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Technical Assistance Meeting II. Agenda Introductions Sharing our System Information (T-Chart) Activity – Evaluating the EL Program Balloon Activity Next.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Assistance Meeting II. Agenda Introductions Sharing our System Information (T-Chart) Activity – Evaluating the EL Program Balloon Activity Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Assistance Meeting II

2 Agenda Introductions Sharing our System Information (T-Chart) Activity – Evaluating the EL Program Balloon Activity Next Steps – Create a Timeline

3 Introductions

4 Sharing our System Information T-Charts What Worked? What Didn’t Work ?

5 With your district team, read pages 1 & 2 of Chapter 9 of the EL Tool Kit Note: What makes you think? What makes you nervous? What questions do you have? etc. Discuss as a group EL Tool Kit Chapter 9: Evaluating the EL Program

6 Did you find… Chapter 9: pages 1 & 2 What is participating “meaningfully”? Are these in your plan: policies, procedures, programs, practices, resources, staffing, and student outcomes? What might change with the Every Student Succeeds Act? Exhibit 1 – contains data meeting, state monitoring, state data compilation information Longitudinal data? What are your other findings?

7 EL Tool Kit Chapter 9: Evaluating the EL Program Group 1 – Part A: EL Program Implementation Information Group 2 – Part B: Staffing and Professional Learning Group 3 – Part C: Student Performance Information: English Language Development Group 4 – Part D: Student Performance Information: Academic Content

8 Look for these key points within each assigned section of Tool #1 1.Successful EL programs enable EL students to attain both English proficiency and parity of participation in the standard instructional program within a reasonable period of time. 2.LEAs should collect longitudinal data to monitor and compare the performance of current ELs, former ELs, and never-ELs in the LEA’s standard instructional program. Data should not be limited to annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs). 3.When EL programs do not produce both English proficiency and parity of participation within a reasonable period of time, SEAs and LEAs must modify the EL program.

9 Did you find… Part A Everyone involved in the registration/enrollment procedure requires training. What is your EL plan? Where is it? What does it say? Is everyone trained to implement the plan? Enrollment, Identification/screening, assessment, programs and services, staffing, participating meaningfully, exit criteria, monitoring Monitoring tool for both CURRENT and former EL students What are your other findings?

10 Did you find… Part B How are you providing classroom/content teachers the resources and training they need to provide for the needs of EL students? What is your professional development protocol for classroom/content teachers, EL teachers, and administrators? Do personnel have appropriate certifications? If paraprofessionals are part of your program, what training have they received? What are your other findings?

11 Did you find? Part C The EL program expectations are that they are acquiring English in all four domains: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. A gain of 0.5 on the ACCESS for ELLs is the minimum for progressing according to AMAOs – but it would take 10 years to get from 1.0 to 6.0, 8 years to get from 1.0 to 5.0 Graduation Rate – for the past few years the state has been focused on increasing the percentage of students graduating. We may have to get creative for our EL students; to help them achieve the goal of graduation Teacher and parental observations as a data source Using the data on the goal setting form across the school year What are your other findings?

12 Did you find… Part D What do your English Language Development services look like? Are EL students making adequate academic progress in grade-level core content classes? Are middle and high school EL students participating meaningfully in order to graduate on time? Do they need extra help? Does your LEA have barriers that need to be looked at in relation to your EL students for gifted programs, extracurricular activities, advanced courses, etc. Do your assessments preclude ELs? How are EL students accumulating credits towards graduation? How are we measuring EL and former EL students as compared to never EL students? What are your other findings?

13 Analyzing the Information and Identifying Areas for Improvement


15 Timeline Ideas ACCESS for ELLs Data included in Assessment Data Meetings PD for All Personnel Classroom Observations Targeted Student Goal-Setting Student EL Plans Completed School EL Teams Meet Monthly District EL Teams Meet Bi-Monthly Parental Observations & Evaluations Cumulative Program Evaluation

16 Your District Timeline Staff Training on Registration of Students Review HLS; Administer W-APT if Appropriate Develop EL Plans & Notify Parents

17 The Gold Standard! If you are following your plan… then you are GOLDEN!!!

18 Regional Contacts : Debbie Baeder Robin Stutts Michele Lee Krista Whatley

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