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The Crisis Deepens: World War II Chapter 25. I. Retreat from Democracy: Dictatorial Regimes  A. Stepping Back from Democracy  B. The Birth of Fascism.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crisis Deepens: World War II Chapter 25. I. Retreat from Democracy: Dictatorial Regimes  A. Stepping Back from Democracy  B. The Birth of Fascism."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crisis Deepens: World War II Chapter 25

2 I. Retreat from Democracy: Dictatorial Regimes  A. Stepping Back from Democracy  B. The Birth of Fascism  C. Hitler and Nazi Germany  1. Hitler and the Early Nazi Party  2. The Rise to Power  3. The Nazi State, 1933-1939  D. The Stalinist Era in the Soviet Union  E. The Rise of Militarism in Japan

3 II. The Path to War  A. The Path to War in Europe  1. A Diplomatic Revolution: Scrapping the Treaty of Versailles  2. The Takeover of Czechoslovakia  3. Poland  B. The Path to War in Asia  1. Japanese Aggression in China  2. Advance to the South

4 III. World War II  A. Europe at War  1. The Problem of Britain  2. Invasion of the Soviet Union  B. Japan at War

5 III. World War II  C. The Turning Point of the War, 1942– 1943  1. North Africa and the Eastern Front  2. Asia  D. The Last Years of the War  1. Allied Advances in Europe  2. Defeat of Japan

6 IV. The New Order  A. The New Order in Europe  1. The Nazi Empire  2. Plans for an Aryan Racial Empire  3. Use of Foreign Workers

7 IV. The New Order  B. The Holocaust  1. The SS and the Einsatzgruppen  2. The Death Camps  3. The Other Holocaust  C. The New Order in Asia  1. Japanese Policies  2. Resentment and Resistance

8 V. The Home Front  A. Mobilizing the People  1. The Soviet Union  2. The United States  3. Germany  4. Japan  B. The Bombing of Cities  1. Luftwaffe Attacks  2. The Bombing of Germany  3. The Bombing of Japan: The Atomic Bomb

9 VI. Aftermath of the War  A. The Costs of World War II  B. World War II and the European Colonies: Decolonization  C. The Allied War Conferences  1. The Conference at Tehran  2. The Yalta Conference  3. The Potsdam Conference  4. Emergence of the Cold War

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