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Introduction to Imperialism Chapter 20 Advanced US History.

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1 Introduction to Imperialism Chapter 20 Advanced US History

2 INTRO TO BECOMING A WORLD POWER 1867-1917 – U.S. became world power for 1 st time Reasons for Imperialism: Imperialist developments of this time period led the U.S. into WWI and served as the basis for U.S. foreign policy for much of the 20 th century

3 WHY AN AMERICAN EMPIRE? America’s expansionist positions were justified by racial superiority and driven by the closing of the American frontier, economics, religious and moral reasons, and geopolitics. Manifest Destiny – Turner Thesis - In his influential 1893 essay “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” historian Fredrick Jackson Turner argued that the presence of the western frontier had shaped the American character and allowed the development of democracy and capitalism, necessitating in the wake of its 1893 disappearance “a wider field for its experience,” a new frontier; this argument was used to buttress attempts to propel American interests abroad o The Frontier is Full:

4 BUILDING SUPPORT o Early Thoughts on Expansion: Economic Reasons: As we focused inward, other countries were expanding their power overseas. This expansion became known as the New Imperialism. Imperialism is the economic and political domination of strong nation over weaker ones. American business leaders wanted access to overseas markets and materials, so they supported American imperial adventures abroad. Business leaders and politicians argued that the obvious solution to economic problems caused by overproduction was the creation of new markets.

5 BUILDING SUPPORT Religious and Moral Reasons Geopolitical Reasons Beginning in the 1870s, European powers raced to conquer resource-rich regions of Africa and Asia, bringing these countries substantial profit and a network of commercial and military bases. Americans feared by remaining isolated they would lose access to markets and power. o European Imperialism: The Europeans had done so for a while due to the high tariffs placed on imports,. They looked to overseas markets for products and a place to sell theirs. They were also looking for a place to invest their capital. To protect their investments, some nations began exerting control over these nations. Some became colonies, others protectorates. o Protectorates:

6 BUILDING A STRONG NAVY Risking War in Defense: Over time the American people and their government became more willing to risk going to war in defense of their overseas interests. This led to the support of the creation of a large navy. Captain Alfred T. Mahan, a naval officer, suggested that a nation needed a large navy to protect its merchants ships and to defend its right to trade with other countries. We would also have to build more naval bases overseas for resupplying purposes. Alfred T. Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power on History, 1660-1783 (published 1890) – Henry Cabot Lodge: Senator who pushed for the construction of a new navy. Supported Mahan’s book. The Naval Buildup 1883 – Congress authorized construction of powerful all-steel, steam-driven battleships, armed with the latest long range artillery. The U.S. had seen the significance of battleships when the North used them to cripple Southern ports during the Civil War. The Civil War experience and Mahan’s arguments led the U.S. to build up its navy. 1889-1893 – Mahan’s arguments led U.S. policymakers to call from stronger territorial presence overseas.

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