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Unit Planning 2015-16: Integrating Learning Outcomes Assessment, Student Achievement Data and Institution-Set Standards with College Planning and Resource.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Planning 2015-16: Integrating Learning Outcomes Assessment, Student Achievement Data and Institution-Set Standards with College Planning and Resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Planning 2015-16: Integrating Learning Outcomes Assessment, Student Achievement Data and Institution-Set Standards with College Planning and Resource Allocation Processes Counseling 29 January 2016, TECH 110

2 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 2  Purpose of Revised Process:  Close planning cycle by updating existing plans  Expanding Current Annual Unit Planning Process to include “Program Review” elements  Focus planning on the college mission and SEMP measures  Implement Institution-set Standard and other legislative, regulatory or Ed Code requirements  Use results of data review to create improvement actions Overview

3 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 3 Data Element Institution Set Standard Stretch Goal SEMP Measure 2013/ 2014 2012/ 2013 2011/ 2012 Three- year Ave Course Completion Rate 65%72%2.2.365.9%66.8% 66.5% Program Completion Rate June 2016* 2.2.340.1%45.1%41.3%42.2% CTE completion rate June 2016* Degrees Awarded 672June 2016*2.2.3838635543672 Certificates Awarded 66.3June 2016*2.2.345569866 University Transfers 489June 2016*2.2.3477473516489 College-level Student Achievement Data, Analysis & Results * from 2016 SER Student Achievement Data Section * The CCCCO’s IEPI reporting requires the college to establish standards and goals for student achievement measures identified in the framework. Harbor will establish these goals in June 2016.

4 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 4 Data Element Program-level Analysis Results Standard SEMP Measure 2013/ 2014 2012/ 2013 2011/ 2012 Three-yr Average Associate of Arts Degrees 20% meet standard (2/10) Associate of Science Degrees 14% meet standard (3/22) Associate for Transfer Degrees 100% meet standard (1/1) Certificates 22% meet standard (4/18) Course Completion 59% meet standard (48/81) 65%2.2.365.9%66.8% 66.5% Course Completion - Online 31% meet standard (9/29) 65%2.2.356.2%59.3%61.1%58.9% Licensure Passage Rate - Nursing Meets standard85%2.3.2100%98.3%97.1%98.5% Licensure Passage Rate - EMT Does not meet standard60%2.3.257%n/a Licensure Passage Rate - CNA Meet standard85%2.3.2100% 81%93.7% Job Placement Rate 67% meet standard (6/9) 72.5%2.3.365.8%69.8%74.8%72.5% Program-level Student Achievement Data, Analysis & Results * from 2016 SER Student Achievement Data Section

5 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 5  Assessment Activities are the basis of Unit Planning  Student Achievement (SEMP Measures)  Student Learning (SLO/SAOs)  Both activities generate Improvement Actions  Improvement Activities collectively form the Unit’s Plan  All results recorded online increasing usability of results Harbor’s Assessment-based Planning System (HAPS) Overview

6 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 6 Integration of Assessment and Planning

7 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 7 Goal 1. Access and Preparation for Success Basic skills first-year enrollment * Completion-based class schedules Equitable Enrollment * Orientation, Assessment and Educational Plan completion rate * Fall to Spring Persistence * Goal 2. Teaching and Learning for Success Achievement gaps *Basic skills completion* Completion: Course, Certificate, Degree & Transfer ** Gainful Employment** Licensure Passage rates** On-time Completion * SLO, PLO, ILO achievement ** Year-to-year persistence * Goal 3. Organizational Effectiveness Accreditation status * Fiscal viability and compliance with state and federal guidelines (IEPI measures)* Institutional plan progress ** Program review, Planning and Assessment participation ** Process review and evaluation ** Resource allocation ** Goal 4. Resources and Collaboration Budget Goals Efficiency measures (class size average, fill rate, FTES/FTEF) Number and type of revenue sources and amount generated Funds raised (annual and cumulative) Foundation endowment Amount of scholarships awarded Number and type of community/business partnerships Integration of SEMP and Measures

8 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 8 Integration of SEMP and College Initiatives College Mission Goal 1. Access and Preparation for Success AtD (AA/S S) Com muni ty Servi ces (AS) Enroll Mgmt (AA/A S) Equit y (AA) SSSP (SS) Stud ent Succ ess Score card Goal 2. Teaching and Learning for Success Accre ditati on Stan dards AtD (AA/S S) Basic Skills (AA) Enroll Mgmt (AA/A S) Equit y (AA) IEPI SSSP (SS) Stud ent Succ ess Score card Goal 3. Organizational Effectiveness Accre ditati on Stan dards Distri ct Strate gic Plan Enroll Mgmt (AA/A S) Facili ties (AS) Hum an Reso urces (AS) IEPI Tech nolo gy (TAC) Goal 4. Resources and Collaboration Accre ditati on Stan dards Enroll Mgmt (AA/A S) Foun datio n (AA) Tech nolo gy (TAC)

9 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 9  Results are summarized for review and oversight by the college administrative and governance process  College level results are used by the College Planning Council to identify annual institutional priorities within the three year strategic planning cycle.  These priorities guide annual planning and resource allocation decisions. HAPS Manages Assessment Results

10 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 10 Course-level Student Learning Outcomes Data, Analysis & Results

11 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 11  Signing in to HAPS  Start a module  Filling in the form  Retrieving an existing module  2015-16 Unit Planning requirements Creating the Unit Plan

12 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 12 Lunch

13 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 13  Review existing Planning and Policies Procedures  Task: Define:  Chair’s validation of faculty responses  Dean’s validation of unit’s work  Committee Oversight of SEMP  Approval of improvement actions for resource allocation process  Task: Establish Timeline Validation processes

14 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 14  Follow up on institution-set standard and other regulatory and institutional requirements  Track progress on required activities (updates due throughout the year)  “Just in time” planning – rather than planning for next year, planning is continuous and as needed  Unit Planning cycle aligns with SEMP cycle (3 years)  Addresses need to record current year actions in planning and resource allocation activities  Record and manage resource allocation process  Report on MISSION/SEMP fulfillment  Summary of Data Review (3 years) as starting point for CPR Using Unit Plans

15 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 15 Recap

16 Unit Planning 2015-16 Retreat February 1, 2016, Slide 16  Strategic Educational Master Plan 2014-17 Strategic Educational Master Plan 2014-17  Student Success Scorecard 2015 Student Success Scorecard 2015  SEMP Fact Book SEMP Fact Book  Harbor's Assessment-based Planning System (HAPS) Harbor's Assessment-based Planning System  Program Review 2.0 Program Review 2.0  SLO Assessment Pilot SLO Assessment Pilot  SEMP Outcomes Summary (login) SEMP Outcomes Summary (login)  Program Review Module Summary (login) Program Review Module Summary (login)  ISLO Inventory (login) ISLO Inventory (login)  SLO Assessment Summary (login) SLO Assessment Summary (login) QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION

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