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More than just noise: Library podcasts that teach VCU Libraries VLA Annual Conference Thursday, November 9, 2006 Bettina J. Phifer Jill S. Stover Peter.

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Presentation on theme: "More than just noise: Library podcasts that teach VCU Libraries VLA Annual Conference Thursday, November 9, 2006 Bettina J. Phifer Jill S. Stover Peter."— Presentation transcript:

1 More than just noise: Library podcasts that teach VCU Libraries VLA Annual Conference Thursday, November 9, 2006 Bettina J. Phifer Jill S. Stover Peter Kirlew

2 VCU Libraries Podcasts at work and play A podcast for every interest –Smoothie CastSmoothie Cast –“Godcasts”Godcasts –McDonald’sMcDonald’s –NPRNPR –Museum PodsMuseum Pods –Day in the Life of an MEDay in the Life of an ME –ASU LibrariesASU Libraries Who’s listening?

3 VCU Libraries Smoothie Cast

4 VCU Libraries Smoothie Cast

5 VCU Libraries “Godcasts”Godcasts

6 VCU Libraries McDonald’s

7 VCU Libraries NPR

8 VCU Libraries Museum Pods

9 VCU Libraries Day in the Life of an ME

10 VCU Libraries ASU Libraries

11 VCU Libraries Podcasts defined Podcasts = Sound + Syndication –MP3 = Sound recording format (.mp3) –Syndication = Making a Web feed available RSS iPod not required

12 VCU Libraries Podcasts @ Cabell Library Research & Reference Services Dept. Collection of short educational podcasts & screencasts Core set of 12 scripts –Other topics added periodically –Any staff can submit/record script Let’s listen!listen

13 VCU Libraries

14 VCU Libraries What were we thinking? (Rationale) Address FAQ’s Ubiquity of MP3 players/laptops –iTunes U & VCUiTunes U VCU Millennial Generation –Self-service help on demand –Multi-tasking students Accommodating learning styles –Audial learners Instructional Content Management System Room for future research –Preference, acceptance

15 VCU Libraries

16 VCU Libraries

17 Recording Tools for recording and editing audio include software like Audacity (free open source software) and a headset or microphone. Other options include a mp3 recorder or any software, program, or device that allows you to produce a mp3 file. VCU Libraries Broadcasting – Tools include blogs with RSS capability or programming your own RSS feed. Listening Listeners can subscribe to your Podcast through their browser, iTunes, Juice, or many other services. Then, they can be downloaded to a mp3 player. Podcasting Basics

18 VCU Libraries Promotion VCU Libraries Web page (Help+ page)VCU Libraries Web page Undergraduate outreach (example: Newsletter) VCU Web page Point-of-Need (example: Blackboard)Blackboard

19 VCU Libraries VCU Libraries Web pageVCU Libraries Web page (Help+ page)

20 VCU Libraries VCU Libraries Web pageVCU Libraries Web page (Help+ page)

21 VCU Libraries VCU Web page

22 VCU Libraries VCU Web page

23 VCU Libraries Point-of-Need (example: Blackboard)Blackboard

24 VCU Libraries Undergraduate outreach (example: Newsletter)

25 VCU Libraries How we’re doing… People are finding podcasts –9,039 total sessions –29.73 average sessions per day –3.02 page views per session –Referral pages –Search terms (infotrac, library catalog, etc.) People are listening?

26 VCU Libraries The Challenges Resources Policy issues Finding your voice –Formality, tone, language, length Finding your audience Subject matter Getting buy-in To assess or not to assess?

27 VCU Libraries Screencasting for Library Instruction

28 VCU Libraries

29 VCU Libraries

30 VCU Libraries Screencasts, Podcasts Blackboard: Integrated Instruction Classes Blackboard: Quick Tutorials Class Academic Users Librarycasting SE Librarian in-Person Liaison & Outreach RSS Technology, Instruction and Outreach Integration

31 VCU Libraries Why Screencasts, Podcasts? Communicate complex content effectively Interest level in video and audio is higher Why Blackboard? Great placement of library instruction classes Very familiar to most students and faculty Use for instruction well documented in literature Why Blog? Promote science library services Chronological context for tutorials, services Content is not limited to a single class focus Why RSS? Instruction content is more accessible Updates for the student are automatic Multiple, specialized feeds can be created

32 VCU Libraries Screencast Production

33 VCU Libraries

34 VCU Libraries

35 VCU Libraries

36 VCU Libraries Screencast Instruction Applications Hybrid library instruction (both live and online class content) Course-integrated library instruction Stand-alone workshops Video tutorial often used to introduce the class content RSS feeds provide an alternate method for returning to class content Videos used as demos for liaison visits and events

37 VCU Libraries More Resources Podcasts @ Cabell Library Librarycasting SE Presentation Handout

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