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I. Who We Are II. Revenues III. Priorities and Expenditures IV. Responsible Management V. Focus on the mission VI. Q & A.

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2 I. Who We Are II. Revenues III. Priorities and Expenditures IV. Responsible Management V. Focus on the mission VI. Q & A

3 800,000 residents 23 cities and towns Unincorporated areas and communities like Graham, Midland, Summit, South Hill, Longbranch, etc. 1,700 square miles, from Key Peninsula to Mount Rainier Urban, suburban and rural areas

4 Approx. 3,000 employees serving you: Law enforcement, courts, jail Roads and sewers, airports and ferry, stormwater, solid waste Planning, permits, economic development, parks and recreation Social services Elections, licensing, document recording And more…

5 Based on a 9.3% sales tax rate Does not include voter approved.1% sales tax for South Sound 911 Emergency Communications beginning 4/1/12.

6 Property Tax: Using the 2010 average value of $241,763 for the South Hill area as an example, that calculates an average 2011 property tax of $3,065 for that area. Here is where those tax dollars went:

7 Other sources of revenue Fees for building permits, document filing and other services Fees for licenses (marriage, business, etc) City contracts for county services Penalties and interest Federal and state grants

8 2012 Total Budget: $802 million Examples of different funds: General Fund Human Services Fund Public Works Construction Surface Water Management County Roads Fund Sewer Utility Fund Solid Waste Fund Conservation Futures Airport Fund Etc. Aside from the General Fund, the nature of these revenues mandates that funds be used for specific activities.

9 Data from 2012 budget.

10 Public safety/judicial (2012 budget) Sheriff $61.4 million Corrections Bureau$51.5 million Prosecuting Attorney$27.1 million Juvenile Court$19.3 million Assigned Counsel$16.1 million Superior Court$14.1 million District Court$12.3 million Emerg. Mgmt/other misc.$3.4 million Clerk of the Court$5.1 million Medical Examiner$2.4 million Other$2.6 million Approx Total$215.3 million Total General Fund: $274 million

11 Just like families and businesses, we’ve been trimming expenses to stay in line with revenues Total County Budget 2008:$881 million 2012:$802 million General Fund 2008: $286 million 2012:$274 million

12 Staff reductions From 2008 to 2012: 482 Includes layoffs and cutting vacant positions Furlough savings: 2009 - $618,382 (18,634 hours) 2010* - $958,372 (25,959 hours) * Through mid-December 2011

13 Sprinker’s ice arena Adding electric cars to county fleet PALS: new streamlined, customer-focused system Dept. of Community Connections merger Parks Dept. expanding opportunities at Chambers Creek Regional Park

14 South Sound 911 Jacobs Point Aerospace Cluster Orton Junction JBLM growth U.S. Open Orting Valley Farms Business visits Bridge to the Beach

15 Executive’s Vision: Improving lives through innovative and passionate public service

16 Pat McCarthy Pierce County Executive 253-798-7477

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