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What's Waste A mini Web Quest. What’s the Situation Four reality starts started arguing one day about what happens to all the waste in the human body.

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Presentation on theme: "What's Waste A mini Web Quest. What’s the Situation Four reality starts started arguing one day about what happens to all the waste in the human body."— Presentation transcript:

1 What's Waste A mini Web Quest

2 What’s the Situation Four reality starts started arguing one day about what happens to all the waste in the human body

3 “Wastes are expelled from the body through faeces and also urine, they are both different” “Urine is clearly just water you drink and faeces are the food once the useful stuff has been taken out” “The colour of urine is to do with the type of food you eat, If your urine is yellow your clearly eating to much bad food” “Sometimes waste builds up so you need to cleans your system, once you do this everything can start working properly again” Who do you agree with?

4 The arguing got so bad that the four refused to film until the others apologised and said they were right All the other cast members of their reality shows are very upset because their not making money if they don’t make the episodes

5 What's it to do with you? As a novice science newspaper columnist and an avid watcher of Jersey shore and Keeping up with the Kardashians, you decided to take one for the team and get the facts to the stars so they can get back filming, making money and keeping your favourite show on the air.

6 Your Task Working in groups of 3 or 4 you need to investigate each stars claim and find out if they are right or not. You will present your findings to your peers and you have a choice as to what medium you wish to present your information on: -Poster -Pamphlet -Video -Power Point -Prezi presentation -Xtranormal presentation -News Paper article presentation should address each stars claim and this needs to be backed up by information found from the internet. Time is not on your side so an assistant has listed a few good website for you to get the information from.

7 “Wastes are expelled from the body through faeces and also urine, they are both different” “Urine is clearly just water you drink and faeces are the food once the useful stuff has been taken out” “The colour of urine is to do with the type of food you eat, If your urine is yellow your clearly eating to much bad food” “Sometimes waste builds up so you need to cleans your system, once you do this everything can start working properly again” Who do you agree with?

8 PRESENTATION You have this entire lesson to gather your information and homework to make the presentation Your team will present in 2 lessons time and the presentations will be assessed using a marking schedule.

9 First step! You should probably understand what happens to wastes in your body. – We know that faeces are a type of waste produced from digestion but what is Urine?

10 EXCRETION Using the following YouTube clip answer the questions below: 1.What is excretion 2.What organs are involved in humans and what are there functions? 3.What is the function of a NEPHRON? 4.What are the products of excretion? 5. What would happen if our kidneys failed? ** Make sure you include this in your final presentation

11 Information gathering Use the following information to address each claim: EXCREATION KIDNEYS URINE

12 FEED BACK FORMS Each member is to complete the following feedback form individually after the presentation. Name: Group: AgreeNeither agree nor disagree Disagree The task was easy to understand I was given enough time to complete the task Our group worked well together My input was valued by other members of the group The teacher assisted my when we needed them I enjoyed this task Use this space to elaborate on any of the above or make any comments regarding the task:

13 CriteriaINTERNASSISTANTSUB EDITOREDITOR Organisation Cluttered. Not definite sections. Stuff all over the place. Most information present Missing parts. Hard to follow. All present but unclear. Must reread for clarity. Some evidence of refinement. Defined sections. Clear headings. Flows nicely to assist the reader without help. Finished product. Creativity Bland, no variability No use of colour or diagrams Boring to look at, does not catch your attention Interest, motivation, effort and Very little use of colour or pictures but enough to engage and hold attention Some use of colour, diagrams, etc. Will engage but will not stimulate Interesting, engaging, visually stimulating Aesthetically appealing use of colour, diagrams and text Interest, motivation, effort and time obviously present Science Content and Literacy No analysis of science topic. No explanation. No science specific connection. No use of resources. Poor explanation Inaccurate science connection Misinterprets the science Some use of resources Some scientific explanations made Correct science connection Good use of resources Concept fully and properly explained Insight present Science specific connection made Content is accurate, comprehensive and well supported Excellent use of resources Works with partners/small groups during assigned tasks ignores or is unkind to group members rarely listens to others’ ideas does not contribute to group work does not fulfil role expectations Perhaps leading to group breakdown interacts with group members with encouragement, may occasionally be negative sometimes listens to others’ idea contributes sporadically to group work fulfils role expectations and shares in work with assistance interacts positively with group members usually listens to others’ ideas willingly performs own tasks to meet group goals fulfils role expectations, helping group accomplish tasks interacts positively with group members, assisting others to contribute to group work listens actively to others’ ideas and gives feedback enhances group product through sharing and helpfulness to others exceeds role expectations, assisting others to fulfil their roles in accomplishing tasks ASSESMENT SCHEDULE

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