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Overview of the Planning Act and its implications for Local Authorities 17 th September 2015  Andrew Farrow – Chief Officer (Planning & Environment),

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Planning Act and its implications for Local Authorities 17 th September 2015  Andrew Farrow – Chief Officer (Planning & Environment),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Planning Act and its implications for Local Authorities 17 th September 2015  Andrew Farrow – Chief Officer (Planning & Environment), Flintshire County Council

2 Key objectives of the Act A modernised service delivery framework Strengthening the plan led approach Improved resilience Frontloading and improving the development management system Effective enforcement and appeals

3 The five main aspects of the Act Development Planning Applications for Welsh Ministers Development Management Enforcement and Appeals Town and Village Greens

4 Development Planning This part is about refining and improving the development plans system. Re-focussing the Wales Spatial Plan into the National Development Framework; Addressing cross boundary strategic planning issues through the establishment of Strategic Development Plans; Joint LDPs Development Plans and the Welsh Language

5 Applications to Welsh Ministers This part allows for the Welsh Ministers to take an active role in the delivery of planning services where necessary to: reduce duplication; increase consistency; and improve performance. The Welsh Ministers or an appointed person to make planning decisions in certain circumstances such as: Developments of National Significance (DNS); and where a LPA is consistently poorly performing.

6 Development Management Pre-Application Procedure This part places a legal duty on LPAs and the Welsh Ministers to provide a pre-application service, this is about helping to make the planning process: more efficient; speed up the decision making process; and improve the quality of development in Wales. Pre-Application community consultation: Requirement for pre-application engagement on certain types of applications, likely to be DNS and major developments. Pre-application consultation report will be required.

7 Development Management This part makes provisions to make the planning applications process: consistent, fair and transparent; and reducing complexity.  Planning Committees (size and make up)  National Scheme of Delegation  Decision Notices and Notification of Development  Statutory Consultees

8 Enforcement and appeals Enforcement, Appeals Etc. This part will enhance the transparency, speed and fairness of the appeal system in Wales. Enforcement The proposed changes to the enforcement system look to: eradicate consecutive appeals; give LPAs more control of retrospective applications; and transfer the determination of appeals against untidy land notices to the Welsh Ministers. Securing prompt effective action and providing greater clarity in the processes.

9 Enforcement and appeals Appeals Providing greater certainty in the appeal process, increasing transparency, reducing timescales for determination and increasing efficiency. Validation appeals LPA will be required to justify non-validation of applications. Right of appeal against a LPA not validating a planning application.

10 Town & Village Greens This part proposes some limitations on applications for town and village greens where land is going through the statutory planning process.

11 Now what?


13 Immediate implications for LPAs Secondary legislation – complete by 2018 Consultation, consultation, consultation New fee regime from October – “Something for something” Annual Performance Reports – submit by 20 th November Local implementation of change Other legislative programmes Voluntary collaboration? Financial constraints

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