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مكبر العمليات Operational Amplifier Operational Amplifier and its circuit. Types of op-amp. Application of op- amp. Examples Operational Amplifier.

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Presentation on theme: "مكبر العمليات Operational Amplifier Operational Amplifier and its circuit. Types of op-amp. Application of op- amp. Examples Operational Amplifier."— Presentation transcript:


2 مكبر العمليات Operational Amplifier




6 Operational Amplifier and its circuit. Types of op-amp. Application of op- amp. Examples Operational Amplifier and its circuit. Types of op-amp. Application of op- amp. Examples

7 Q1 : prove that Av=-Rf/R for the operational amplifier inverter type. Q2 : draw the oscillator circuit by using op-amp and input,output wave form.


9 Operation Amplifier ( OP-AMP )

10 1-Symbol and equivalent circuit 2- advantages of op-amp: 1-high open loop gain (A). 2- very high input impedance (Zin). 3- low output impedance (Zout). 4-high band width frequency. Out put signal in put signal V1 in put signal V2 Positive biasing Negative biasing

11 3- Op-Amp basing power supply _ + V1 V2 Vo Vcc

12 Out put signal V1 V2 _ +

13 Negative feedback

14 Circuit with feed back 1-Inverter op-amp 2-Non_Inverter op-amp RfRf R Vo Vin RfRf R -+-+ -+-+ Vo Vin

15 4-Voltage gain calculation


17 5-The Op-Amp Application 1-Zero crossing detector : one of the open loop circuit useful in power electronics.there are two kind of zero- crossing detector. a- Inverting Zero – crossing detector circuit diagram Input output waveforms Operation : a sinusoidal wave is applied to (-ve)input when Vin just crosses (0) level output jumps to + and – saturation voltage amplitude of output is determined by magnitude of (Vcc).

18 b- non inverting zero – crossing detector

19 2-Comparator: its name indicates that it compare two potentials one of them is reference potential while the other is variable with time. Comparator can give an indication of crossing a certain referen ce.









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