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Praxis Core Workshop Based partially on content available on

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1 Praxis Core Workshop Based partially on content available on

2 South Carolina Dept. of Ed. requirement for all Teacher Education students. Exempt if ACT = 24+ or SAT = 1650+ (2-part SAT = 1100). Test on reading, writing, and mathematics. Computer based test. Takes approximately 3-4 weeks for official scores to reach the USCA School of Education office. Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators

3 Information and registration can be found at Closest Testing Centers = Augusta, GA & Columbia, SC The ID codes for USCA and the South Carolina Department of Education: USCA ID#=5840 SC DOE ID#=8108 Registration

4 To Be Licensed inYou Need to TakeTest CodeQualifying Score Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading 5712156 AND All AreasCore Academic Skills for Educators: Writing 5722162 AND Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics (On-screen four-function calculator provided.)On-screen four-function calculator provided 5732150 Registration If you wish to take all three computer-delivered Core exams (5712, 5722, 5732) at the same time, select Core Academic Skills for Educators: Combined Test (5751) when registering.

5 Test Number of Questions Testing Time Reading5685 minutes Mathematics5685 minutes Optional Break --10 minutes Writing40 / 2 essays40 minutes / 30 minutes each Test Format

6 Take practice tests and read all explanations, even for questions you get correct. Review your practice test sub-scores and target the areas you did poorly on. Develop a study plan. Utilize available resources: –Test guides (library, bookstores) –Online tutor sites –SoE Website How to Prepare

7 Reading

8 Read the question first! Practice reading and answering questions on a computer. You can have scratch paper, so if you like to underline or annotate as you read, practice using scratch paper instead. Try the strategy put the question in your own words for challenging questions. Read 1-2 articles from the New York Times per day and ask yourself questions like “what is the main idea?” and “what is the author’s tone?” Tips




12 Writing

13 Outline or diagram first! Answer the question/address the prompt – don’t be a politician! Essay = 3-5 paragraphs (~1.5 pages) –Opening with purpose statement, point #1, #2, #3 with examples (real or otherwise) & closing/summation/review Proofread/revise Vocalization strategy Tips IMPORTANT

14 Grammar Usage

15 Sentence Correction

16 Revision in Context

17 Research Skills

18 Argumentative Essay Topic “Minimum-wage jobs are a ticket to nowhere. They are boring and repetitive and teach employees little or nothing of value. Minimum- wage employers take advantage of people because they need a job.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with this opinion. Support your views with specific reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or readings.

19 A ‘6’ essay demonstrates a high degree of competence in response to the assignment but may have a few minor errors. An essay in this category: –State or clearly implies the writer’s position or thesis –Organizes and develops ideas logically, making insightful connections between them –Clearly explains key ideas, supporting them with well-chosen reasons, examples or details –Displays effective sentence variety –Clearly displays facility in the use of language –Is generally free from errors in grammar, usage and mechanics Score of 6

20 Informational Essay Topic

21 Informational Essay Topic Part 2

22 A ‘6’ essay demonstrates a high degree of competence in response to the assignment but may have a few minor errors. An essay in this category: –Insightfully explains why the concerns are important, supporting the explanation with effective links between the two sources and well-chosen reasons, examples or details –Incorporates information from both sources to identify and explain important concerns regarding the issue discussed in the sources –Organizes and develops ideas logically –Displays effective sentence variety –Clearly displays facility in the use of language –Is generally free from errors in grammar, usage and mechanics –Cites both sources when paraphrasing or quoting Score of 6

23 Mathematics

24 Calculator provided Numeric Entry questions

25 Geometry (20%)

26 Algebra and Functions (30%)

27 Statistics and Probability (20%)

28 Number and Quantity (30%)

29 Fill in the Blank

30 Selected Response one or more answers

31 Get enough sleep (hopefully ~8 hours). Eat a ‘good’ breakfast. Give yourself plenty of time to get to testing center. Wear comfortable clothes (think AC!) When in doubt – take an educated guess! It won’t count against you Don’t read into a question. Think and act POSITIVE! Day of…

32 Questions?

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