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Dr. Natália Sátyro Federal University of Minas Gerais Ms Joana Mostafa From Ministery of Social Development and Fighter against Hunter (MDS) 29-31 May.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Natália Sátyro Federal University of Minas Gerais Ms Joana Mostafa From Ministery of Social Development and Fighter against Hunter (MDS) 29-31 May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Natália Sátyro Federal University of Minas Gerais Ms Joana Mostafa From Ministery of Social Development and Fighter against Hunter (MDS) 29-31 May 2013, Siem Reap – Cambodia ILO

2 Brazil Social protection 1 - Social insurance (contributive; universal coverage for the formal sector) Unemployment insurance (contributive) Rural insurance (semi-contributive) 2 - Health (universal right) – Single Heath System (SUS) 3 – Education (universal right to children bet 6-17) 4 – Social Assistance – (non contributive) - Single System of Social Assistance (SUAS) CCT Services National Policy for Food and Nutricional Security CONTEXT

3  Cadastro Único is a unified registry for programs targeted at low income populations, aside from education and health services (nearly universal), and the contributory pension system (for formal workers).  It was effective from 2003 onwards as the data backbone for the expansion of the conditional cash transfer Bolsa Família Program, the flagship program of the Labor Party administration (LULA:2003-2010).  Today it is practically a census of low income populations (1/2 minimum wage per capita = US$6/day or US$170/month):  More than 23 million low income families and 78 million people registered;  Estimate based on 2010 Census data show 20 million low income families in Brazil (67 million people), 35% of total Brazilian population. CADASTRO ÚNICO: A SINGLE REGISTRY Main challenges were to maintain such a large database updated (66%) and targeted at low income populations.

4  6 basic sets of data  Person identification  Family identification  Household characteristics  Schooling information for each person  Work information for each person  Income information for each person.  Inovation: Income is self-declared  Today, all the programs included in the Brazil without Extreme Poverty strategy of Lula’s successor, President Dilma Roussef, use Single Register to identify the targeted population CADASTRO ÚNICO: A SINGLE REGISTRY

5 Graphic: Numbers of records per year


7  Started in 2003, the Family Grant transfers money to all the poor (US$2/day) and extremely poor (US$1/day) families in Brazil.  Different benefits are assigned to families depending on:  The income per capita: whether the family is poor or extremely poor.  The number of children, youth, pregnant and breast feeding women – variable according to the number of individuals, up to a certain number.  The level of income after benefits: to cover the income gap between the extreme poverty line and the income after benefits.  Other vulnerabilities and priority communities (indigenous, homeless, and so on)  Monthly transferred by a magnetic card to 13.9 million families: average transfer of US$75/month/family.  Total transfers = 0,6% of Brazilian GDP. PROGRAMA BOLSA FAMÍLIA: MAIN USER OF CADASTRO ÚNICO Large payment operation as Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world: all done by CAIXA, a national public bank, 2° largest bank in Brazil.

8 CAIXA renders two integrated sets of services: 1.Cadastro Único:  Data entry software development and maintenance: last version running in almost all of the 5.570 existing local governments in Brazil.  National level database consolidation over night: assigns unique identification number, duplicity check and data consistency verifications. 2.Family Grant payment operation: payroll system, magnetic card issuance and delivery and actual payment through 4 different channels, directly to the families. THE ROLE OF CAIXA ECONÔMICA FEDERAL

9 CADASTRO ÚNICO AND PROGRAMA BOLSA FAMÍLIA DATA FLOW Data collection through standardized and numbered questionnaire Online data entry and transmission Overnight data processing on a national level Family Grant concession: takes into account geographical and national level targeting criteria and auditing results. Also organizes the cue. Benefit Payment Directly to Beneficiaries Automatic family targeting criteria and benefit (re)calculation Automatic monthly database extraction for Family Grant payroll Local Level: municipal government National Level: CAIXA National Level: federal government National level auditing through database matching and benefit revision for outdated registries.


11 Although data collection and entry is decentralized, a unified system and centralized data management renders the following advantages:  Data Security: only logical exclusion of data, traceability of system users and central government monitoring of registry activity (ie: elections).  Data Consistency: data critique on entry to prevent errors and standardize information nationwide. This is important to:  Link with education and health services’ databases (conditionality);  Matching of basic documentation with other government databases for the purpose of income and family composition auditing;  Correct address information: finding the families again and geographically targeting other public policies.  Data Consolidation: controlling for multiplicity of registries, central government monitoring of data update activity, families with zero income, registry targeting.  Data Recovery: time series of families, their socio-economic profile, their access and graduation of programs. No data loss overtime. ADVANTAGES AND CHALLENGES OF CADASTRO’S MIS

12 Main Challenges  Covering local level registering and analysis needs with a single national MIS. Local level managers end up:  Duplicating data elsewhere, generating sinc issues and data security problems.  Deviating the original purpose of centrally defined processes: case of family with 233 components.  Connectivity and system availability issues: even though an online solution is ideal, local government institutional and economic development varies significantly.  The data form takes 1 hour to be filled out, so it demands a pretty stable network connection and MIS solution.  CAIXA’s bulky structure is slow to adapt to a dynamic program environment.  Federal government constant MIS monitoring to provoke upgrades and maintenance  Team dedicated to follow up on government demands regarding the MIS  Contract with an inbuilt service level agreement: triggers fines if level isn’t met. ADVANTAGES AND CHALLENGES OF CADASTRO’S MIS

13  Cadastro Único is based on:  Self-declared income coupled with systematic income auditing; and  Massive registering along 10 years enabled by a MIS.  Cadastro Único is the backbone that made the expansion of the Family Grant possible:  High level of targeting (60-70%): comparable to all CCTs in the world.  Great effect in reducing inequality and poverty in Brazil. Between 2003 and 2010: GINI coefficient has dropped from 0,58 to 0,53, 21% due to the Family Grant. Poverty incidence dropped from 35% to 21% of total population, 8% due to the Family Grant. TO SUM UP... Cadastro Único has bridged the gap between formal and informal workers in Brazil by providing the basis for services and transfers to be more redistributive.

14 Thank you! Natália Sátyro Joana Mostafa

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