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Michigan State Youth Soccer Association Risk Management Roundtable Joel Dragan: Director of Members Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Michigan State Youth Soccer Association Risk Management Roundtable Joel Dragan: Director of Members Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michigan State Youth Soccer Association Risk Management Roundtable Joel Dragan: Director of Members Services

2 Discussion Topics More than just background checks Goal safety MSYSA background checks MSYSA RM appeals process Disqualification offenses Risk Management appeal outcomes Social Media Michigan Concussion Legislation

3 More Than Just Background Checks Background checks are only a part of MSYSA Risk Management Recommended best practices for coaches/managers/administrators/clubs Plan for the worst case scenario Written Club Policies: – Driving – Individual practices/trainings – Financial controls – Parent meeting(s) Proactive opposed to reactive MSYSA D&O Policy/Insurance Coaches code of conduct

4 Goal Safety Players should NEVER move goals!!! Only 22 lbs of force can bring down a 400 lbs soccer goal 38 soccer goal related deaths (1979-2012) Moveable outdoor goals MUST be anchored to the ground – Preferably in the back of the goal – Anchors should be flush with the ground and VISIBLE – Several different types of goal anchors (see handouts) – Anchored vs. counterweighted Children climbing on goals in adjacent fields – Netting should be removed whenever possible – Majority of incidents occur when goals are NOT in use

5 Goal Safety Continued and Storage ALL goals should be purchased rather than constructed This label should appear on all soccer goals When goals are not being used always: – Remove the net – Place the goal frames face to face and secure them at each goalpost with a lock and chain – Lock and chain to a suitable fixed structure such as a permanent fence – Lock unused goals in a secure storage room after each use – If applicable, fully disassemble the goals for seasonal storage – If applicable, fold the face of the goal down and lock it to its base.

6 MSYSA Background Checks National Criminal Background Check Administered on GotSoccer – General GotSoccer Accounts All 50 states criminal database All 50 states sex-offender registries 1-3 days to process depending on volume Social Security Number requirement No SSN? Under 18 years old All those in contact with youth soccer players in MSYSA must comply NO EXCEPTIONS – Coaches, managers, BOD members, trainers, referees, volunteers, club employees, concession works, temporary trainers, tournament organizers, college coaches, etc.

7 Risk Management Appeals MSYSA RM Policy – – Under the Risk Management tab – Updated/Amended anytime Risk Management Committee – Four members – First line of approvals and denials More information requests OR The Risk Management Committee has the authority to immediately disqualify an individual based on the results of any criminal history background check.

8 Disqualification Offenses Specific offenses listed in RM policy – Use as a guideline – Not a complete list General 10 year criminal history Felonies vs. misdemeanors Does not need to be a conviction! – Section II of the MSYSA RM Policy: MSYSA also reserves the right to disqualify an individual if viewed that the individual’s behavior and/or conduct is detrimental to MSYSA, the MSYSA membership, or MSYSA member leagues. Random and additional checks

9 Appeals Process Initial background check More information request Risk Management Committee disqualification 10 day window to appeal to the MSYSA Board of Directors – Must be in writing sent to the MSYSA State Office Hearing with MSYSA BOD – Scheduled at monthly meeting – Materials can be sent for review by the MSYSA BOD. MUST be 5 days in advance of the hearing – All MSYSA BOD members present can vote (excluding President and conflicts)

10 RM Appeal Outcomes Decision letter sent in 10 business days MSYSA Board of Directors may: – Reinstate the Adult Applicant* – Amend the initial decision reached by the MSYSA Risk Management Committee* – Uphold the initial decision reached by the MSYSA Risk Management Committee* * The MSYSA Board of Directors determines the terms of reinstatements and the terms of disqualifications. The MSYSA Board of Directors decision is FINAL – The USSF Appeals Committee does not review risk management decisions by Organization Members. USSF Policy 601-10 sets out the procedures for recognition of risk management actions and does not provide for an appeal of this type of disqualification to the USSF Appeals Committee.

11 Social Media Recommendations for players/parents – Never post soccer schedule to social media – Lock (make private) all social media accounts – Should not be “friends” with coaches/trainers – “Friend” your son or daughter Recommendations for coaches/organizations – Coaches should NOT be communicating with players directly on social media – Create Social Media Policy for the club – If necessary, use mass emails – Create ONE social media page for the entire club Update website/page with necessary information only Player names and numbers should not be posted on public pages Text messages – Should be used as little as possible. – Mass texts if necessary with parents and administrators included

12 Social Media Continued 38% of Facebook users in the last year were under the age of 13. (Consumer Reports, June 2011) More than 25% of Facebook users last year were under the age of 10. (Consumer Reports, June 2011) Only 18% of parents with children under 10 on Facebook are actually "friends" with their child on the site. (Consumer Reports, June 2011) 15% of Americans have never checked their social networking privacy and security account settings. (National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA)-MacAfee Online Safety Study, 2011) 29% of Internet sex crime relationships were initiated on a social networking site. (Journal of Adolescent Health 27, 2010) In 26% of online sex crimes against minors, offenders disseminated information and/or pictures of the victim through the victim's personal social networking site. (Journal of Adolescent Health 47, 2010) 33% of of all Internet-initiated sex crimes involved social networking sites. (Journal of Adolescent Health 47, 2010) 26% of Americans say they are sharing more information on social networks today than one year ago. (National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA)-MacAfee Online Safety Study, 2011) In half of all sex crimes against a minor involving a social networking site, the social networking site was used to initiate the relationship. (Journal of Adolescent Health 47, 2010)

13 Michigan’s Concussion Legislation Michigan Public Acts 343 and 344 of 2012 created laws for “organizing entities” to follow regarding concussion. Compliance required by June 30 th, 2013 – MSYSA 2013 tryout deadline: 6/15/13 Michigan was the 39th U.S. state to enact a law that regulates sports concussions and return to athletic activity.

14 Michigan Concussion Legislation Continued Three (3) components to compliance: 1) Player/Parent Acknowledgement form: - Form signifies that the player has received concussion information/materials - Only needs to be signed once and kept on file 2) Coaches/Managers/Employees online training: - Heads-Up Concussion Online Training- CDC - Only needs to be completed once - Individual is responsible for completion not league/club (GotSoccer/RM integration) 3) Return to Play Form: - When a concussion is diagnosed this form must be filled out by a medical professional - When a concussion is suspected the player will need to be removed immediately

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