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회사 소개서 July ’
기업 소개 소 재 : ㈜ 티티에스 설 립 일 : 2000년 7월 9일 자 본 금 : 5억 인 원 : 80 명
Semiconductor LCD Solar Cell 소 재 : ㈜ 티티에스 설 립 일 : 2000년 7월 9일 자 본 금 : 5억 인 원 : 80 명 매 출 액 : 160억(2010년 기준) 주 고 객 : 주 생산품 및 생산능력 -Suscetor 및 Heater 제작
Company Profile 년도 내 용 2010년 *High-Temp( 1300℃ ) Heater (W , Q’tz) Under development *Present Capital : 5억 2009년 *Liquid Vaporizer Development *8.5G Solar cell Susceptor Development and Delivered manufactured goods *ZnO Hot trap Development and Delivered manufactured goods 2008년 *TPS consulting & 高 품격 5S활동 *5G Solar cell Susceptor mass-production and Delivered manufactured goods *4G Susceptor 국내 최초 수산법(C2H2O4) 피막적용 수출 2007년 *Sep, Rebuilt factory and transferred *5G Solar cell Susceptor Development *8G Susceptor mass-production and Delivered manufactured goods 2006년 *February : 8G Susceptor Development *May : Parts & Material Enterprise Enrollment (Established Manufactured goods Factory) *Nov : INNO-BIZ Enrollment 2005년 October : 7G Susceptor mass-production and Delivered manufactured goods 2004년 *March : 7G Susceptor Development *August : Venture business Enrollment, R&D Enterprise Enrollment 2003년 *January : Developed Ceramic coating molding heater *June : Delivered molding heater for PE-TEOS *July : 5, 6G Susceptor Development and Delivered manufactured goods *September : Delivered Ceramic coating molding heater 2001년 *January : Developed CVD Metal molding heater (Aluminum , Inconel) *February, ISO 9001 Certified 2000년 *May : Established TTS
Others 3% Machining Product 15% Semiconductor HTR LCD CVD HTR 49% 16%
Sales Milestones LCD CVD HTR 49% Solar cell HTR 17% Others 16% 3% Semiconductor HTR Machining Product 15% 매출액 (단위:억) 30 40 50 100 150 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 (Year) 5G 6G 7G 8G 8.5G SC 5G SC
Layout of Factory Total : 239.4m2/790py Ass’y Room 1FL (100m2/330py)
Office 2FL (45.5m2/150py) Machine Room 75.8m2/250py Clean room 19.4m2/64py 복지관 : 식당 1FL / 기숙사 2FL
Tools (For Metal) No. Description Spec Q’ty Etc. 1 Machining Center
3700 x 4500 x 1000 1Set LP4035 2 2800 x 4000 x 1000 2Set LP4028 3 2700 x 4000 x 1000 LP4027 4 2500 x 4000 x 1000 LP4025 5 2000 x 900 x 850 VX-900 6 1400 x 650 x 650 VX-650 7 1000 x 600 x 600 SPF-160F 8 Lathe Large PROTEC 9 Middle NSL-580X1000G 10 Small EMCO 11 Milling Machine NSM-7 12 D.I Generator 150L / hr D9-0352 13 Ultra cleaner Special TTS 14 Ceramic coating M/C 15 Welding Tool Ar welding machine YC-200TWSP-3 16 Electric welding machine Sam hwa 17 FSW(Friction Stir Weld) 1set #35호기 18 열 해석 Tool CF Design Simulation Tool Heater Pattern Design Tool
Tools (For Ceramic) No. Description Spec Q’ty Etc. 1 Vacuum Hot Press
RT~2000℃, 250Ton, N2, 10-3torr, W600 x D600 x H600 1Set 2 Vacuum Furnace RT~2000℃, N2, 10-7torr, W850 x D1,300 x H600 3 Electric Furnace RT~1500℃, W500 x D500 x H600 4 Pre-Press 50Ton, W600 x D600 x H700 5 Test Chamber RT~1000℃, TC wafer, RF generation, Gas control 6 Vacuum Oven RT~300℃, Low vacuum 7 He Leak Detector Max 10-12torr 8 3D Inspection Inspection range : 500 x 800 9 LCR Meter 10KHz, Capacitance, Inductance, Resistance 10 Elcometer Dielectric thickness (0~5,000㎛) 11 Image Analyzer 0~1000배 12 Mixer Mixing & De-airing 13 Ball Milling Mixing 14 Ceramic Coater Al2O3, Y2O3(etc Oxide), Thin Film (0~10㎛)
Patent & Certification
-Application : 22ea -Registration : 15ea -A patent on a new device :1ea -R&D Enterprise -Professional Manufacture Enterprise -Venture Business Enterprise -ISO certificate -INNO-Biz certificate
In-line & Gas Line Heater SUS Plate Heater(Wafer)
Major Product Contents Non Metal Heater 개발 중 Semiconductor LCD Solar Cell Molding Heater PE-CVD Susceptor PE-CVD Susceptor Q’tz Heater Vaporizer Hot Plate (LCD & LTPS) MO-CVD Susceptor AlN Heater In-line & Gas Line Heater Wall Heater Wall Heater Hot Trap Shower head SUS Plate Heater(Wafer) H2 burn Heater Chamber Unit Cool Plate Source Canister Chamber Unit Chamber Unit
Heater Products LCD Susceptor (2200 x 2500) Al Molding Heater
Gas Line Block Heater Liquid Vaporizer In-line Heater Inconel Molding Heater Quartz Heater ZnO Hot Trap Multiple Hot Trap
CVD-Metal Heater Low Temp. Heater High Temp. Heater
Aluminum molding heater (200,300mm)- ■ Powerful by “Fluorine” damage (Ceramic Coated) Possibility in-situ dry clean ■ Powerful by thermal short ■ Low cost ■ Temp range : Under 450℃ ■ Leak free because EBW welding ■ Good uniformity ■ Powerful by thermal short ■ Low cost ■ Temp range : Under 650℃ ■ Leak free because EBW welding ■ Good uniformity
In-Line & Gas Line Block Heater
In-Line Heater Block Heater - In-Line Heater - ▶ Heating Element :Kanthal Wire Power :AC 208V 1500W 7.2A Temp : Max Temp’:800℃ /1000℃ Gas Line Block Heater - ▶ Heating Element :Cartridge Power :AC 208V /120V Temp : Max Temp 250℃ Gas Line別 Unif. Range <3℃
The other ② ① ③ Asher - Metal Heater The other
- Aluminum molding heater (200,300mm) ▶ Heating element Resistance : 21.6Ω±5% Power : 208V, 2000W, 9.6amp (Max) Maximum temperature : 450℃(Wafer temp.) ① PZT Sputter / Inconel /200, 300mm ② UV Bake Heater /Aluminum / 200mm ③ BW(Wsix) Heater /Aluminum / 200mm
ALD Source Canister ALD Source Canister - Source Canister -
▶ High Purity (Buffing & Electro Polishing) ▶ Leak Free
LCD PE-CVD Parts 5,6,7,8,8.5th Gen. ■ Powerful by “Fluorine” damage
Possibility in-situ dry clean ■ Powerful by thermal short ■ Low cost ■ Temp range : Under 450℃ ■ Good uniformity ■ Excellent flatness < 0.5mm ■ Excellent anodizing & Roughness Unif.
LCD PE-CVD Parts Shower head ■ Excellent flatness < 0.2mm
■ Excellent Hole size Unif. - Lid & Diffuser Cover -
The others - LCD
The others - Semiconductor
Solar cell Parts PE & MO Susceptor The Other (Glass & Wafer)
SUS Hot plate - Shower head - - Chamber/cool Plate- Aluminum Susceptor – Maximum temperature : 400℃(Glass temp.) SUS Susceptor – Maximum temperature : 500℃(Glass temp.) - Lid & Diffuser Cover -
TTS AlN Properties ■. Properties Item Sub-Item TTS-AlN Remark General
Color Gray High purity Density 3.2~3.2 g/cm3 Electrical Volume Resistivity 1.0~9.0x1013 Ω㎝ High electrical resistance Dielectric Constant (RT, 1MHz) 9.1~10.0 Thermal Thermal Conductivity at 20℃ 150~160 W/mk High thermal conductivity Low thermal expansion coefficient Thermal Expansion Coefficient 1~9x10-6 Mechanical Bending Strength 300 MPa High strength Vickers Hardness 9~10 Gpa Product Product - Plate Heater & Plate & Ring type - Shaft Heater type
■. Manufacturing process
TTS AlN Product ■. Product ■. Manufacturing process Item Sub-Item TTS-AlN Visual Color Gray Shape Plate Diameter max Φ320 Thickness 5~30 [mm] Heater Material : Temp Mo(wire & coil) type : Working temp (RT~600℃) Connect Brazing 1. Powder 2. Sintering 3. Machining 4. Brazing ■. Equipment 5. Machining 6. Inspection 7. Cleaning 8. Packaging 1. Hotpress : Temp(~1900℃) 2.Working zone: 600 x 600 x 600 1. Vacuum furnace : Temp(~1900℃) 2. Working zone : 600 x 800 x 600
TTS의 경쟁력
D E L Q Quality of Heater Design Efficiency Low Cost Quality
Good Design Good Simulation Repeatability Quick Temp down (30%~40% 단축) Cooling 적용 특허 보유 Design D Efficiency E Low Cost L Quality Q Good Life Time -Leak Free Weld – 2년간 leak 없음 -Non-Crack Anodizing Process -열선 수명 3년 보장 Cost Reduction FSW (Friction Stir Welding)적용 -EBW대비 40%절감 N-CAP
독자적인 Pattern Design Surface Roughness 방식
Welding Type 자체 Pattern Design을 개발하고 Simulation하여 적용함에 따라 제품의 크기에 상관없이 모든 Heater에 대응 가능한 기술 보유함. FSW 방식을 적용함으로써 충분한 용접면을 확보한 결과 Manual 또는 EBW 대비 Vacuum Leak측면에서 탁월한 품질을 Guaranty할 수 있음. Surface Roughness 방식 Bead Material을 변경함으로써 기존의 Glass Back side Scratch를 최소화 시킴에 따라 불필요한 Aging 공정 (Dummy Glass진행-강제마모)및 Loss를 최소화 시킬 수 있음. X100 표면촬영 Glass Scratch Test Material Al2O3 (#80+#220) X100 표면촬영 Glass Scratch Test Material SiO2 [타 업체 표면조도 방식] [TTS 표면조도 방식]
Inspection Inspection 고객만족 [ 350℃ Temp U/F 확인 ] -.Power Control Box
-.Temp controller -.Digital Chart Recorder [ 평탄도 확인 ] -.대형 석정반 -.Laser 측정기 Temp Uniformity Flatness Inspection [ 피막두께 확인 ] -.Elco Meter ※ 표면조도가 5.0um이상이면 Back side에서 측정함 [ 절연저항 확인 ] -.Mega Ohm Tester Insulation Resistance Anodizing Thickness 고객만족 [ 표면조도 확인 ] -.표면조도측정기 ※ Glass면 기준으로 약 270point를 측정함 [ Welding부 Leak 확인 ] -.Helium Leak Tester Surface Roughness Vacuum Leak
Korea "I"社 America "A"社 Japan "T"社
LCD Part’s 실적 Susceptor 구 분 2008 ~ J社 S社 I社 T社 L社 E社 F社 TOT 2G ST 12 8 32 3.5G ST 11 4G ST 24 4G ST(SUS) 16 4.5G ST 2 5G ST 134 35 20 15 30 234 5.2G ST 9 5.5G ST 5 5.5G ST(SUS) 1 6G ST 95 10 123 7G ST 21 8G ST 147 25 202 8.5G ST 34 481 67 44 26 33 55 739 Dry 전극 Part’s 구 분 상부전극 차광판 Part's(이중Wall 및 기타) Maker 2008 61 10 972 Korea "I"社 America "A"社 Japan "T"社 2009 56 1349 2010 101 572 1186 2011 45 238 663 TOT 263 830 4170
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