the feelings you experienced during the movie
16. When you go to the grocery store, you 16. When you go to the grocery store, you a. make a list of the items you need, bring it with you and check it off b. silently think about the items you need, and repeat the list orally as you shop c. walk up and down the aisles to see what you need or buy what you feel hungry for at that moment
17. You usually dress… 17. You usually dress… a. neatly and in a particular style b. fairly well, but clothes are not very important to you c. comfortably, so you can move easily
18. If you needed to pass some time, you would most likely 18. If you needed to pass some time, you would most likely a. watch T.V., read a book or people watch b. talk with a friend, or listen to music c. exercise or do something that involved movement
What is Your Learning Style? Visual learner – learns from seeing and Visual learner – learns from seeing andvisualizing Auditory learner – learns from hearing Auditory learner – learns from hearing Kinesthetic learner – learns from doing, touching, moving Kinesthetic learner – learns from doing, touching, moving
Visual Learners: Observes rather than talks or acts Likes to read, good speller, organized Memorizes with pictures, remembers faces Likes detailed written instructions and lists More quiet by nature, a strong planner Neat, fashionable in appearance Finds verbal instructions difficult Likes to doodle and write
Auditory Learners: Enjoys talking and music Likes to be read to, reads aloud Memorizes by steps, remembers names Likes verbal directions and discussion More outgoing by nature Easily distracted by noises Has more difficulty with written information
Kinesthetic Learners: Physically expressive, in motion Likes to touch people when interacting Enjoys activities more than reading Memorizes with action, works through problems Likes interactive learning Likes to try new things, adventurous Dresses for comfort
To remember BEST it is important to study using your strongest sense first !
Visual Learners: Highlight, underline, circle key information Use flash cards, maps, outlines, charts, graphs (color code, sort, use repetition) Take notes, get supplemental notes Sit close to the presenter, study without visual distractions (T.V., computer, …) Read and reread directions, mark clues Use your planner!!
Auditory Learners: Listen to lecture, discuss the info learned Reread text after you have heard the info READ ALOUD!! Talk aloud when studying Use “books on tape”, music, mnemonics Ask for verbal clarification Have someone quiz you Sit and study away from sound distraction Use your planner!!
Kinesthetic Learners: Use hands-on experiences to learn Exercise! Move! Use physical repetition Rewrite notes, flash cards, lists repeatedly Use concrete objects, construction of maps, charts, puzzles, globes Have someone talk through information while you move; shoot baskets, jump rope Take frequent study breaks Use your planner!!
EXERCISE 1 You have a geography test tomorrow where you must know the locations and names of all the countries in South America. Spelling counts!
Visual Learners: Study a map of South America, fill in a blank map (repeat) Put the names of the countries on flashcards to focus on spelling Study a globe, visualize Break the map into four sections (north, east, west, and south) Categorize all A countries, all B, all C, etc.
Auditory Learners: Look at a map and read the countries aloud as you study their locations. Have someone quiz you aloud…what country is next to? Above? Below? Spell each country aloud to yourself or to someone else (repeat, use rhythm) Say the names aloud as you study and then fill in a blank map Recite—A is for Argentina, B is for Brazil…
Kinesthetic Learners: Fill in a blank map (repeat) Use movement when studying and visualizing (point in air—Argentina is next to Chile…) Use mnemonics (use rhythm and rhyme) Study for 10 min intervals—take breaks! Study various maps, globes—go online! Use or create a puzzle of South America
EXERCISE 2 Your English teacher has assigned you to read a chapter from the novel your class is reading. You also need to answer a list of four questions about the chapter in your notebook. Audios of the chapter are available.
Visual Learners: Read the list of questions FIRST! Read the chapter and mark any key words related to the questions Highlight, circle, flag main ideas, key words, etc.. Read the questions again, refer to the text and write answers in notebook Reread the questions and answers again
Auditory Learners: First read the questions ALOUD! Read the chapter aloud – mark and repeat any key words related to the questions Listen to the chapter in audio while reading Have someone read the questions to you and answer them aloud before writing them in your notebook
Kinesthetic Learners: Read and WRITE the questions first! Read the chapter and mark, then write down any key words or short answers to the questions Discuss the questions and answers with a friend DO the assignment in steps - with breaks Write the answers on a white board or other sheet before writing final answer
What tool do all of the learning styles have in common? Using a planner!!
USING YOUR PLANNER! Set it up – days, periods, extra events Pre-write info for the semester Write in it EVERY DAY for EVERY CLASS Write in study nights for quizzes/tests BE SPECIFIC – use color-coding, symbols Check it over EVERY DAY!! CROSS OUT when items are completed
In understanding HOW YOU LEARN best, do you know the BEST ENVIRONMENT in which to study?
In the quiet, we may find stillness, awareness, and understanding
Visual Learners: Pick a QUIET study space with NO visual distractions – no movement, no computers, no phones, no T.V.! Have all necessary tools in front of you Stay neat and organized Pick a consistent study time that works for you Need low, medium, or bright light? Check your planner – prioritize!
Auditory Learners: Pick a quiet study space, No sound distractions—no music, no phones, no T.V., no people talking Pick a space where you can talk aloud or clearly hear audio support Pick a consistent study time Low, medium or bright light? Need a desk? Bed? Floor? Have all tools in front of you Check your planner—prioritize!
Kinesthetic Learners: Pick a QUIET study space where you can focus – no visual or sound distraction Allow yourself space and breaks to move around What type of lighting is best? Do you have all your study tools? Pick a consistent study time Work space is the same – desk, bed Check your planner – prioritize!
HOW HOW can we can we ORGANIZE ORGANIZE the information that the information that we need to learn? we need to learn?
NOTE-TAKING METHODS: Cornel Method Outline Method Mapping Method *see handout Charting Method Sentence Method
How do we How do weprepare to share our knowledge?
TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES: Before the test: Get a good night’s sleep! Eat a healthy breakfast – protein! Do you have everything you need? Get to class on time and get settled! When you get the test: Quickly write down key ideas, dates, names, words, outlines During the test: Use the STAR strategy Dealing with Test Anxiety
S.T.A.R. Strategy S – Survey the test to get an idea how much time you may spend on the ?’s T – Take time to read the questions A – Answer the questions – easy and skip R – REREAD the ?’s, make changes (see handout on test anxiety)
Essay Tests: Make an outline before answering Make an outline before answering Check if spelling and grammar is graded Check if spelling and grammar is graded Write neatly and CONCISELY!! Write neatly and CONCISELY!! If you are running out of time – give an outline or brief answer If you are running out of time – give an outline or brief answer Take time to read what you wrote and add any important information you forgot Take time to read what you wrote and add any important information you forgot
Matching: Read the questions CAREFULLY Do some words get used twice? Can you use the process of elimination? Match the easiest items first!
Multiple Choice: Read the question and think of your own answer – look for YOUR answer Read ALL the answers before choosing one Cross out wrong answers Review the test and make sure answers are properly marked and filled in
True/False: For the statement to be true – ALL of the statement must be true Look for clue words such as always or never – these words are more likely to be in false statements It’s more likely better to guess than to leave a question blank – 50% chance of being right!
Always remember, no matter what you are doing; studying, using your planner, doing homework or taking a test…. You just need to pick a plan and do your best!
Whether we are connecting with information or in our relationships with others, we need to feel confident in who we are and how we learn !
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