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Combined Cadet Force Explore and Inspire. What is our CCF? Royal Navy Section RAF Section Army Section CCF Band Section.

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Presentation on theme: "Combined Cadet Force Explore and Inspire. What is our CCF? Royal Navy Section RAF Section Army Section CCF Band Section."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combined Cadet Force Explore and Inspire

2 What is our CCF? Royal Navy Section RAF Section Army Section CCF Band Section

3 Aim of the CCF? “To provide a MOD sponsored organisation in a school so that pupils may develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote the qualities of responsibility, self reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance”.

4 Core Values The CCF is a national youth organisation which follows the Queen’s Regulations. In terms of values and standards, they are a moral requirement and have functional utility. Upholding them is the collective responsibility of all members of the CCF. They are the foundations of teamwork, and are interdependent. If any one of them is lacking, the team will not function. They are fostered and enhanced by good leadership, training and management, throughout the chain of command. These are: Selfless Commitment Courage Discipline Integrity Loyalty Respect for others These are stricter than the school rules and applies both to cadets and staff when in uniform.

5 CCF Syllabus Royal Navy SectionArmy SectionRAF Section Naval DrillFoot and Rifle DrillPrinciples of Flight Naval CommunicationsTurnout and Military KnowledgeAirmanship SailingSkill at arms and ShootingAir Navigation MeteorologyMap and CompassMap Reading Military KnowledgeLeadership TrainingRadio Communication Chart workRadio SignalsTarget Shooting Rope workFieldcraftFoot Drill NavigationFirst AidMilitary Knowledge PilotageMethod of InstructionGliding Leadership TrainingPhysical RecreationLeadership Training

6 Contingent Comdr Adjutant School staff Instr Starboard Division Officer Our Contingent Structure OC Navy Section Port Division Officer OC RAF Section IC Wing IC Flight Platoon Comdr OC Army Section Company Comdr

7 Our Commitment Wednesday Activities1400hrs – 1600hrs Field Days1 st week in October & 2 nd week in March Army Summer Camp1 st Week in Summer Holidays Adventure Training (Optional) Last Week in Summer Holidays

8 What is in it for me....?

9 Learn new skills Leadership and management training Supporting pupils in their activities Gain qualifications

10 Remuneration OfficersDaily Rate Acting Sub Lieutenant (Navy), 2nd Lieutenant (RM), 2nd Lieutenant (Army) & Pilot Officer (RAF) on appointment. £59.81 Sub Lieutenant (Navy), Lieutenant (RM), Lieutenant (Army) & Flying Officer (RAF) on appointment. £71.85 Lieutenant (Navy), Captain (RM), Captain (Army) & Flight Lieutenant Officer (RAF) on appointment. £92.11 Lieutenant Commander (Navy), Major (RM), Major (Army) & Squadron Leader (RAF) on appointment. £116.02 Commander (Navy), Lieutenant Colonel (RM), Lieutenant Colonel (Army) & Wing Commander (RAF) on appointment £162.88 Paid to attend training outside school (field days), courses and summer camps

11 Responsibility OfficersRole Acting Sub Lieutenant (Navy), 2nd Lieutenant (RM), 2nd Lieutenant (Army) & Pilot Officer (RAF) on appointment. Platoon Commander Sub Lieutenant (Navy), Lieutenant (RM), Lieutenant (Army) & Flying Officer (RAF) on appointment. Company Commander Lieutenant (Navy), Captain (RM), Captain (Army) & Flight Lieutenant Officer (RAF) on appointment. Head of Section Lieutenant Commander (Navy), Major (RM), Major (Army) & Squadron Leader (RAF) on appointment. Second in Command Commander (Navy), Lieutenant Colonel (RM), Lieutenant Colonel (Army) & Wing Commander (RAF) on appointment Contingent Commander

12 Paid to Explore Target Shooting Military Weapons Clay Pigeon Shooting Bushcraft

13 Paid to Explore Caving Rock Climbing Open Canoeing Kayaking

14 Paid to Explore Alpine Skiing Ice ClimbingMountaineering Sea Kayaking

15 Paid to Explore Gliding YachtingParachuting Scuba Diving

16 What is the process....? Complete Paperwork: Commissioning Forms Interview Process: Navy - Royal Navel College Dartmouth Army - Horse Guards RAF - RAF College Cranwell Initial Training (5 Days): Navy - Royal Navel College Dartmouth Army - Cadet Training Centre, Frimley Park RAF - RAF College Cranwell

17 Any Questions?

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