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Presentation on theme: "HUNTING TOURISM STATE ENERPRISE „SRBIJAŠUME“ Salzburg, 2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 SE „Srbijašume“ manages 44 hunting grounds on an area of around 500,000 ha; 10 hunting grounds, or 4,200 ha, are fenced; Mostly mountainous landscapes, on a height between 70 and 1,500 m amsl.


4 Main game species are: Reed deer Wild boar Roe buck Fallow deer Mouflon Chamois Wolf Pheasant

5 Reed deer (Cervus Elaphus) Hunting season 01 Aug – 15 Feb deer, doe, calf Hunting grounds: NameFencedOpen Crni lug Zlotske šume-Crni vrh Deli Jovan Južni Kučaj - Brezovica Stara planina II Južni Kučaj IV Veliki Jastrebac Bukovik

6 Wild boar (Sus scrofa) Hunting season 15 Apr – 28 Feb boar and piglets 01 July – 31 Dec sow Hunting grounds: NameFencedOpenDrive huntIndividual hunt Crni lug Rit Zlotske šume-Crni vrh Miroč-Štrbac Južni Kučaj - Brezovica Alija Južni Kučaj IV Veliki Jastrebac Bukovik

7 Roe buck (Capreolus capreolus) Hunting season 15 Apr – 30 Sept roe buck 01 Sept – 31 Jan roe and fawn Hunting grounds: NameOpen Lipovačka šuma Rit Šargan Miroč-Štrbac Južni Kučaj - Brezovica Alija Rudnik Južni Kučaj IV Veliki Jastrebac Bukovik

8 Fallow deer (Dama dama) Hunting season 01 Sept – 15 Feb deer, doe, calf Hunting grounds: NameFenced Trešnja Alija Vratna

9 Mouflon (Ovis musimon) Hunting season 01 Jan – 31 Dec mouflon 01 Oct – 31 Jan mouflon ewe, lamb Hunting grounds: NameFenced Trešnja Alija Vratna Zlotske šume-Crni vrh

10 Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) Hunting season 01 July – 31 Mar male 01 Sept – 31 Jan female Hunting ground: NameOpen Zlotske šume-Crni vrh

11 Wolf (Canis lupus) Hunting season 01 Jan – 31 Dec Hunting grounds: NameOpen Šargan Južni Kučaj - Brezovica Južni Kučaj IV Severni Kučaj

12 Small game Hunting grounds: Name Pheasant nature Pheasant specially regulated area RabbitWild duckGooseQuail Rit Zapadno moravsko Hrastovača

13 The Hunting Ground “Rit” is located 15 km north of Belgrade, next to the road to Zrenjanin, near Padinska Skela suburb. It is 80 km far away from Novi Sad and 60 km from Zrenjanin. This is an open hunting ground, spreading on the area of 8,263 ha, out of which the pheasantry takes the area of 50 ha. This is the plain type of hunting ground. Roe deer, wild boar, rabbit, pheasant, quail and wild duck are continuously raised game species. Hunt for pheasants from the artificial production is done on the polygon.

14 The Hunting Ground “Crni lug” is situated on the left bank of the River Sava, 30 km west of Belgrade and it is only 20 km far away from the “Nikola Tesla” Airport. The total area of the hunting ground is 973 ha, out of which 720 ha is a fenced part. It is of the plain hunting grounds type. European Deer, wild boar and roe deer are raised in a beautiful oak trees forest. In its hunt history, the hunting ground has made excellent results in raising trophy European Deer over 237 CIC points, wild boar with 130 CIC points but it is also famous for top organized group hunting for wild boar drive

15 The Hunting Ground “Lipovačka šuma” is located on the main road Belgrade - Cacak. It is 25 km far away from Belgrade, on the altitude from 160 to 290 m and belongs to the plain hunting grounds type. The hunting ground is open, with the area of 1,253 ha. Roe deer is continuously raised wild species.

16 The Hunting Ground “Trešnja” is on Avala, next to the old road to Kragujevac, 35 km far away from Belgrade. The hunting ground is fenced, on the altitude from 200 to 300 m, spreading on the area of 117 ha. Fallow Deer and mouflon are continuously raised wild species. Trophies of the Fallow Deer, evaluated with 196,21 CIC points and mouflon with 220,45 CIC points, testify the wealth of the hunting ground.

17 The Hunting Ground “Hrastovača” is situated north-east from Požarevac. It is a plain hunting grounds type, with total area of 3,114 ha and 28 km far away from Požarevac, 100 km from Belgrade. Wild boar, roe deer, rabbit, pheasant, wild goose, wild duck and quail are raised here.

18 The Hunting Ground “Severni Kučaj” includes a part of the mountain range of North Kučaj, spreading on the area of 21,507 ha. It is 70 km far away from Požarevac, 154 km from Belgrade and belongs to hilly- mountainous hunting grounds type. European Deer, roe deer and wild boar are raised here. It is famous for wolf hunting.

19 The Hunting Ground “Miroč-Štrbac” with the area of 16,135 ha, spreads on the Miroč range, the territory of Kladovo and Donji Milanovac Municipalities. It is 200 km far away from Belgrade and 12 km from the main road Kladovo-Donji Milanovac. As a hilly hunting grounds type, it is situated on the altitude from 240 to 557 m. Wild boar and roe deer game are continuously raised wild species.

20 The Hunting Ground “Deli Jovan” is situated 260 km south-eastern from Belgrade, near the River Danube, between Donji Milanovac and Negotin. It is 70 km far away from Donji Milanovac. This typically mountainous hunting ground, with the area of 13,152 ha, spreads on the altitude from 700 to 1,150 m. European Deer, roe deer and wild boar are continuously raised species.

21 The Hunting Ground “Alija” is located 260 km southeast from Belgrade, near town Negotin. It is 185km far away from Paraćin and 70 km from Zaječar. It spreads on the altitude from 118 to 296 m, with the area of 2,000 ha. Within the hunting ground there is a fenced part, with the area of 300 ha, where Fallow Deer and mouflon can be hunted. Roe deer game and wild boar are to hunt for in another part of the hunting ground. Trophy Fallow Deer with over 190 CIC points, as well as trophy mouflons with over 208 CIC points are raised in this hunting ground.

22 The Hunting Ground “Zlotske Šume-Crni Vrh” is on the eastern part of Southern Kucaj Mountain. It is 290 km far away from Belgrade and 40 km from Bor. It is on the altitude from 400 to 1.175 m and belongs to the mountainous hunting ground type. It spreads on the area of 15.447 ha, out of which 800 ha is a fenced part. European Deer, roe deer, wild boar and chamois are to hunt for in the open part of the hunting ground, whereas hunt for European Deer, wild boar and mouflon is in the fenced part. A numerous high trophy value heads have been shot in this hunting ground. Lazar gorge is located in the very hunting ground

23 The hunting Ground “Južni Kučaj-Brezovica” spreads on the eastern and south-eastern part of Southern Kučaj, on the area of 25,314 ha as a mountainous type of hunting grounds. It is 220 km south-east away from Belgrade, on the regional road Paraćin-Zaječar, 80 km far away from Zaječar and 60 km from Paraćin. European Deer, roe deer, wild boar and wolf are to hunt for.

24 The Hunting Ground “Južni Kučaj IV” spreads on Kučaj Mountain range, in the east part of Serbia, 180 km far away from Belgrade. The hunting ground is on the altitude from 317 to 1,339 m and belongs to hilly-mountainous hunting grounds type. The total area of the hunting ground is 26,360 ha. European Deer, roe deer and wild boar are continuously raised wild species. Hunt for wolf is particularly interesting.

25 The Hunting ground “Bukovik” is situated in south-eastern Serbia, on the left side of the highway Belgrade-Niš, 240 km far away from Belgrade, 50 km from Niš and 30 km from Kruševac. It is a hilly- mountainous type of hunting grounds, with the area of 13,788 ha, out of which 600 ha is a fenced part. European Deer, wild boar and roe deer game are raised there. Hunt for wolves is particularly interesting.

26 The Hunting Ground “Stara planina II” is on the south-eastern slopes of Stara planina Mountain, on the altitude from 700 to 2,170 m. It is 100 km far away from Niš and 350 km from Belgrade. The hunting ground spreads on the area of 28,054 ha. European Deer, wild boar, roe deer, wolf and fox are to hunt for.

27 The Hunting Ground “Veliki Jastrebac” is situated in the central part of Veliki Jastrebac Mountain, in the valley of the Lomnička River. It is 20 km far away from Kruševac, 30 km from Niš and 210 km from Belgrade. It belongs to the mountainous hunting grounds type, with the altitude from 200 to 1,510 m and on the area of 29,731ha. European Deer, wild boar and roe deer are raised. In the hunting ground, in the Lomnička River valley, the same name nursery of European Deer and wild boar has been formed.

28 The Hunting Ground “Šargan” on the altitude from 610 to 1.200 m, is a mountainous hunting grounds type. It is situated on the main road Belgrade-Užice-Višegrad, nearby the tourist attractive destination “Šarganska osmica”. The hunting ground is 40 km far away from Užice, 35 km from Bajina Bašta and 240 km from Belgrade. Roe deer, wild boar and wolf are to hunt for on the area of 13.784 ha.

29 The Hunting ground “Zapadno moravsko” spreads along Western Morava River valley, among mountain ranges Jelica, Vujna, Bukovika and Ostrica. It is 150 km far away from Belgrade, with the area of 9,101 ha. Pheasant, rabbit, partridge and quail have found their habitat here. Beside the mentioned species, wild duck, wild goose, turtle dove, wood cook are also hunted.

30 General Tourism Office Blvd. Mihajla Pupina 113 11070 New Belgrade Info line: +381116128304 Fax: +381117115026 email: SE „Srbijašume“ Blvd. Mihajla Pupina 113 11070 New Belgrade Info line: +381117115037 Fax: +381117112533 email:


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