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DNA stands for Also known as “the double helix” The 5-carbon sugar may be different in other nucleic acids. The sugar in DNA is deoxyribose.

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2 DNA stands for Also known as “the double helix”

3 The 5-carbon sugar may be different in other nucleic acids. The sugar in DNA is deoxyribose.


5 One strand can be a “template” to find the code of the other, but they are NOT identical –Which bases are complements? –Chargaff’s Rules of Base Pairing

6 “Sugar- phosphate backbone.” The phosphate of one nucleotide is bonded to the sugar of the next. Skip Honors stuff

7 The backbones attach to phosphates at the 5’ and 3’ carbons The first backbone goes from 5’ to 3’. The second is upside-down and goes from 3’ to 5’

8 A Twisted Ladder Complementary strands are held together by hydrogen bonds

9 Draw the complementary strand of the following DNA template.

10 Write a caption (paragraph) to describe the molecule to the left. Include as much information as possible.

11 Please answer the following questions: 1.Draw and label the monomer of a Nucleic Acid. 2.What makes each nucleotide different? Name the 4 nucleotides. 3.Identify the complementary base pairs 4.What is the “bond” that holds the complementary DNA strands together? 5.What molecules make up the “backbone” of DNA?

12 Honors should have also described the following: 6.The difference between purines and pyrimidines 7.How DNA is antiparallel

13 Build a model of DNA 9 base pairs Blue tubes = cytosine Yellow tubes = guanine Green tubes = thymine Orange tubes = adenine White tubes = phosphates White rods = hydrogen bonds Black pentagons = deoxyribose (sugar)

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