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The Elements. Warm-up Make a table in journals ElementCompoundMixture.

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Presentation on theme: "The Elements. Warm-up Make a table in journals ElementCompoundMixture."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Elements

2 Warm-up Make a table in journals ElementCompoundMixture

3 1) What are Elements? Elements, compounds 2) How are Elements Organized? The Periodic Table 3) The First 20 Elements Properties and examples CONCEPTS EXPLORED IN THIS LESSON

4 What is an element An Element is a pure substance – Means it can stand by it self – Has the same type of atom – On the periodic Table – Chemical Symbols- can be 1,2,3 letters First letter is Captial and second letter is lowercase – H= hydrogen – Na= Sodium

5 WHAT ARE ELEMENTS? are substances that contain all the _____ type of ______.ELEMENTS: Gold is an element: Gold is an element because if you zoom in and look at all the individual units (particles) that make up this sample of gold, sameatoms = gold atom= sample of gold Nitrogen is also an element: = nitrogen atom = sample of nitrogen gold atoms they are made up of the same atoms – gold atoms.

6 Water is NOT an element: Carbon dioxide is NOT an element: = oxygen atom = hydrogen atom = carbon atom = oxygen atom Water is not an element because when you zoom in and look at the individual units (particles) that make up this sample of water, two different types of atoms oxygen atoms hydrogenatoms they are all made up of two different types of atoms – oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms. = sample of water = sample of carbon dioxide are substances that contain all the _____ type of ______.ELEMENTS: sameatoms WHAT ARE ELEMENTS?

7 Water is NOT an element: Carbon dioxide is NOT an element: Water is not an element because when you zoom in and look at the individual units (particles) that make up this sample of water, two different types of atoms oxygen atoms hydrogenatoms they are all made up of two different types of atoms – oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms. = sample of water = sample of carbon dioxide Water and carbon dioxide are not elements. They are both __________. compounds are substances that contain all the _____ type of ______.ELEMENTS: sameatoms WHAT ARE ELEMENTS?

8 What are compounds? Two or more different elements make up compounds Compounds have a fixed proportions: Specific Ratios ( Water= will always have 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen) Have 2 or more capitals Not on periodic table – H20= 2 hydrogen 1 oxygen – CO2= 1 Carbon, 2 oxygen – C6H12O6

9 are formed when atoms of ____ or _____ ________ elements combine in _______________ (definite ratios). TWO atoms hydrogen but always in the ratio of TWO atoms of hydrogen COMPOUNDS: fixed proportions twomoredifferent TWO atoms hydrogen but always in the ratio of TWO atoms of hydrogen What does fixed proportions mean? Water is always formed from the element hydrogen and oxygen, Hydrogen peroxide is also formed from the element hydrogen and oxygen, ONE atom oxygen combined with ONE atom of oxygen. TWOatoms oxygen combined with TWO atoms of oxygen. vs. WHAT ARE ELEMENTS?

10 are formed when atoms of ____ or _____ ________ elements combine in _______________ (definite ratios). COMPOUNDS: fixed proportions twomoredifferent Hence FIXED PROPORTIONS! TWO atoms hydrogen but always in the ratio of TWO atoms of hydrogen Water is always formed from the element hydrogen and oxygen, Hydrogen peroxide is also formed from the element hydrogen and oxygen, ONE atom oxygen combined with ONE atom of oxygen. TWOatoms oxygen combined with TWO atoms of oxygen. vs. WHAT ARE ELEMENTS?

11 This is a chart that organizes elements according to their chemical and physical _________. This chart was first conceived by a Russian chemist and inventor named ________________ in _____. properties Dmitri Mendeleev 1869 PERIODIC TABLE: HOW ARE ELEMENTS ORGANIZED?

12 1 It ________ by 1 for each element as you go from ___ to ____ on the Periodic Table. PERIODIC TABLE: This is a chart that organizes elements according to their chemical and physical _________. properties The _____________ is a whole number (no decimals). atomic number left right increases HOW ARE ELEMENTS ORGANIZED?

13 based on their similar _________. Elements are put together in columns called ______ PERIODIC TABLE: For example, ________ contains six elements which are all ____ (unreactive with other elements). groups properties group 18 inert This is a chart that organizes elements according to their chemical and physical _________. properties HOW ARE ELEMENTS ORGANIZED?

14 What is a mixture? a substance made by mixing other substances together. Physically combined Keeps Element properties – Trail mix – Dirt – Ocean water – Atmosphere

15 Now What? Make 3 Vocab cards – Element – Compound – Mixture

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