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Physical Characteristics of the Seven Continents M. Lauderdale Ashland Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Characteristics of the Seven Continents M. Lauderdale Ashland Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Characteristics of the Seven Continents M. Lauderdale Ashland Elementary

2 The Seven Continents 1.Africa 2.Antarctica 3.Asia 4.Australia 5.Europe 6.South America 7.North America

3 Physical Features The continents of the world have unique physical features. What are some types of physical features that we may come across?

4 Physical Features Notes: write down any bulleted information that is underlined. FYI: means For Your Information. You do not need to write this information in your notes.

5 Africa

6 Africa The Sahara Desert covers an area almost as large as the entire continental United States. A Sand Dune in the Sahara Desert

7 Africa The Nile River is the longest river in the world. It is 4,184 miles long!

8 Africa Lake Victoria is the largest body of fresh water in Africa.

9 Topography map of Lake Victoria

10 Africa The Congo River is the second largest river in Africa It is 2,922 miles long. FYI: It was recently discovered to be the deepest river in the world!

11 Africa The Congo River Basin is the area surrounding the Congo River. It contains the second-largest rain forest in the world.

12 Africa FYI: There are estimated to be over 2,000 languages spoken in Africa

13 Africa FYI: There are 53 countries in Africa.

14 Africa Where is Africa? What is it like in Africa? How are the lives of people shaped by this place? How is Africa shaped by people? How and why do people, ideas and goods move to and from Africa? How is Africa similar to other continents? How is Africa different from other continents?

15 Australia & Oceania

16 Australia is the only country that is also a continent.

17 Australia & Oceania The Great Barrier Reef is the worlds largest coral reef FYI: There are over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands that make up the Great Barrier Reef.

18 Australia & Oceania FYI: Coral reefs provide food and shelter for thousands of organisms which co- exist in complex interconnected food chains. FYI: Coral reefs are the largest natural structures in the world. FYI: The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space.

19 Australia & Oceania The Australian Outback is a large section of remote and wild desert. The ‘Outback’ is a dry, desert region.

20 Australia & Oceania FYI: Indigenous Australians (Aborigines) are the original inhabitants of the Australian continent and nearby islands

21 Australia & Oceania Do you know what this is? Do you know what it is used for?

22 Australia & Oceania Where is Australia? What is it like in Australia? How are the lives of people shaped by this place? How is Australia shaped by people? How and why do people, ideas and goods move to and from Australia? How is Australia similar to other continents? How is Australia different from other continents?

23 Asia

24 FYI: Asia is the largest continent in both size and population.

25 Asia The Arabian Peninsula is an important part of the Middle East and plays an important role because of its large reserves of oil and natural gas.

26 Asia The Himalayan mountain system is the planet's highest and home to the world's highest peaks.

27 Asia Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is in the Himalayan Mountains.

28 Asia Siberia makes up about 77% of Russia's territory, but only 25% of Russia's population.

29 Asia The Gobi Desert is the largest desert region in Asia. The Gobi Desert is a cold desert, and it is not uncommon to see frost and occasionally snow on its dunes.

30 Asia Tokyo, Japan Hong Kong, China

31 Asia Children in Saudi Arabia St. Petersburg, Russia

32 Asia Where is Asia? What is it like in Asia? How are the lives of people shaped by this place? How is Asia shaped by people? How and why do people, ideas and goods move to and from Asia? How is Asia similar to other continents? How is Asia different from other continents?

33 Europe + Asia= Eurasia Geographers refer to Europe and Asia as one large continent called Eurasia. Some geographers believe that because there are no waterways separating the two continents, it is one large landmass. Other geographers use the Ural Mountains as the natural boundary.

34 Europe

35 The Ural Mountains are a mountain range that runs roughly north and south through western Russia.

36 Europe The Ural Mountains are usually considered the natural boundary between Europe and Asia.

37 Geography Term Break! Peninsula- A peninsula is a piece of land that is nearly surrounded by water but connected to mainland via an isthmus. Isthmus-An isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas.

38 Europe Europe has several peninsulas. ItalyGreece

39 Europe Europe has several peninsulas. Iberian (Spain & Portugal) Scandinavia (Norway & Sweden)

40 Europe Where is Europe? What is it like in Europe? How are the lives of people shaped by this place? How is Europe shaped by people? How and why do people, ideas and goods move to and from Europe? How is Europe similar to other continents? How is Europe different from other continents?

41 South America

42 FYI: South America has 12 independent countries.

43 South America The Andes Mountains are the world's longest exposed mountain range. FYI: They lie as a continuous chain of highland along the western coast of South America. FYI: The range is over 4,300 miles long.

44 South America The Amazon River of is the largest river in the world by volume FYI: At no point is the Amazon crossed by bridges!

45 South America FYI: The Amazon River is only slightly shorter than the Nile River.

46 South America Where is South America? What is it like in South America? How are the lives of people shaped by this place? How is South America shaped by people? How and why do people, ideas and goods move to and from South America? How is South America similar to other continents? How is South America different from other continents?

47 North America

48 Greenland is located in North America, but is ruled by Denmark. Greenland’s Flag

49 North America We will be studying the other countries of North America in more detail, starting next week!

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