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Records Management 2.0 Tips and Tricks Kevin Dorr Sr. Solutions Engineer Americas Channel.

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Presentation on theme: "Records Management 2.0 Tips and Tricks Kevin Dorr Sr. Solutions Engineer Americas Channel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Records Management 2.0 Tips and Tricks Kevin Dorr Sr. Solutions Engineer Americas Channel

2 A Brief History of Records Management



5 Business Records

6 Compliance Records

7 eDiscovery and Litigation

8 Alfresco! RM 1.0RM 2.0 200520092012 Open Source DOD 5051.2 Fully Refactored

9 Records Management 2.0: Multi-Level Folder Support Lots More Good Stuff Coming Soon Fully Customizable! Easyand Fun!

10 Installation and Upgrading

11 RM 2.0 Installation Tips RM 2.0 Version Dependencies RM 2.0 Requires Alfresco v4.0.2 v4.1.1 Requires a patch Change to apply_amps, use the –force switch v4.1.2 Contains the patch

12 RM 2.0 Installation Tips RM 2.0 Search Engine Dependencies RM 2.0 does not support SOLR You must use Lucene with this release However, RM 2.0.1 does support SOLR And it’s available now!

13 Upgrading from RM1.0 to RM2.0 Apply the RM2.0 AMP to the 4.x WAR file Upgrade to a Alfresco version that supports RM! For 4.1.1 you must use the patched apply_amps For 4.1.1 you must also use the –force option Install the New WAR Existing RM site is detected and preserved Record Series are no longer used Series are converted into a deprecated type based on Record Category

14 Digging In to RM

15 RM Packaging Packaged as 2 AMP Files Share Amp Repo Amp An Amp is just a Specialized Zip File RM Is an Excellent Example Alfresco Best Practices V4 User Interface Design and Packaging Installable Module DOD 5015 Example

16 The Repo AMP Package Data Model RM Data Model Files 5015 Data Model Files Repo Configuration Security Configuration Event Configuration Capability Configuration Action Configuration Audit Configuration Job Configuration

17 The Share AMP Package RM Page and Template Definitions Defined using v4 Techniques RM Webscript Definitions Audit Console Document Library Forms Search Etc.

18 The 2.0 Content Model and Metadata Definitions

19 2.0 Record Metadata Two Ways to Extend the Data Model in RM 2.0: Dynamically via the Management Console (Global modification) Extend the Content Model (Specific Modification) Extend via Aspect Definition Possible to Create a Custom Model as well

20 Dynamic Metadata

21 2.0 Content Model Overview Base Content Model Containers Records File Plan and Processing Objects Custom Content Model DOD 5015.2

22 2.0 Container Model RM Container File Plan Component RM Component Id Titled Folder Record Category Vital Record Definition Record Folder Common Record Details isClosed File Plan Component RM Component Id Titled File Plan Records Mgt Root Record Series is deprecated Common Record Details Disposition Schedule Records Mgt Root dispositionAuthority dispositionInstructions recordLevelDisposition

23 2.0 Record Model physicalSize numberOfCopies storageLocation shelf box file Content NonElectronic Component File Plan Component dateFiled publicationDate originator originatingOrganization mediaType format dateReceived address otherAddress location reviewAsOf notificationIssued Record Common Record Details File Plan Component RM Component Id Titled Record Metadata Common Record Details File Plan Component Vital Record

24 Why Do I Care? RM Content Model is Now Extensible You can subclass and add to it just like any other content model However, you will need to modify some of the other RM elements to do this

25 Why Do I Care? RM Aspect Definitions Included Automatically Provides an Easy Mechanism to Add Metadata Definitions to RM Just Bootstrap the Model and Add a Form Definition How the DOD 5015 Model is Defined

26 2.0 DOD 5015 Model scannedFormat scannedFormatVersion resolutionX resolutionY scannedBitDepth Scanned Record File Plan Component Record Metadata producingApplication producingApplicationVersion pdfVersion creatingApplication documentSecuritySettings PDF Record File Plan Component caption photographer copyright bitDepth imageSizeX imageSizeY imageSource compression iccIcmProfile exifInformation Digital Photo Record File Plan Component webFileName webPlatform webSiteName webSiteURL captureMethod captureDate contact contentManagementSystem Web Record File Plan Component

27 DOD Types in Action

28 Creating a Custom RM Type What it Does Adds Type Specific Metadata to Records How to Do It Use the DOD 5015 model as a guide! Create Aspects with Record Metadata parent Add a Bootstrap Context Add Share display options

29 Custom Type Example Employee Record rma:recordMetaData Employee Name d:text true Employee Start Date d:date Employee End Date d:date rma:filePlanComponent

30 Custom Type Implemented

31 2.0 File Plans

32 2.0 Multi-Level File Plans

33 Specifying a File Plan Categories can contain a Disposition Schedule Disposition Schedules inherit downwards Until the next one is specified How to Do It You can add Categories and Folders manually Then export and import the.acp file Or, specify using XML See DOD 5015 for an XML example

34 2.0 Multi-Level File Plans Specifying a Hierarchy in XML Civilian Files 0430 Civilian Files Record series for civilian files <rma:recordCategory view:childName= "cm:Employee Performance File System Records"> Employee Performance File System Records 0430-01 Employee Performance File System Records

35 Multi-Level Hierarchy

36 2.0 Multi-Level File Plans Specifying a Disposition Schedule GRS 1 item 23b(1) Cutoff when superseded. Destroy immediately after cutoff true cutoff superseded

37 Disposition Schedule

38 Disposition Schedule - Manual

39 So What Does That Do for Me? Allows Storage Structures to Be Modeled in the Way that is Best for your Organization Can use a Standard like 5015 Or Any Other Organization You Create V2.1 Means Only the Record Managers need to understand the Storage Structure (if you want)

40 So What Does That Do for Me? XML Loader Provides Interesting Opportunities Can load and try multiple different versions of a structure to decide which is best Can load pre-designed structures (partner opportunity!) Storage Structure can be treated like a configuration – saves considerable time

41 Search Configuration

42 2.0 Record Searching Support for Pre-Configured, Saved Searches Default Saved Searches are Configurable via a JSON Data List Specify Search String and Any Parameters Configuration is in rm-service-context

43 Saved Search Configuration <bean id="recordsManagementSearchService" … <![CDATA[ [ { "name" : "Vital Records Due For Review", "description" : "All records currently due for review.", "search" : "reviewAsOf:[MIN TO TODAY]", "searchparams" : { "records" : true, "vitalrecords" : true } }, { "name" : "Undeclared Records", "description" : "All undeclared records.", "search" : "ISNODE:T AND NOT ASPECT:\"rma:declaredRecord\"", "searchparams" : { "records" : true, "recordfolders" : false, "undeclaredrecords" : true } },

44 Searches in the Hierarchical View

45 Another Example <bean id="recordsManagementSearchService" … <![CDATA[ [ … { "name" : "Records Eligible For Cutoff", "description" : "All records currently eligible for cutoff.", "search" : "dispositionActionName:\"cutoff\" AND (dispositionEventsEligible:true OR dispositionActionAsOf:[MIN TO TODAY])", "searchparams" : { "records" : true, "recordfolders" : true } },

46 In the Search Page

47 User and Capability Definitions

48 RM User Definition Add Users to Alfresco Associate Users to a Role (i.e. Group) Roles define User Capabilities Capabilities are Declared as Spring Beans (new in 2.0)

49 Capability Customization Capability list is Fixed (for now) Spring Bean Definition: <bean id="rmManageAccessRightsCapability" parent="declarativeCapability"> Can Change the Behavior of Capabilities Can Override Definition in tomcat/shared

50 Role Capability Customization

51 Why is That Cool? Capabilities Provide a 2 nd Dimension of Control Over Your Records Access Control List determines who can get to Records Capabilities Provide Control Over What a User Can Do to a Record (verb control) Fine Grained Control Over Actions

52 Why is That Cool? You Can Define a User Role That Has Very Specific Functionality Highly Configurable and Flexible

53 Service Definitions

54 Service Refactoring Records Management Services Records Management Service Vital Record Service Disposition Service RM Search Service Capability Service RM Security Service RM Action Service RM Event Service

55 Service Refactoring More Services RM Admin Service RM Audit Service Freeze Service Custom Email Mapping Service RM Caveat Config Service Parts of the RM Services code may migrate into the Base Product

56 RM Demo

57 Conclusions

58 RM 2.0 is Significantly more Configurable and Customizable Use the DOD Implementation as an Example A Developer’s Guide is on the Way

59 Questions?


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