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DOD Unclassified Information Sharing Service 2012 2013 2010.

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1 DOD Unclassified Information Sharing Service 2012 2013 2010

2 APAN: Baseline UISS Capability A web-based, unclassified NON-DOT-MIL, internet community accessible to the DoD & its mission Partners without the constraints of traditionally closed & externally inaccessible DoD networks Developed to empower DoD customers & their MISSION PARTNERS to efficiently & effectively SHARE and collaborate UNCLASSIFIED information between government / non- government organizations & agencies during CRISIS response operations, multinational / joint exercises, events and international events.

3 3 2010 OSD Resource Management Directive (RMD) 700 Released 2011 DOD CIO Memo Designated APAN as a Shared Enterprise Service 2012 UISS funded across the FYDP (FY12-17) (i.e. free to users) 2012 - All Partners Access Network (APAN) ID'd as UISS baseline capability - DISA PEO C2C / MNIS designated as UISS Program Manager - Joint Staff J6 designated operational sponsor 2012 PWC Becomes the UISS / APAN Applications Service Provider - Managed out of Pacific Warfighting Center (PWC) Ford Island - Remotely manages applications at DECC-Montgomery, Alabama - Product Teams and Agile Scum software development / testing & COOP. - Provides help desk; KM & direct support for COCOMs & agencies; train the trainer / Customer Engagement / Exercises & HADR – crisis support UISS Governance Background

4 4 MAJ MACKEY PWC Director (J32) PWC Core Services (J323) PWC Operations & Event Support (J324) 7/7 33.5 /36.5 17/18 1/1 Mr. GILES Mr. MEHLHORN ( S ) Mr. TOKUMOTO (S)(S) Comm Security / Voice Happ Cybersecurity Campos Wagoner Ainoa Ku J322 Long J322 Non-NMCI Networks Matsunaka (S) Rodriguez Non-NMCI Systems Vacant Thomas Bunch Wilson Pires (.5 /.5) Chong J322 Video Briefing Display Sys Bacani (S) Dryden GPOI PSOCC Support Day.25 /.75 Mr. PARKER Info/Knowledge Mgr. Sipin Sim Tagayuna Shak Event Coordinator Takenami Lancaster Morimoto IT Technician Hinde Eugenio Zeng Yokoo Souza 13/13 Joint Training (J325) LTC Martin * Indiv & Staff Trng ElefanteMalins JTF Trng & Cert Ellis Training Interoperability Reed 5/5 PWC Deputy (J320) 1/1 Admin / Logistics / Security Alvarado Calio Lewis Viloria Facility Management Ushiyama(S) Hogan 6/6 LTC SEGO FagundesSeeley Alejo Brown Schupp Moore = 27.25/28.25 DON OMN Funded contractors/Gov’t (S) = 36.25/38.25 DISA funded contractors/Gov’t (S) = 14/14 CE2 Funded contractors/Gov’t (S) = 4/4 PACOM funded DOD employees = 2/2 Active Duty Military 84.75 of 88.75 onboard / 4 Vacancies =.25/.25 GPOI PSOCC funded contractors *Note Special Projects= 7/7 (CE2 Funded) ADCIVJ7 /DISA FUNDED CTR DON FUNDED CTR CE2 FUNDED CTR ACTUAL/ TOTAL AUTH 2/24/437.5 / 40.527.25/28.2514/1484.75 / 88.75 Mr. Tamaribuchi (S) = SPAWAR (E) = East Coast (#) = DISA PAC Program ManagementProduct Dev HallGuillouYip(S)Okumoto Inouye.5 (S) Idica(S)Garcia Customer Engagement Chong J.Lou KingmanActonLindoParks DeleoHiltonWarnerYu-Cua WoodHuscherDennisBroca Cooley (E)Coutinho (E)YoungShiley Vacant LlanesDorman Help Desk (#) Richard Vacant BundschuhRuiz Vacant TiradorMontes Lang Model & Simulation/C4I (J321) All Partners Access Network-APAN (J322)

5 UISS Baseline Software ZIMBRA Community (7.1.5) : (APAN Groups) A collaborative social networking software platform with a variety of core applications running on top of it such as blogs, forums, media galleries, wikis, event calendars, photo & video embedding & more. Applications from third parties using API’s & REST stacks can be installed or integrated with platform. ZIMBRA Community is ASP.NET, C+ & Microsoft SQL Server. Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise 2010 : (APAN Sites) Content & document management program used to provide intranet portals, document & file management, collaboration, websites, enterprise search and workflow automation. Enterprise also provides a complete development stack based on web technologies and standards-based API’s.

6 Chat: Open-Fire 3.9.1 Search: Tomcat 7.0.54, SOLR 4.1 Mobile: ZIMBRA Mobile 3.0 Analytics: ZIMBRA Analytics 3.7 Email: Mail-Enable Enterprise 6.03 Connect: Adobe Connect 8.2.01 Translation: SYSTRAN (15 language pairs) Language Weaver (Dari / Pashtu) Google Translate (54 Languages) Mapping: Metacarta 4.7 ARC GIS 10.2 UISS Software Applications

7 UISS System Environments CURRENT DAA Production: DECC Montgomery, Alabama DISA Development: Pacific Warfighting Center, HI PWC PACOM Test/Staging: Pacific Warfighting Center, HI PWC PACOM COOP: Pacific Warfighting Center, HI PWC PACOM FUTURE (FY15 / 16) DAA Amazon Cloud Web Services DISA

8 Unclassified Information Sharing Service (UISS) is DoD’s designated enterprise capability to share & collaborate with non-traditional mission partners with the All Partners Access Network (APAN) as the baseline service. UISS production servers are managed by DISA’s Defense Enterprise Computing Center (DECC) & maintained within a special purpose enclave using a commercial internet service provider (ISP). DECC staff maintains computing environment. UISS Applications Service Provider (ASP) maintains COOP, testing & development environments. The ASP staff provides software development, Help desk, applications management, CCMD’s request for assistance, information and knowledge management support. PACOM User PACOM User ASP EUCOM User EUCOM User AFRICOM User AFRICOM User PACOM User PACOM User NORTHCOM User NORTHCOM User SOUTHCOM User SOUTHCOM User CDN SERVER = Content Distribution Network. UISS uses Akamai which has over 300,000 edge servers in 92 countries COOP, Testing & Development DECC MGMT VPN DISA DECC Alabama host UISS prod servers ASP host COOP, Staging & Development Servers DECC 24 / 7 Systems Service Desk ASP 24 / 7 UISS Help Desk Support ASP Manages Baseline Applications Unclassified Information Sharing Service (UISS) Operational View (OV-1)

9 APAN Capabilities / Services Online Collaboration (same as DCO) APAN Lite: Low Bandwidth Geospatial information Group / Peer Chat

10 APAN Capabilities Services Doc / Freeform Translation APAN Performance Metrics 24 / 7 Help Desk Support Hybrid Site Translation

11 APAN Mobile Capabilities / Services APAN Chat App APAN Mobile APAN Connect on Mobile Devices Responsive Design IOS devices Android devices

12 APAN Maps 12 APAN Maps can be accessed by registered APAN users at APAN Maps allows users to create and share maps with associated data with other APAN users.  Create intuitive single page process for map creation  Extends mapping functionality into more “GIS” focused capabilities  Empower APAN users with the ability to utilize templates for briefs, HADRs and other events or use cases.  Enhance real-time communication and collaboration within  Create custom geospatial feeds to support external mobile & tablet devices  Ability for APAN users to share feeds & make data public for other APAN communities, and/or possible users outside of APAN (NGOs, etc.)

13 KM in Agile Software Development 13 Customer & KM (User Stories Created) Sprint Review with Customer KM Involvement in Software Development Builds better products for the customer! Information Gathering Relationship Building Knowledge Sharing KM relationship with Customer continues Knowledge Sharing Continues throughout Development Sprint Cycle

14 14 APAN ASP Organization  Produce the Highest quality products  Stakeholders needs are aligned to APAN service portfolio  Scalable clean, efficient, repeatable and dependable processes and procedures developed to meet customer demands  Quick turnaround on emergent requirements without requiring shortcuts  High performance, highly secure, extensible, & dependable code  Ensures products remain relevant within the market

15 APAN Product Teams 15  APAN Website Team. (unified navigation, unified framework, global search, translation, Single Sign on /account management)  Files / Forms Team. (upload, download, permission, editing, access, calendars, event registration, views, meetings, tasks)  Real-Time Communications Team. (chat, audio, video, desktop sharing, whiteboard)  Mapping Team. (GIS feeds, shape files, business intelligence, geospatial data, time)  Forums / Blogs / Sites Team. (Email, discussion, Q&A, moderation, status, RFI, web presence, wiki)

16 International Conferences Operational Services Joint & Multinational Exercises & Events Scientific Communities Scientific Communities Security Cooperation Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Relief Support Focused Team & Staff Collaboration Academia & Alumni Relations APAN KM SUPPORT AFGHAN Info Sharing CENTCOM PACOM SOUTHCOM SOCOM NORTHCOM Australian HQ Joint Ops Center Africa Lion AFRICOM THIRDFLT US Naval War College Medical Research AFRICOM Ebola Response United Assistance APAN Support to DOD

17 FY14 Significant Support 17  Exercises / Event / Crisis Support (APAN KM Support) -United Assistance (Ebola Crisis) (AFRICOM / 101 st Airborne DIV) -Typhoon Haiyan Crisis Response (PACOM / Multinational Forces) -RIMPAC (THIRDFLT / 24 Pacific Nations) -Panamax (SOUTHCOM) -Pacific Endeavor (PACOM) -Rochambeau (NATO) -Global ISOF Conference (SOCOM) -Immediate Response (EUCOM) -Ardent Sentry (NORTHCOM) -CJTF African Lion (AFRICOM) -Combined Endeavor (EUCOM) -MH370 Malaysian Airline Search (Australian HQ Joint Ops CMD)

18 Trident Warrior 14 18 TW is a Naval Warfare Development Center’s Fleet Experimentation Program that provides a field assessment of emerging technologies in a real-world operational environment. Purpose: Identify APAN Lite’s capability for USN ships to functionally consume & share unclassified none-PKI information while underway transiting from San Diego to Hawaii for RIMPAC 14. Prior to at-sea test, APAN Lite was tested & passed a Risk Reduction Lab environment (Jan 2014) TW 14 Test Plan included –Two DDGs (USS SPRUANCE and USS SAMPSON) 6 days in addition to limited testing on FFG (USS Gary) (1 day)

19  APAN functional & user acceptance test plans were organized to reflect the most common uses of APAN communities observed in over 100+ APAN COI’s: authenticating, downloading / uploading files, chat, translating in chat, and viewing/consuming information  Transit Phase - Results validated APAN Lite for use in the shipboard environment -- Much faster and more efficient than the full version of APAN “... As a test performance benchmark, the full APAN (both Zimbra and SP) site actions and clicks responded approximately two times, to as much as ten times longer than the Lite sites. This was an important fact in demonstrating how much faster APAN Lite performed, and validating the need for an APAN Lite type functionality, or an APAN experience which can meet the current APAN Lite performance or response times within an maritime environment.” TW Test Coordinator Trident Warrior 14

20 Operation Restore Griffon-RIMPAC 14 20  APAN KM Team worked closely with HADR Planning Team (US & Japanese) from beginning  APAN provided KM plan based on exercise information sharing requirements  KM’s conducted APAN training of key exercise participants several days before event started  KM’s provided on-site support to exercise coordination cell, CJTF and CMOC: –CJTF quickly and easily translated blocks of texts using APAN translation tools –APAN chat used to communicate with ships at sea and CJTF –Agile responsive development support provided custom solution for tracking RFIs within hours of request of CJTF  Documented Lessons Learned in a wiki to assist team members supporting future events

21 Operation Damayan-Typhoon Haiyan 21  APAN & JOC KM’s coord creation of COI’s  APAN KM’s support to Multinational Coord Center (MNCC) at Camp Aguinaldo, Philippines  KM’s provided training to AFP in Manila, Cebu, Joint Staff, National Disaster Risk Reduction Center & World Food Program, Manila  Provided 24/7 APAN help desk services  Daily Metrics & Reporting services to JOC were valuable measuring tools  APAN & NGA integrated Mapping services  APAN Software Dev’s responded to capabilities change requests  Developed Lessons learned for future events

22 Operation Unified Assistance 22  On-site AFRICOM HQ support in Sept  Shared KM documentation resources, including information exchange requirements matrix, IM/KM Plan template specific to the community, and lessons learned with references and examples from other COCOMS  Customized community based on specific requirements & requests from: -DOD CIO -AFRICOM HQ JOC -101st Airborne (COP & KM) -82nd Civil Affairs Battalion -Intelink “Intel Update” POC  Daily teleconferences -Extensive training for managing map feeds & layers -Developed custom solution for 101st Airborne – UN OCHA map icons

23 APAN Stats Users 86,133Registered Total 22,850Registered in 2014 1,078Registered in Nov 2,432Peak: PANAMAX – 14Aug11 3,213Peak: Haiyan - 13Nov14 FOUO 64Total 49Groups 15Sites 24New in 2014 17To be deactivated in 6 weeks APAN COIs 4,518Total 1,944Groups 2,574Sites includes sub-sites 406New Groups in 2014 includes sub-sites 788New Sites in 2014 includes sub-sites


25 APAN v8.0 25  Improved simple Social theme & reduced visual clutter  Simplified Group Setup  Mobile First Approach  Simplified APAN integration points  Responsive Design Applications  New mobile friendly embedded Calendar  Document Preview  Single Application for Community, Lite & Mobile

26 APAN v8.0 Responsive Design 26 Entire APAN Community v8.0 applications is built around the cornerstone of Responsive design, which sizes appropriately to desktop computers or handheld devices - making "bring your own device" a viable option.

27 27 APAN v8.0 Mobile Capability  Custom branded mobile app  Customized mobile experience  Full-featured mobile application for Android and iOS (native mobile app)  Support for automatic push notifications  Easy delivery to end users via app store (users can download these easily from Android and iOS apps stores)

28 APAN Groups & Text Messages 28 APAN, working closely with stakeholders in (AFRICOM), developed a capability for low-bandwidth cell phone users to post content directly to a specific APAN group. This capability allows personnel operating in remote areas who require one-way transmission of information to an identified source through peer-to-peer SMS messaging to achieve their goals. Normally, this capability would be set up in a designated Area of Responsibility (AOR) to support those in the field and enable them with the ability to send information back to their multinational support center

29 29 APAN Forms APAN is currently testing an APAN Forms capability in both a loosely-coupled & integrated architecture. This capability would provide following to APAN users and groups:  Mobile app or Web interfaces  Custom built forms & assessments (i.e. ETU details, patient assessments, JCIMS assessments, SITREPS, RFA, etc.)  Analytical capabilities  Geolocation of submitted forms  Supports Users in D-DIL environments APAN users who require customized, structured information from mobile & web users operating in D-DIL environments.

30 30 DOD Shared Enterprise Unclassified Information Sharing (UISS) Application Service Provider 808.472.7732 Directly supporting DOD unclassified information sharing / collaboration, operations and missions across multiple scenarios, humanitarian assistance / disaster management and joint / multinational exercises / events. UISS DOD Unclassified Information Sharing Service

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