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Activity 16: Elements and the Periodic Table Warm up: what are the 4 families on the periodic table? Try to go in order. Name a characteristic of each.

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Presentation on theme: "Activity 16: Elements and the Periodic Table Warm up: what are the 4 families on the periodic table? Try to go in order. Name a characteristic of each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity 16: Elements and the Periodic Table Warm up: what are the 4 families on the periodic table? Try to go in order. Name a characteristic of each family you listed.


3 First Quarter Feedback Form You do not have to write your name on it. Please be honest and fair. Do not be concerned with what your neighbor is putting. You are your own person! When finished, place in gray “turn in” bin.

4 Activity 15 Analysis Questions Reminder: the UC assessment was due today! The last day I will accept any late work from Activity 12- Activity 15 is Wednesday.

5 Activity 15 In Case You Missed It... Elements can be organized into families based on their properties, such as reactivity or atomic mass. Atom- building block of matter Atomic mass- mass of one atom in an element. – Unit: atomic mass unit (amu) – Example: Carbon’s atomic mass is 12.01 amu

6 Activity 15 In Case You Missed It... The periodic table is categorized into 4 families, which are columns. Alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, and noble gases. All members of the family have the same reactivity and bonds to hydrogen.

7 Activity 15 In Case You Missed It... Atomic mass increases as you move down a family. Less atomic mass More atomic mass

8 Activity 16: Elements and the Periodic Table Of the four families we investigated, which 2 seemed most alike? Was there a family that was most different from the others? What kinds of properties can you use to distinguish groups of elements?

9 Activity 16: Elements and the Periodic Table Please open your books to page B22.

10 Activity 16: Elements and the Periodic Table Jigsaw Reading: – Each group will be assigned a section(s) of the text to read. – Read it silently first, then discuss with your group what you think the 2-3 most important things are. – Come up with a way to effectively teach this to the class. Be creative AND effective/engaging! – Each group will teach section to the class. – Be sure to address the “Stopping to Think” questions!

11 Jigsaw Reading Instructions Read the section assigned to you silently. Discuss it with your group to decide the most important parts. Teaching the class: – State the most important parts – Read the “Stopping to Think” questions and answers – Use diagrams or pictures – Be prepared to answer questions!

12 Jigsaw Notes Discovering Elements –Greeks- earth is made of a basic set of elements –1600- earliest known elements discovered, all occurred in nature. –1869- 63 elements were known.

13 Jigsaw Notes Mendeleev and the Periodic Table of the Elements –Dmitri Mendeleev- Russian scientist, 1869 –Mendeleev- found the 63 elements; organized them based on physical and chemical properties

14 Jigsaw Notes Modern Periodic Table –Metalloids- along the zig-zag line that separates metals and nonmetals. Have properties of both; semi-conductors. Conduct electricity like metals, but not very well. –Most metals are solids at room temp. except Hg –Atomic number- corresponds with the order that it is placed on the table. Determines the position of the element

15 Jigsaw Notes Forming Compounds –Compound- 2 or more atoms held together by bonds Sugar is made of 3 elements- C, O, and H –Molecule- the smallest form of a compound

16 Jigsaw Notes Chemical Names and Formulas –Chemical formula- shorthand way of identifying the kind and number of atoms that make up a compound –H 2 O- 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen –Na 2 O- 2 Na and 1 oxygen Classifying Matter –Elements can be classified into elements, compounds, and mixtures. Elements- pure substances Compounds- bonded chemically, 2 or more elements Mixtures- combined substances that don’t mix chemically, such as salt water

17 Chemical Compounds Matt 5:13 “You are the ____ of the earth,” made of sodium and chlorine: Dry ice is a solid form of this compound: Table sugar has 12 carbons, 22 hydrogens, and 11 oxygens. What is the compound?

18 Tonight’s Homework Complete Activity 16 analysis questions before our next class. Remember that any late work/make-up labs need to be completed before Wednesday at 7:55 am!

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