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Naval Oceanographic Office

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1 Naval Oceanographic Office
Spring COPC Update 03-04 May 2016 CAPT Greg Ireton, Commanding Officer Mr. Mark Jarrett, Technical Director CAPT Nick Vincent, Executive Officer 1

2 Agenda Overview of NAVOCEANO’s missions Structure within Navy
Value of COPC and its related activities

3 NAVOCEANO Mission To optimize sea power by applying relevant oceanographic knowledge in support of U.S. National Security Our mission statement emphasizes that our reason for existence is to optimize sea power by applying relevant oceanographic knowledge in support of U.S. National Security. The key word is relevant. We are not in the business of basic research and development. We are in the business of supplying operational ocean products. We have more of an applied use than our colleagues down the street at the Naval Research Lab. 3

4 Six survey ships deployed worldwide require 300+ FTE to operate
Highly Qualified, Scientific, & Motivated Military and Civilian Work Force NAVOCEANO Civilian Receives Award for 5000+ days of survey Six survey ships deployed worldwide require 300+ FTE to operate Civ/Mil Survey Team recognized for disaster 1st response. Civilian scientists analyzing real-time MIW survey data NAVOCEANO Civilian 704 Contractor 60 Military 23 Total Total Workforce: ~ 855 Fleet Survey Team provides rapid response to Fleet Rqmts NAVOCEANO is proud of its highly skilled workforce. In fact, more oceanographers work at Stennis Space Center than any other place in the world. As you can see from the pie chart, 67% of our workforce falls in the scientific area. The box above the chart indicates the education levels of our employees. The box to the left shows a breakdown of the types of personnel employed by NAVOCEANO and its subordinate commands. 14% Education % Total Ph.D. 4 % M.A./M.S. 19 % B.A./B.S. 47 % Assoc. Deg 12 % Other 18 % Fleet Survey Team Civilian Military Total 17% 67% Scientific Technical Prof The Deep Bench for Warfighting

5 Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation and Analysis, and Dissemination (TCPED)

6 Collection and Sensing Tools
+ Military Survey Ships (T-AGS) + Hydrographic Survey Launch (HSL) + Maritime Homeland Defense Mine Warfare SWATH Vessels + Airborne Coastal Survey (ACS) + Fleet Survey Team (FST) + Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) + Profiling Floats, Buoys & Marine Mammals + Environmental Acoustic Recording System (EARS) + Naval Platforms (TTS) + Satellites + National and International Data Exchange Agreements That brings us to our core business, what we do—the collection and processing of data. We use a number of different assets, platforms and vehicles to collect data. Our most important capital assets are our ships. Currently, we use six T-AGS 60 multipurpose oceanographic survey ships to collect data. A new, state-of-the-art T-AGS 66 ship is scheduled to become operational in 2015. There are numerous other ways we collect data such as airplanes that use light detection and ranging, or LIDAR, to map coastal areas and shallow water, unmanned underwater vehicles and satellite imagery. Persistent & State of the Art

7 Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited
USNS MAURY (T-AGS 66) We currently have six T-AGS 60 class ships: Pathfinder, Sumner, Bowditch, Henson, Heezen and Sears. Their namesakes all made important contributions to Naval oceanography and ocean exploration. Here is a diagram of the T-AGS-60, or Pathfinder, class ship. Each is about 100 meters long or 329 feet, and is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities in terms of oceanographic data collection. Some of the systems on board are illustrated here: Multibeam echosounders collect bathymetric data. Towed high-resolution side-scan sonar collects imagery about the bottom. Over-the-side instruments are used to provide water column information. Dynamic positioning systems provide pinpoint accuracy to ensure all geospatial data are completely reliable. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited

8 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)
Deep Water Surf Zone Littoral Full Ocean M M M Shore Line Capabilities Side Scan Sonar Sub-Bottom Profiler Camera CTD ADCP GPS Iridium, Freewave, & Acoustic Comms REMUS 6000 REMUS 2500 LBS AUV REMUS 600 REMUS 100 Over a Decade of Full Ocean Depth AUV Expertise

9 LBS-Glider System Contracting Office: SPAWAR, PEO-C4I
Mission: Persistent autonomous oceanographic data collection. Description: Unsophisticated deployment Long-duration 4-6 mos on-station Iridium Comms Piloted 24/7 by NAVO Glider Operations Center Optimize ocean feature characterization for tactical and operational products for ASW, MIW, AMW, and Special Ops. Current Inventory: 50 Operational Endstate: 150 gliders by end of FY 15 (50/50/50 plan) Platforms: T-AGS 60 Class (5 per  10 per) USS vessels of opportunity Coalition forces assets Range patrol craft GPS and Iridium antenna in fin No propeller or other external moving parts Nose down orientation at surface provides robust communications Wings for forward propulsion LBSF&I Overview: The LBS Fusion and Integration (LBSF&I) capability is the Department of the Navy‘s principal persistent Oceanographic data collection, processing, and data/product dissemination and is considered a key component of Battlespace Awareness through 2020 and beyond. Full Rate Production Award: 31 May 2011 by RADM Burroughs, PEO for C4ISR FRP2 Follow-on Awarded 12 April 2012 (34 Gliders) FRP 3 Follow-on Awarded 20 December 2012 (6 Shallow)/1 July 2013 (26 Deep) Initial Operational Capability (IOC) declared 5 July 2011 Full Operational Capability (FOC) declared 25 July 2012 Inventory Objective: 4 Prototype / 150 Production Contracting Office: SPAWAR, PEO-C4I Period of Performance: 4 March August 2015 (All Options) Total Contract Value of all LRIP/FRP Options: ~$53M Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE): Prime Contractor Teledyne Benthos dba Teledyne Webb Research (TWR) - Glider Developer Hydroid, Inc. - Launch and Recovery system (work complete) Rutgers University - QA for CTD data and Training Package (work complete) University of Washington/Applied Physics Lab - Glider Control Software Development (LBS-G work completed, but under contract to NAVOCEANO for other related tasks) Weight 132 lb Hull Dia. 22 cm Length 1.5 m Speed knots Max Depth 1000 m Endurance 4-5 months Range km Energy Lithium Comms Iridium

10 Application of Ocean Gliders
Persistent sampling with gliders in the Physical Battlespace leads to... Predictive Physical Battlespace Awareness for decision superiority in the maritime domain Ocean currents – unmanned systems, mine/debris drift models, SAR SST – sound velocity profiles, acoustic propagation, beam attenuation Fronts and eddies & sonic layer depth – environmental exploitation Ocean optics – vertical and horizontal visibility, asset vulnerability

11 Other in situ Measurements
Profiling Floats Profiling Floats Drifter vs. RNCOM iSPHERE Drifter Davis Drifter WOCE Drifter Marine Mammals Expanded use of Iridium Profiling Floats Marine Mammals Decisions on where to deploy, and the priorities, are based on four factors : Does NAVOCEANO have an operational regional/coastal ocean model in the area? Is there real-world significance or existing naval requirement? Is the area used for exercises / training by US Naval Forces? Do other countries deploy in the area and do they make their data readily available?

12 Ocean Circulation Modeling
Global Regional Local 3.7 km 9 km 500 m 60 m 5 We run a series of nested, higher and higher resolution ocean models (Navy Coastal Ocean Model -NCOM) around the world. These are data assimilating, three dimensional, full physics forecast models. Each day the ocean models assimilate millions of sea surface temperature and sea surface height (altimetry) data points from satellite sources. Thousands of real-time temperature and salinity profiles come in every day from ships, aircraft, profiling floats and ocean gliders. Atmospheric models from FNMOC provide surface forcing conditions. The global models provide boundary conditions to regional models that provide boundary conditions to local models. In this stepwise fashion, higher and higher resolution features and processes are resolved to match the forecast requirements of operations occurring at the local level. A number of these Regional NCOM domains are running around the world in areas of Navy interest. In addition to the US East coast NCOM shown here, we have domains running off the southern California coast, around Hawaii and in the Gulf of Mexico / Caribbean region. Nested into the regional domains are higher resolution Coastal NCOMs as shown by the Groton NCOM here. This is running at a 500 meter resolution. This kind of domain supports near coastal operations and approaches to Ports and Harbors. Special very high resolution Port models using Delft3D are setup to support port and harbor scale operations. From the ocean models come forecasts of currents, temperature, salinity and water height. From these fundamental parameters we calculate object drift and sound speed. The sound speed fields are used to calculate other Anti Submarine Warfare type properties and are used in acoustic modeling. Object drift calculations are used to hind-cast and forecast the movement of objects of concern to the Navy; they also help with Search and Rescue type operations. Groton Delft3D Groton NCOM Global HYCOM Currents Temperature Salinity Wave Height Object Drift Sound speed US-East NCOM 3D full physics, Data assimilating, Forecast models

13 Ocean Forecasting System
Observations Ocean Models Forecasting Global – Regional – Coastal – Port Satellite & In situ 9 km km m m Oceanographers - Configure models - Interpret forecasts & observations - Evaluate uncertainty - Tailor analysis to Navy mission - 3D Full Physics - Assimilation Forecasts to 7 days Nesting / Boundary Civilian – Military Forecasting Teams NAVGEM / COAMPS US-East NCOM HYCOM Groton Delft3D Groton NCOM Super Computers – Networks – Servers – Workstations

14 CNMOC Modeling Roadmap
National Earth Systems Prediction Capability (ESPC) is the future of NWP and METOC guidance fields “Bridge” strategy provides a pathway to the future ESPC from the current infrastructure and model suites

15 High Performance Computing
DoD Supercomputing Resource Center (DSRC) + Among the top supercomputing centers in the world  + Peak computing capability of 777 Teraflops Petascale Data Storage and Mgmt + Top Tier of Nation’s secure and scalable data management and archival facilities Cutting-edge Networking Connectivity + Stennis designated DISA C2 Mega-site + Resilient, multi-GB connectivity via Defense Research & Engineering Network (DREN) to all major nationwide gov’t, industrial, and academic networks The Navy DoD Supercomputing Resource Center, or Navy DSRC, one of five Department of Defense supercomputing sites, is located in NAVOCEANO spaces and managed by CNMOC. NAVOCEANO is in the data management business and stores very large amounts of data. NAVOCEANO uses much of the data it collects to numerically model the ocean. The physical models that are run computationally require inordinate amounts of computing power. The large numerical models at NAVO are run at the Navy DSRC. Through an agreement with the DOD High Performance Computing Modernization Program, CNMOC reserves up to 15 percent of its computing power to use for operations. The remaining 85% is used by Army, Navy, Air Force, and Defense agency research and development users. We also use peta-scale storage to store massive amounts of modeling output. A petabyte is 1,000 terabytes. A terabyte is 1,000 gigabytes. To give you an idea of a peta-scale architecture, one petabyte is the equivalent of roughly 6.7 billion digital photos.

16 Agenda Overview of NAVOCEANO’s missions Structure within Navy
Value of COPC and its related activities

17 Fleet Alignment Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Washington, DC
Commander, Fleet Forces Command (USFF) Norfolk, VA Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC) Stennis Space Center, MS Naval Information Forces, (NAVIFOR) Suffolk, VA Man, Train, Equip Readiness Ops Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) SSC, MS Fleet Numerical Meteorology And Oceanography Center (FNMOC) Monterey, CA This is the higher level organizational concept of NAVOCEANO. We report to CNMOC, located right here at Stennis Space Center. They report to USFF in Norfolk, Virginia, who reports to the Chief of Naval Operations. Our sister commands are Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, the Naval Observatory, the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Professional Development Center, and the Naval Oceanography Operations Command, who controls all the regional centers, or the dispersed footprint of naval oceanography. NAVOCEANO’s two subordinate commands are Fleet Survey Team located at Stennis Space Center, Miss., and the Naval Ice Center in Washington, D.C. I’ll explain more about them in a few minutes. U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) Washington, DC Naval Oceanography Operations Command (NOOC) SSC, MS Fleet Weather Center (FWC-SD) San Diego. CA Fleet Weather Center (FWC-N) Norfolk, VA Naval Meteorology And Oceanography Professional Development Center (NMOPDC) Gulfport, MS 17

18 Agenda Overview of NAVOCEANO’s missions Structure within Navy
Value of COPC and its related activities

19 In-situ Data Inputs & Impacts
Products BUFR Character Code COPC OPCs FNMOC Numerical Weather Prediction NWS/NCWCP NAVOCEANO Ocean Forecast Capability Data Providers Data Type NCO/SS CTDs, Gliders, Profiling Floats, XBTs, Marine Mammals, Moored Buoys, Fixed Stations, Ship Reports, Drifting Buoys 557th WW(DoD OTN) CTDs, Gliders, FNMOC CTDs, XBTs, Ship Reports, Drifting Buoys, Moored Buoys, Fixed Stations NAVO CTDs, Gliders, XBTs, Profiling Floats, Ship Reports, Drifting Buoys CLS America/ARGOS Academia NAVO Specific Profiling Floats and Drifters COPC partners are highlighted in red. All In-situ inputs, COPC and Non-COPC contributors, are included in NAVO products which are distributed to OPCs. NAVO products impact NWP and Ocean forecast capabilities (where applicable). NOTE: NAVO products to NCEP are NAVO “specific” profiling floats and drifters. Other OPCs already have their own.

20 Satellite Data Inputs & Impacts
Satellite Inputs Data Providers Data Type NOAA/NESDIS MetOp (A&B), (COPC OTN) N-18, N-19, MTSAT SST Jason- 2, Cryosat-2 Jason-3, AltiKa JPL/IFREMER GHRSST MSG SST Windsat SST FMQ-17(NAVO) GOES E&W 557th WW (DoD OTN) S-NPP NASA MODIS AQUA KORDI COMS-1 GOCI FNMOC (DoD OTN) SSM/I, SSM/IS EDR JAXA AMSR2 Products SST IR Imagery Ocean Feature Analysis Annotated AVHRR/VIIRS Altimetry SSHA/SWH/WS Ocean Optics Visibility & Attenuation Visible Imagery Ice Characterization COPC OPCs FNMOC Numerical Weather Prediction NWS/NCWCP NESDIS/OSPO Ocean Heat Content NAVOCEANO Ocean Forecast Capability ~ 64 M obs/day ~ 450K obs/day This includes both operational and non-operational datasets but is basically all of the datasets we’re currently (soon to be) processing. COPC partners are highlighted in red. All satellite inputs, COPC and Non-COPC contributors, are included in NAVO products which are distributed to OPCs. NAVO products impact NWP and Ocean forecast capabilities (where applicable) and are color coded to distinguish product type and impact for each OPC. ~ 11 M obs/day

21 NAVO JAG/CCM Related Circuit Actions
Upgraded NAVO to NWS Suitland, MD circuit from 28 to 400 Mbps COPC 2nd Connection DISA implemented circuit from Buckley AFB to Boulder, CO OC-48 (2 Gbps) Will establish alternate comms pathway NAVO’s Boulder circuit pending implementation; ECD April 2016 NIPRNET Federated Gateway/Mission Partner Gateway (NFG/MPG) Joint Regional Security Stack / Joint Information Environment (JRSS/JIE) Stennis DISN upgrades Implemented diverse OC-192 circuits, provides survivability to Stennis DoD customers Working path (south bound route) to Keesler AFB Protect path (north bound route) to Eglin AFB

22 Summary COPC partnerships enable:
Access to full range of satellite data Access to observational data Sharing of model data Coordination of standards Networks to efficiently and safely move METOC information among the partners Impact: Naval forces get the relevant and timely environmental data to support operations around the globe

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