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THINK! 1.Do you think this set of pictures is from WW1 or WW2? 2.How can you tell? 3.What can you learn from this?

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Presentation on theme: "THINK! 1.Do you think this set of pictures is from WW1 or WW2? 2.How can you tell? 3.What can you learn from this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 THINK! 1.Do you think this set of pictures is from WW1 or WW2? 2.How can you tell? 3.What can you learn from this?

2 Stalingrad as a turning-point: 1. Hitler had to change his tactics as the German army could not move across Russia as planned and meet up with the Axis powers in Egypt 2. Hitler was unable to capture the natural oil reserves in Russia 3. German forces suffered massive casualties (roughly 850,000) and lost ¼ of their strength on the Eastern Front, as well as a huge amount of supplies and equipment. The Axis forces were never able to fully recover from this loss 4. This began the eventual retreat of the German army from Russia

3 Expectations: You will work in groups of 3-4 You will work in groups of 3-4 Your presentation will … Your presentation will … Be 5 minutes long Be 5 minutes long Be imaginative, interesting and informative Be imaginative, interesting and informative Include a slide or poster which lists the 4-5 main reasons why you think your event was an important turning-point in the Second World War Include a slide or poster which lists the 4-5 main reasons why you think your event was an important turning-point in the Second World War

4 Choose a preference and a reserve: 1. Dunkirk (May, 1940) 2. Fall of France (Jun, 1940) 3. Battle of Britain (Aug, 1940) 4. Invasion of Russia (Jun, 1941) 5. Pearl Harbour (Dec, 1941) 6. El Alamein (Oct, 1942) 7. D-Day (Jun, 1944)

5 Choose a preference and a reserve: 1. As a news broadcast 2. Interviewing eye-witnesses / hot seat 3. Re-enactment / role play 4. Create a game (interactive or using cards) 5. Visual slides only 6. Auditory presentation (e.g. speeches, personal accounts) 7. Visual & auditory presentation 8. DVD (fictional or documentary) 9. Video of own

6 Remember It must demonstrate how your event was a turning point! It must demonstrate how your event was a turning point!

7 Visual, auditory and interactive resources and information… and_war/world_war_ii/default.stm and_war/world_war_ii/default.stm

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