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DCFU Wednesday: What was the battle of Midway? Why was it seen as a turning point of the war in the Pacific?

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Presentation on theme: "DCFU Wednesday: What was the battle of Midway? Why was it seen as a turning point of the war in the Pacific?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DCFU Wednesday: What was the battle of Midway? Why was it seen as a turning point of the war in the Pacific?

2 The Atomic Bomb Manhattan Project: top secret project to create atomic bomb – Los Alamos New Mexico Two bombs were made – “Little Boy” – “Fat Man.”

3 “Trinity” July 16, 1945

4 “Fat Man” “Little Boy”

5 Truman Decides Truman makes decision to drop atomic bomb Hiroshima- August 6,1945 Nagasaki- August 9, 1945 The atom bomb was no great decision. It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness. ~ Harry S. Truman The atom bomb was no great decision. It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness. ~ Harry S. Truman

6 Warning to Japanese August 1, 1945-U.S. Army Air Force dropped five million leaflets over Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and 33 other Japanese cities – warned that cities were going to be destroyed – advised residents to leave

7 Sample Leaflet

8 The Enola Gay

9 Hiroshima Population: 255,000 “Little Boy” dropped at 8:15 am from Enola Gay plane on August 6, 1945 – 66,000 killed in 1 minute – Estimated 130,000 fatalities – 86,000 injuries.


11 The Atomic Bomb at Hiroshima Mushroom cloud





16 The Mushroom Cloud

17 Hiroshima Before The Atomic Bomb

18 Hiroshima After The Atomic Bomb

19 Nagasaki Population: 240,000 “Fat Man” dropped at on August 9, 1945 (3 days after Hiroshima) – 39,000 killed instantly – Estimated 70,000 fatalities – 75,000 injuries

20 The Bombing: Nagasaki BeforeAfter

21 Before and After

22 Effects of the Bombs

23 Keloids


25 Rare photo taken at ground level of Nagasaki bombing Hiroshima was burnt to ashes

26 Reasons for Using Bomb Japan showing no sign of surrender – Bomb could end World War II. Invasion of Japan = large # of U.S. deaths $2 billion used to build the bomb. – Not using it would be a waste. Revenge for Pearl Harbor & POWs Could help control/intimidate Soviet Union

27 Reasons for Not Using Bomb Too destructive Immoral without sending warning Possible threat to future

28 Effects of Bomb Positives –U.S. doesn’t invade Japan Saves lives –Japanese surrender unconditionally V-J Day (Victory over Japan Day) Negatives –Radiation still affects Japanese –Soviets taken by surprise- starts arms race

29 DCFU Thursday: Where did the U.S. drop the atomic bomb? How did they justify using this weapon?

30 Debate Guidelines Decide the section you will sit in based on your beliefs. Listen carefully when others speak. You must first summarize briefly the previous speaker’s argument before you make your response. Wait for Miss Curran to recognize you before you speak; only one person speaks at a time. If you have spoken for your side, you must wait until three other people on your side speak before you speak again. Be sure that when you speak, you address the ideas, not the person stating them. Keep an open mind. You may move to the other side or the undecided section if you feel that someone made a good argument or your opinion is swayed.

31 The Japanese Surrender August 14, 1945- V-J Day September 2, 1945 - formal surrender Japan agreed to a ceasefire and release of POW’s. Emperor allowed to remain in power but had to support a constitution

32 “Let there be no mistake about it. I regarded the bomb as a military weapon and never had any doubt that it should be used.” - President Harry S. Truman

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