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Chapter 10 Study Guide Key Honors World History.  Consuls Two more powerful magistrates in Rome-one runs the army and the other runs the city  Assemblies.

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1 Chapter 10 Study Guide Key Honors World History

2  Consuls Two more powerful magistrates in Rome-one runs the army and the other runs the city  Assemblies primary job was to elect magistrates in Rome  Tribune elected officials that the power of VETO, in office to protect the plebeians (common people) – in power 1 year  Senate Advised city leaders in Rome; controlled city- finances. Members in Rome served for life  Dictator ruler with absolute power, elected in Rome for 6 months periods during times of war  Magistrate elected official – judges, finances, organized festivals – in power 1 year Vocabulary

3  Checks and Balances System put in place to balance power between the three branches of government  Veto “I prohibit” in Latin. Part of checks and balances, to limit power of each branch  Forum Public meeting place to discuss political ideas, shop, etc.  Civic Duty responsibility of citizens to improve their city- jury duty, voting, etc.  Landlocked Almost or entirely surrounded by land; having no coastline or seaport. Vocabulary

4  1. List out the chain of events in Romulus and Remus’s life. What made it so incredible? Why might this be helpful (to have such a unique story) for the citizens of Rome?  -Born the son of Mars and a Latin Princess  -Jealous uncle sent servants to kill Romulus and Remus for control of kingdom  -Sent down river-found and raised by she-wolf; found by shepherd and raised to adulthood  -Built city on Tiber river where found by she-wolf  -Argued over who to name the city after and who should be the first king  -Romulus killed Remus and you have…ROME  -This may help give people pride to know that they have such a glorious past – that its leaders were descended from gods “Short” Answer


6 3. Ancient Rome is located in this modern day country Italy. 4. Explain the geography of Ancient Rome (given specific geographic features when appropriate) and climate. Then explain how these aspects helped the early settlers of Rome. Mediterranean climate: warm summers and mild/rainy winters. The landscape is mountainous and covered in hills. The mountains (Apennines and Alps) provide natural barriers as protection from invaders. Early settlers could use oceanic resources for food/trade and landscape for defensive positioning. “Short” Answers

7 5. Who was Hannibal and what was his role in the Punic Wars? -Military leader from Carthage (N. Africa) -Father also a military leader during 1 st Punic War - Grew up hating Romans -Went to invade Rome through Alps-used war elephants -Ultimately the Romans led counter-attack and he took his life to avoid Roman capture. -After the Punic Wars – Rome gains control of N. Africa, Spain/Portugal, Sicily & 2 Northern Islands === an empire? 6. Why would the Roman Republic elect dictators for 6 month periods during times of war? To make decisions quicker and avoid voting process-after 6 months the dictator would give up his power –this would ensure he would not become too powerful and help to get bad dictators out. “Short” Answers

8 7.Why did Rome need to have 2 consuls? -So one would not become too powerful -1 ran the city and the other controlled the army (many times one was away at war) 8. Explain the purpose of checks and balances and then apply it to our government (in relation to our three branches.) This is to ensure one branch of government does not become too powerful. In the system of checks and balances, our government has certain powers to avoid 1 branch becoming too powerful. For example – the President can appoint a judge to the Supreme Court – this is a job held for life. Because this is such a huge power, the Congress must first approve the nomination. 9. What does “veto” mean? Apply how it is used in our government today. “I prohibit” in Latin. Example: Legislative branch (Congress) can pass a bill, however it must go to the president (executive). The president can then veto the bill. However, this is then passed back to the Congress. They can override the presidential veto if 2/3 (or more) of Congress ok the bill. The Supreme Court (Judicial) can determine if the law follows the Constitution. “Short” Answers

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