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Schools of Yesterday and Today Darlene Harrison and and Jennifer Wojdyla-Radde Jennifer Wojdyla-Radde.

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2 Schools of Yesterday and Today Darlene Harrison and and Jennifer Wojdyla-Radde Jennifer Wojdyla-Radde


4 Beginnings of Education B.C. – AD. 400 B.C. Plato and Aristotle lay the philosophical foundation for psychology Prehistoric cultures used oral lang. to educate children Written lang. developed from need for more complex means of passing on knowledge from one generation to another 2000 BCE earliest evidence of schools in Sumeria and China

5 THE MIDDLE AGES 476-1300 CE Revival of Learning – 1000- 1300 – people began to thirst for knowledge Thomas Aquinas helped influence education Medieval Universities began –Bologna – law –Paris – theology –Oxford –Salerno –By 1492 = about 80 Influenced by Arab scholars (esp. in math and science)

6 SOUTHERN COLONIES VA, Carolinas, MD, GA Plantation culture Widely dispersed population No public schools – private tutors MIDDLE COLONIES NY, NJ, PA, DEL Wide variety of national & religious backgrounds Each group provided education NEW ENGLAND COLONIES Puritans were main group More densely populated Towns & cities became centers of culture, economics, & politics Led the way in education ROLE OF EDUCATION IN AMERICA

7 IMPORTANT DATES IN EARLY AMERICAN EDUCATION  1635 – 1 st Latin Grammar school est. in Boston – college prep. school  1642 – Mass. law requiring parents & masters to teach children to read  1647 – Old Deluder Satan Law – (also Mass.) towns with 50 families or more required to establish schools so they could read scripture  1787 – Northwest Ordinance – divided NW terr. into townships with 36 sections (16 th for education)  1789 – Constitution ratified – does not mention education  1795 – Conn. 1 st state to use sale of public lands to finance schools  First schools were dame schools, writing schools,, or charity schools

8 Development of Universal Elementary Education Early schools focused on religion (until late 1800s) Became more secular as states passed compulsory ed. laws Harsh discipline Formal & impersonal Teachers generally poorly prepared Basic curriculum = reading, writing, & arithmetic Lancasterian (monitor) schools –used in many places –large no. of students taught at same time by one teacher –more advanced students taught others –relied on rote memorization –popularity ended in mid-1800

9 EVOLUTION OF TEACHING MATERIALS Hornbook most common device in colonial schools New England Primer –Used as early as 1690 –Basic reading skills with heavy religious motive Blue Backed Speller –used as early as 1800 –Spelling, reading, speaking, and moral advice Slates used from 1820-1900 – mini chalkboard McGuffey’s reader – graded reading books used until 1900 also taught morals Pestalozzi, Dewey, and others influenced the development of better teaching materials

10 EDUCATION FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS 1619 – 1st slaves to colonies Churches led way in educating slaves and freedmen 1704 – school opened in NY city Southern states made it illegal to educate slaves – fear of uprisings Benjamin Banneker – inventor educated in MD Frederick Douglass – escaped from slavery – advocated vocational ed. Prudence Crandall – admitted a black girl to her boarding school in Conn. & was arrested Early colleges: –1854 – Lincoln University (PA) –1856 – Wilberforce (OH) –1867 – Howard (Wash DC) –1866 – Fisk (TN) –Some colleges admitted black students (Harvard)

11 MORE STUDENTS LED TO MORE SCHOOLS Population growth and higher percentage of population attending school leads to need for more schools Curriculum broadened to meet needs of wider variety of students Consolidation of schools –one-room schools eliminated –more programs available –led to growth of busing –increased school budgets

12 CHANGES IN TEACHER TRAINING Colonial Teachers –l–little education or training –p–poorly paid - some were indentured servants or apprentices Normal schools –2–2 year program –d–did not require high school degree –s–sometimes had model schools for practice teaching State Teachers’ Colleges –w–were normal schools –4–4 year program –g–growth of high school led to need for more teachers

13 CHANGES IN TEACHER TRAINING Growth of Academies in 1850s led to better education for teachers Teacher training programs began in the late 19th century Universities began to offer teacher education in 1900 1950s - state teachers’ colleges became state colleges 1960s - state colleges became universities

14 SCHOOL REFORMS 1892 - Committee of Ten (NEA) –sorted out academies and colleges –started accreditation program –created the Carnegie Unit and the basic high school curriculum 1918 - Seven Cardinal Principles (NEA) - every student sholud receive and education in seven main areas 1940s - US at war - government set up programs to train workers Cold War - Russia launched Sputnik - led to US National Defense Education Act ( 1958 ) - greater emphasis on math and science in school curriculum War on Poverty in the 1960s - Vocational Education Act, Head Start, National Teacher Corps Civil Rights Movement led to push for equal treatment for students – 1954 - Brown v. Board of Education – 1965 - Elementary and Secondary Education Act – 1972 - Title IX

15 Girls Sewing Instruction ca 1900-1910 Description: A group of girls practice sewing with the assistance of their teacher, Agricultural and District School, Liberty Township, Union County, Ohio, ca. 1900-1910.

16 Students and Teacher at Blackboard ca 1906-1908 Description: Five young students and their teacher writing on the blackboard in a one room schoolhouse in rural Ohio, ca. 1906-1908.

17 Franklin County, Ohio Schoolhouse ca. 1906 Description: Interior of a one room schoolhouse in Franklin County, Ohio, ca. 1906. Students of varying ages are seated at their desks and their teacher is standing at the back of the classroom. A stove in the center of the classroom is the only source of heat and the windows are the main source of light.

18 Octa, Ohio Schoolhouse ca 1909-1910 Description: Interior of a one room school house in Octa, Fayette County, Ohio, ca. 1909-1910. Students of varying ages are seated at their desks. A stove in the center of the classroom is the only source of heat and the windows are the main source of light.

19 School Children Huddled Around Stove ca 1906-1910 Description: Children of various ages huddled around a stove in the center of their school room for warmth in a one room schoolhouse in eastern Ohio, ca. 1906-1910.

20 Boys Doing Wood Working Project ca 1910 Description: A group of boys engaged in wood working projects in their classroom, Lucas County, Ohio, ca. 1910.

21 Extension Activities: Recess Games Focus

22 Boys on Stilts ca unknown Description: Three boys walking on stilts, possibly in their school yard. The photograph is from the Albert Belmont Graham Collection. Based on his experiences as a school superintendent in rural Ohio, Graham advocated for the consolidation of rural schools and promoted agricultural education. He is best known as the founder of the Boys and Girls Agricultural Clubs which became the 4-H organization.

23 Boys Playing Basketball at Recess ca1900-1910 Description: Group of boys playing basketball at recess, Bethel Township High School, Miami County, Ohio, ca. 1900-1910.

24 Boys Playing Marbles ca 1900-1910 Description: Three boys playing marbles at recess, Springfield Township, Clark County, ca. 1900-1910.

25 Children Playing Outside Two Room Schoolhouse ca 1900-1910 Description: Reproduction of a photograph depicting children playing games such as 'leap frog' outside their two room schoolhouse in Springfield Township, Clark County, Ohio, ca. 1900-1910.

26 School Girls Jumping Rope ca 1900-1910 Description: Reproduction of a photograph depicting four young girls jumping rope during recess, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, ca. 1900-1910.

27 Stick Ball Game ca unknown Description: Children playing stick ball, possibly in the school yard. The photograph is from the Albert Belmont Graham Collection. Based on his experiences as a school superintendent in rural Ohio, Graham advocated for the consolidation of rural schools and promoted agricultural education. He is best known as the founder of the Boys and Girls Agricultural Clubs which became the 4-H organization.

28 Extension Activities: Transportation Focus

29 Children Arriving at School in Horse-Drawn Wagon 1906-1908 Description: Reproduction of a photograph depicting children arriving at Luna Township Consolidated School in a horse-drawn wagon Summit Station, Licking County, Ohio, ca. 1906-1908.

30 Children Leaving School in Horse Drawn Wagons ca 1904 Description: Reproduction of photograph depicting children leaving school in horse drawn wagons, Trumbull County, Ohio, ca. 1904.

31 Pictures of Today’s Classrooms


33 Classrooms Use Smart Board for Instruction

34 The End! For more information:

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