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Post 2015 Development Agenda Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities.

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Presentation on theme: "Post 2015 Development Agenda Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post 2015 Development Agenda Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities

2 Consultation on addressing inequalities  A global, open and inclusive process held from September 2012 to January 2013  Co-led by UNICEF and UN Women  Supported by the Government of Denmark and the government of Ghana

3 Table of Contents I) Why inequalities? II) Structural factors that reproduce inequalities III) Unequal lives IV) Tackling inequalities V) Equalities and the post-2015 framework Annexes

4 Datas  2000-2011 : 28 countries were reclassified from “low-income” to “middle-income”  The number of “low-income” countries almost halved (from 63 to 35)

5  2002-2007 : In USA the income of top 1% of wage earners rose nearly 10 times faster than the others 99% of the population (Similar patterns for India, China and South Africa)  Today, the top 20% of the global population enjoys more than 70% of total wealth  50% of children and young people are living below $2/day  Global inequalities between groups and individuals grew up and became stronger. The changes had very little effect on the poorest and on their immediate livelihoods or well-being

6 Today’s observations  Global and national inequalities have worsened  Gap between deprivation and privilege is growing  The global system reinforces structural inequalities  Growing unease and dissatisfaction in societies  Violation of human rights in all the countries  Correlation between Poverty and discriminations = inequalities are always suffered by the same groups creating a unique form of discrimination and marginalization

7 MDGs  Inequalities issues are addressed inadequately  Focused on final outcomes and not in the structural drivers of entrenched inequalities  Differences between the initial conditions were not taking into account  Lack of clarity on how adapt them in the national realities  Objective : rebuild a strategic framework which maintain the success and palliate lacks and defaults of the MDGs

8 « Persistent inequalities are not sustainable, are not compatible with Human Rights and alter future economic growth, social cohesion and political stability» « Structural inequalities and the profound right failures affect all the countries and more generally all individuals” “ It is crucial to identify failures, address structural drivers of inequalities and achieve Human Rights universalism. As long as structural inequalities persist, there is a strong risk that development efforts will not reach the people who are least able to lead decent lives, and will fall short of fulfilling the collective vision that inspired the Millennium Declaration”

9 Structural domain of inequalities Inequalities are deeply entrenched by structural drivers and barriers in those 4 domains. Inequalities in one structural domain increase the likelihood of inequalities in others PoliticalSocial EconomicEnvironmental Intersecting and mutually reinforcing inequalities

10 Vulnerable groups, victims of discriminations Inequalities are both the cause and consequence of multiple forms of discriminations Women and girls Disabled Children and older people Migrants LGBTI Rural population& urban poor Indigenous communities and minorities

11 Repercussions: perverse circle of inequalities  Chronic poverty  Difficult de access to health and/or education services  Difficult access to natural resources  Discrimination, marginalization and exclusion  Criminality, violence and abuse  Very low protection and autonomy  Very low political participation and representation  Reduced freedoms

12 Gender inequality  Women and girls continue to occupy secondary positions throughout the world because their lives are driven by deeply held social, cultural, stereotyped and discriminatory norms  W&G are more likely to ensure subordinate social status, diminished enjoyment of rights, reduced freedoms, restricted participation and threats to personal security  But gender equality is a fundamental goal of development, one that cuts across all others areas, and has yet to be achieved  Gender inequality exist in all groups and all the countries, whether poor or rich, suffering hardships or enjoying secure access to basic needs, in conflict or in peace  Gender equality is an area completely neglected in practice, contrary to what is intended

13 The MDGs critics  Gap between the theory and the practice: The articulation of MDGs, their targets and indicators did not reflect the value of the 2000 Declaration  The structural drivers of inequalities were not tackled which provoke their perpetuation and reproduction from generation to generation  Inequalities are the result of the interaction of unequal forces in the global system  The global dimension must be highlighted (North/South)  The focus on equality was lost in the expression of targets and indicators in terms of simple averages which contributed to worsen the situation

14 Recommendations on addressing structural inequalities  The new framework should be based on the principles of equality, Human Rights, and sustainability  Addressing inequalities must be the principle goal and the targets should be expressed in universal terms  Improve the formulation of the other goals, targets and associated indicators  Specific goals to the nations and regions should be aggregated  An overall goal should incorporate specific reference to gender inequalities  Improve the national data systems in order to strengthen monitoring and evaluation capacities

15 Recommendations  Integrate effective systems of accountability into the framework  The framework must be concise and prioritized  The strategic plan requires a broad, multi-faceted and more strategic action at several levels  Eliminate all forms of discrimination and achieve gender equality: this should be the general goal regarding inequalities

16 Tackling inequalities: transformative change 4 structural domains of inequalities:  Social  Economic  Environmental  Political 4 levels of action:  Legal, social & economic policy  Protection from discrimination, exploitation & harm  Leveling up measures  Capacity to claim

17 Conclusion: Key messages  Equality is a fundamental value and its achievement is an obligation  Translating equality and other fundamental values more systematically and effectively into practice is crucial  Inequalities are a global challenge and affect everyone in society  Many types of inequalities have persisted or worsened  The challenge of unequal access to natural resources has become more severe  Inequalities are reinforced by specific forms of discrimination, including the social, legal and cultural spheres

18  Structural inequalities have systematic effects on disadvantaged social groups creating and perpetuating unique forms of discrimination, exclusion and poverty  Policies, programmes and interventions address the symptoms of inequalities but not their structural causes  Inequalities are commonly “legitimized” by powerful groups using stereotypes and prejudice that justify discrimination and maintain exclusion  Gender-based discrimination, and the denial of the rights of women and girls remains the single most widespread driver of inequalities in today’s world

19  Addressing inequalities depends on the application of a coherent global and national policy action  The post2015 Agenda must be universal and requires strong consensus at all levels  A self standing global goal on inequalities should be included  Well articulated indicators, targets and good data systems are necessary to reinforce evaluating and monitoring capacities  The civil society must be truly participant and partner  A strong system of accountability among decision-makers and public institutions should be integrated into the framework

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