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One hundred years ago Pacifism in WW1. BEF was a volunteer army in 1914; Conscription introduced in 1916; Rise in conscientious objectors; 16,000 in WW1,

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Presentation on theme: "One hundred years ago Pacifism in WW1. BEF was a volunteer army in 1914; Conscription introduced in 1916; Rise in conscientious objectors; 16,000 in WW1,"— Presentation transcript:

1 One hundred years ago Pacifism in WW1

2 BEF was a volunteer army in 1914; Conscription introduced in 1916; Rise in conscientious objectors; 16,000 in WW1, called ‘conchies’ Some served as non- combatants On the home front a rise in pacifist organisations like the Women’s Peace Crusade; After the war, greater recognition of pacifism as a religious and political stance.

3 Dick Sheppard Born 2 nd September 1880, Windsor; Anglican Priest and Army Chaplain (1915); Started the social outreach work at St Martin’s in the Fields, London; Established the Peace Pledge Union in 1936. Died 31 st October 1937

4 Geoffrey A Studdert Kennedy Known as ‘Woodbine Willie’; Born 27 th June 1883, Leeds; Anglican Priest and Army Chaplain (1915-1919); Awarded MC in 1917; Worked for the Industrial Christian Fellowship; Died 8 th March 1929

5 Arnold Wynne A master at Silcoates School 1902-3; Quaker and pacifist; Lecturer at the University of Cape Town; Served in the RAMC and then as a officer in the King’s Liverpool Regiment ‘The conviction came home to him that the only way to peace was by war’ Christian World, 1917


7 The Gospel of Peace ‘Not peace at any price but love and all cost’. (Dick Sheppard)

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