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What is an MP3? MP3: MP3 is an acronym for MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 audio layer 3. MP3 is the file extension for MPEGaudio layer 3. Layer 3 is one of three coding.

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Presentation on theme: "What is an MP3? MP3: MP3 is an acronym for MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 audio layer 3. MP3 is the file extension for MPEGaudio layer 3. Layer 3 is one of three coding."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an MP3? MP3: MP3 is an acronym for MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 audio layer 3. MP3 is the file extension for MPEGaudio layer 3. Layer 3 is one of three coding schemes (layer 1, layer 2 and layer 3) for the compression of audio signals. Layer 3 uses perceptual audio coding and psychoacoustic compression to remove all superfluous information (more specifically, the redundant and irrelevant parts of a sound signal. The stuff the human ear doesn't hear anyway)

2 This following information is only a guide to on how to operate an MP3 player – each machine will have its own specific features. Before completing actual recordings for your students it may be advisable to spend some time ‘Getting to know the device’ and to make sure you are confident that when you sit with your student that the device will record and save your recordings. MP3

3 Some examples of MP3’s Sony ICD- UX71 – Digital voice recorder - flash 1 GB - WMA, MP3 - black Digital Voice Recorder With Mass Storage Device, MP3 And WMA Music Playback - Si DENPA VT-50 1Gb Digital Voice Recorder, FM Radio, MP3 Player, USB file storage, wireless mic compatible Philips LFH0600/00 Digital Voice Tracer Dictaphone, 512MB Storage, 33 Hours, MP3 Recording

4 What MP3 should you buy? There are many different make and models of MP3’s and a wide price range. This may influence your choice, but as a minimum specification you should look for a device: With the ability to record With a USB connection (you may need to buy the USB as an extra) With the facility to attach an external mic With the facility to attached headphones

5 What size of memory do you need? Reference to this site does not imply that CCEA supports the information contained on it and only serves as a guide to assist you in making an informed decision on the type of MP3 you require. For more information you can visit the following site. This is a question and answer from a user’s forum: I have 500 hours of mp3 files on 8 cds that i want to load onto an mp3 player but I can't figure out what size player I need. I know 1 gig is 16 hours of audio files, but mp3 files are condensed. Right? Someone help please!!! Answer: The audio files are already compressed as you said they are in mp3 format. You say they are on 8 cds. They must be highly compressed to fit that much only 8 cds. A cd has 700 MB of storage. You have 8 of them. Do the math and that equals about 5.6 GB. If that's the case, you should probably get something that is at least 8GB. Go with 16GB if you plan on adding more.;bg_l

6 Prior to the day of the recordings: Prepare your computer for the recordings by setting up folders relevant to the students – GCE / GCSE / Class 6E, etc. You will download your recordings into these folders. You may want to copy in your student list into the folder or divide it into sections for ‘Morning’ or ‘Afternoon’ recordings

7 Day of Recording: Needed: MP3 recorder& Student list Student NameCandidate No.Recording No.New Recording Name 1.Philip Carlin122330000 1.Gemma Smyth122340001 1.Jim Dobbin122350002 1.Séamas Mac Dáibhí122360003 1.Paula Watson122370004

8 Day of Recording: Once you are both ready switch on the device and give the appropriate information needed according to CCEA recommendations – Subject, level, candidate number etc. Complete the recording with the student and then stop the recording or turn off the MP3 Your device will save the recording and assign a specific identification number – for example 0001 (this should have come to your attention when you were getting to know your device).

9 Day of Recording: You will need to replace that specific identification number with your student’s candidate number and possibly a centre number

10 How to change the recording number Connect your MP3 recorder to your computer or remove your memory card and put it into your computer slot Download your files into an appropriate folder

11 How to change the recording number Once your transfer is complete ‘Right- click’ on the first recording and select ‘Rename’ in the drop-down dialogue box

12 How to change the recording number Move to the next recording and repeat Insert the new recording name into your student list Student NameCandidate No.Recording No.New Recording Name 1.Philip Carlin12233000012233 1.Gemma Smyth12234000112234 1.Jim Dobbin12235000212235 1.Séamas Mac Dáibhí12236000312236 1.Paula Watson12237000412237

13 Playing your recordings: Your computer will have a software package which will allow you to play your sound files. To hear the sound file right-click and select ‘Play’

14 Remember: Know how your device will assign your recordings Prepare a student list Prepare your computer for information to be downloaded Download your recordings into the correct folder on your computer Rename your recordings with your pupil’s relevant information Update your student list as appropriate Any Questions at this point?

15 Transferring your files to CCEA The following information is only a guide at this time and may be subject to change at any time in the future. While the system for uploading sound files to the CCEA secure site is not fully developed yet it is envisaged that it could look similar to the current site used for ICT eModeration.

16 Transferring your files to CCEA Assuming that this could be similar to the ICT eModeration it is likely that you will receive a ‘Pre-entry list of candidates’ file which you will download and update with student/centre information. It could look like this:

17 Transferring your files to CCEA When you are required to upload your tasks the first screen you will see will look something like this:

18 Transferring your files to CCEA Select the ‘Browse’ button to search for the area in which your sound files are stored. Your next screen should look like this:

19 Transferring your files to CCEA Once you have identified your storage area, select the required students and transfer the sound files as required.

20 Any Questions Thank You for Coming Today and Goodbye Go raibh maith agat Merci Danke Gracias

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