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NOTES: 8.1 – Energy & Life 8-1 Energy & Life (Source and Uses of Cell Energy)

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Presentation on theme: "NOTES: 8.1 – Energy & Life 8-1 Energy & Life (Source and Uses of Cell Energy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTES: 8.1 – Energy & Life 8-1 Energy & Life (Source and Uses of Cell Energy)

2 8-1: Energy & Life Key Concepts: –What is ATP? –How does ATP provide energy for the cell? –What is the role of ATP in cellular activities? Vocabulary: –Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) –Adenosine di- and monophosphate (ADP, AMP)

3 Cell Energy: **Energy is essential to life!! ► all living things must be able to: -produce energy; -store energy for future use; -use energy in a controlled way.

4 Which cellular activities require energy…??? Active transport Cell division Movement of flagella or cilia Production of proteins Storage of proteins

5 8-1: Energy & Life Chemical Energy and ATP –Energy can exist or be stored in many forms: Light Heat Electricity Chemical Compounds (CHEMICAL BONDS!)

6 8-1: Energy & Life ATP –Adenosine TriPhosphate Adenine (N) 5-Carbon Sugar (Ribose) 3-phosphate groups


8 Phosphate groups… Phosphate groups are negatively charged molecules… Molecules with the same charge repel each other (they do not like being too close to each other) This means that the 3 phosphate groups on ATP are in a very unstable arrangement!



11 ATP and Energy: This unstable arrangement of the 3 phosphate groups is like a compressed spring…stored potential energy! The third phosphate group is so eager to get away from the other two that, when the bond is broken, energy is released… What is left over is a free phosphate group and a lower energy molecule: ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE (ADP)



14 8-1: Energy & Life ATP –Adenosine TriPhosphate Adenine (N) 5-Carbon Sugar (Ribose) 3-phosphate groups ADP –Adenosine DiPhosphate Adenine (N) 5-Carbon Sugar (Ribose) 2-phosphate groups

15 8-1: Energy & Life Energy in ATP is released when it is converted to ADP (Fig. 9-2). The characteristics of ATP make it an exceptionally useful molecule that is used by all types of cells as their basic energy source.


17 ATP / ADP Cycle: When ATP is broken down, energy is RELEASED and ADP is formed. When ADP binds with another phosphate, energy is STORED and ATP is formed.

18 ATP / ADP Cycle:


20 8-1: Energy & Life ATP: –Efficient in transferring energy –Not very good for storing large amounts of energy long term. –A single molecule of sugar stores more than 90 times a molecule of ATP.

21 How do cells use the energy stored in ATP? Cellular proteins have a specific site where ATP can bind… When the ATP breaks down, the energy is transferred to the protein, enabling the protein to DO WORK (e.g. active transport, move, change shape)

22 Battery analogy: Sitting on a table, batteries are not of much use… Put the batteries into a device (calculator, cell phone, etc.) and the stored energy in the battery is put to use! When the battery is “dead” it can be removed and recharged…


24 Battery analogy: The energy stored in ATP is available when ATP is bound to a protein that will use it; Once the ATP is “dead” (is not ADP), it is released to be “recharged” back into ATP.


26 Heterotrophs & Autotrophs Cells are not “born” with a supply of ATP…they must somehow produce it! Where do living organisms get the energy they use to produce ATP??? the answer: FOOD!! (well, molecules from food)

27 Heterotrophs & Autotrophs HETEROTROPHS: organisms that obtain food by consuming other living things Examples: -zebra: eats plants (herbivore) -cheetah: eats animals like zebras! (carnivore) -mushroom: absorbs nutrients from decomposing / dead organisms (detritovore )

28 Heterotrophs & Autotrophs AUTOTROPHS: organisms that make their own food Examples: -algae-pine tree -grass-oak tree ***green plants make their own food through the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS!

29 ENERGY CONVERSION In living things, energy can be transferred from one molecule to another…sort of like the components of this Rube Goldberg machine Honda ad! LINK

30 PHOTOSYNTHESIS…next class!

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