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Presentation on theme: "SUERIP- A NEW AND PROMISING AGENCY FOR IMMOVABLE PROPERTY REGISTRATION IN TAJIKISTAN World Bank Land Conference – March 2016 Karimov, Kaharov & Satana."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tajikistan Borders Afghanistan, China, Kyrgyzstan & Uzbekistan

3 Some Facts on Tajikistan Total land area of the Repubic - 143.1 km 2 GDP US$ 8.6 billion Population 8.6 million HDI 0.62 – Ranking 129 th Doing Business Rank – 132 nd Registering Property Rank – 102 nd Currency – Tajik Somoni - TJS 93% of total area of the Republic is mountainous;

4 Background on Land Administration in Tajikistan  Tajikistan is one of the few countries that had not reformed its land administration system..  The main reason for the delay was lack of stability and peace in the country during the 1900s  Tajikistan launched a national agency for land admiration in January 2015  The base law for property registration was passed in 2008  Its official title is: Law on State Registration of Immovable Property and Rights to It  The new agency is called SUERIP – State Unitary Enterprise for the Registration of Immovable Property

5 Agencies Involved in Land Administration in Tajikistan  Markaz Zamin acting on behalf of the State Committee on Land Administration and Geodesy (SCLAG),  Mezhraion (Inter-raion) Bureau of Technical Inventory (MBTI),  Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and  local administration (Hukumat) at raion and city level.

6 Issues Identified IssueComment Registration System Current registration processes are (a) complex, (b) inefficient, (c) time consuming, (d) costly for both the Government and the public; and Duplication of registration data; Survey and Mapping Inefficiencies in map updating - there are two maps in urban areas being updated, one by the MBTI and the other by the hukumat Land Committee, with each one showing similar information OrganizationalMoJ still remains in control for the registration of mortgages. The former BTI segment of SUERIP still continues with detailed Technical Inventory;

7 Toward a Unified State Registration – The Three Tiers in the Registration Law HierarchyName of Organization Specially Authorized State Body (SASB) State Committee on Land Management and Geodesy (SCLAG) Republican Enterprise of State Registration (RESR) State Unitary Enterprise for Registration of Immovable Property (SUERIP) Territorial Enterprise of State Registration (TESR) SUERIP Territorial Offices

8 Populating the USR – The three methods  Office conversion for existing registrations;  Systematic registration fieldwork in urban areas and areas of possible high transaction rates; and  Sporadic registration in remote and mountainous areas and areas of potentially low transaction rates.

9 Current Locations Where Property Registration Data Are Found Type of DataLocation State Land Use (GOVT)Former Markaz Zamin Land Use Rights (PRIVATE)Former Markaz Zamin Buildings and Apartments (Both GOVT and PRIVATE) Former MBTI Mortgages on Immovable Property (PRIVATE) Ministry of Justice

10 Estimating the Number of Immovable Property Units (IPUs) According to USAID Study of 2007 Type of Property Already Registered To be Registered Total IPUs Land use rights (MZ)500,0001,000,0001,500,000 Private and State owned buildings and apartments (MBTI) 1,300,0000 Total Tajikistan1,800,0001,000,0002,800,000

11 Estimating the Number of Immovable Property Units (IPUs) According to Investment Plan of 2015 Type of Property Already Registered To be Registered Total IPUs Land use rights (MZ)1,200,000600,0001,800,000 Private and State owned buildings and apartments (MBTI) 800,0001,400,0002,200,000 Total Tajikistan2,000,000 4,000,000

12 Significance of the Number of IPU  As was the case with the Kyrgyz Land and Real Property Registration Project – the number of IPUs in Tajikistan is a key driver in estimating the project or program budget, as well playing a major role in the design of performance management  Therefore, the IPU estimates provided here, however rough, are very important for the establishment, financing and follow-up of a sound land administration program in the country.  It is obvious that the IPU is a dynamic parameter, and needs to be tracked as the Investment Plan is being implemented.

13 Calculation of Unit Costs and Overall Investment Budget Registration Method Share in Total Number of IPUs Unit CostCost Amount PercentNumberUS$/IPUUS$ Million Office Conversion30% 1,200,0007 8.40 Field Work50% 2,000,00014 28.00 Sporadic10% 400,0003 1.20 Problem Cases10% 400,00016 6.40 TOTALS 100% 4,000,00011 44.00

14 Breakdown of the Total Number of IPUs by Urban & Rural Areas DescriptionUrbanRuralTotal Systematic (Office) 480,000 720,000 1,200,000 Systematic (Field) 1,200,000 800,000 2,000,000 Sporadic 360,000 40,000 400,000 Problem Cases 200,000 400,000 Total 2,240,000 1,760,000 4,000,000

15 Reminder on Unit Costs by Registration Method Average Cost per IPU Sys (Office) 7.00 US$ Sys (Field) 14.00 Sporadic 3.00 Problem 16.00

16 Investment Cost by Registration Method and Service Environment in Million US$ DescriptionUrbanRuralTotal Systematic (Office) 3.36 5.04 8.40 Systematic (Field) 16.80 11.20 28.00 Sporadic 1.08 0.12 1.20 Problem Cases 3.20 6.40 Total 24.44 19.56 44.00

17 Investment Cost Breakdown by Expenditure Accounts DescriptionAmount A. Studies1.10 B. Technical Assistance8.50 C. Supplementary Training & Publicity3.20 D. Civil Works5.30 E. Data Conversion Labor1.60 F. Cadastral Index Maps and Updates5.00 G. Adjudication and Surveys5.00 H. IT, Office Equipment, Vehicles12.30 Physical Contingencies2.00 TOTAL44.00

18 Estimating the Cost of Data Conversion – Base Parameters DescriptionValue Number of Records to Convert 2,000,000 Number of Working Hours/Day8 Number of Working Days/Year250 Number of Working Hours/Year2000

19 Person Years Needed for Data Conversion Number of Records to be Handled in an Hour 12345 Percent Suited for Conversion 40% 400 200 133 100 80 50% 500 250 167 125 100 60% 600 300 200 150 120 70% 700 350 233 175 140 80% 800 400 267 200 160 90% 900 450 300 225 180 100% 1,000 500 333 250 200

20 Financing Sources and Plan Funding Source Comments SUERIP’s Own Source Funds These funds come from the agency’s operating Surplus Government Grants Mainly for financing of the field based Systematic Registration arranged through SCLAG Government LoanLong term and interest free (concessionary credits) Donor Support World Bank, USAID, UNDP, SIDA, KfW and others Contract WorkEarnings on cadastral contracts from Municipalities and other clients, such as mass housing projects or private estate development efforts.

21 Concluding Remarks  Some methodological innovations were made when the SUERIP Investment Plan was being prepared  These innovations are mostly related to establishing a sound basis for budgeting and programing in light of a good estimate for the work load (i.e., number of IPUs)  SUERIP is already off to a good start  It has a good organization and dedicated leadership and staff, and adequate legal basis to operate  TA and financing is needed to implement the present Investment Plan  Tajikistan could become a champion in Doing Business terms (like Georgia) if receives support..

22 Final Remarks Many thanks for your time and attention!

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