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March 09 2016 PTB‘s Technical Cooperation & "Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Solar Water Heaters in Northern Africa" TECHNICAL COOPERATION.

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Presentation on theme: "March 09 2016 PTB‘s Technical Cooperation & "Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Solar Water Heaters in Northern Africa" TECHNICAL COOPERATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 09 2016 PTB‘s Technical Cooperation & "Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Solar Water Heaters in Northern Africa" TECHNICAL COOPERATION

2 First we take measurements, then we take measures.

3 TECHNICAL COOPERATION The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the national metrology institute of Germany has existed for over 125 years. With 2000 employees located at Braunschweig and Berlin, it is a global player in the world of metrology.

4 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Tasks of PTB RESEARCHING | MEASURING | CONSULTANCY FUNDAMENTALS OF METROLOGY Realization, maintenance and dissemination of the legal units of the SI METROLOGY FOR SOCIETY Promotion of consumer protection Safeguarding of living conditions METROLOGY FOR THE ECONOMY Increase in the efficiency of the economy Safeguarding of employment INTER- NATIONAL MATTERS Elimination of technical barriers to trade Standardization of metrology

5 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Technical Cooperation For 50 years, PTB has shared its core competence in international development cooperation. We support developing and emerging economies in the comprehensive field of quality infrastructure.

6 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Our Profile. Integration and Recognition. We support our partner countries in the development and utilization of an appropriate and internationally recognized quality infrastructure. A central role is played by national, regional, and international networks in which our partners participate according to their priorities and skills.

7 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Our Profile. Based on Partnership. Our approach is based on partnership and is systemic and appropriate. QUALITY MADE BY PTB GERMANY. We are part of a global network and we are oriented towards international good practices.

8 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Our Offering. Flexibility. POLICY DIALOGUE  Awareness raising  Network building  Regional integration CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Human Capacity Development  Training and further education  Secondment  e-learning Technical Capacity Development  Technology transfer  Intercomparisons  Round Robin tests  Accreditations SCALING-UP  Pilot projects, start-up financing  Financial contributions  Scientific-technological cooperation  Alliances with global partners QUALITY ASSURANCE  Independent evaluations  Project appraisals  Studies and specialised publications  Impact evaluation  Development of new instruments QUICK RESPONSE  Partner consulting in the event of specific current issues  Advice for BMZ, donor and implementation organizations

9 TECHNICAL COOPERATION We advise governments and ministries, promote institutions of quality infrastructure, and support smaller and medium-sized enterprises.  International/Regional Organizations  Policy/Decision Makers  Regional Associations of Producers and Consumers  QI Institutions  Business Service Providers  Business Membership Organizations  SME Promotion Agencies  Export Promotion Agencies  etc.  Producers/Suppliers (local market and export)  Consumers/Buyers Our Profile. Multi-Level Approach.

10 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Our Project Partners. Worldwide. 43 projects in 81 countries of which: 18 are bilateral projects 24 are regional projects 1 is a supra-regional project Financial volume € 8 – 10 million annually 50 employees Clients: BMZ, BMWi, EU, development banks, and direct orders bilateral regional

11 TECHNICAL COOPERATION 2000 employees 100 laboratories 1000 committees BMWi, BMZ, BMBF, BMU, BGR, GIZ, Engagement Global, DIN, BAM, DAkkS, DGQ, universities, associations... BIPM, OIML, ISO, IEC ILAC, IAF, WTO, ITC, World Bank, regional development banks, UNIDO, UNECE PTB German facilities Regional organizations International organizations Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, South Africa, China, Turkey, India, Russia Global development partners EU Commission, European QI (EURAMET, EA, CEN), Partner regions (SIM, APMP, COOMET, AFRIMETS, …) Our Cooperation Partners. Sustainable.

12 Quality Infrastructure. A Complex Network. TECHNICAL COOPERATION


14 Sustainable economic development  A contribution towards the promotion of employment and the reduction of poverty Quality Infrastructure. A Contribution Towards Sustainability. Ecological sustainability  Environmental and resource protection require long-term and reliable measurements Sustainable social development  A contribution towards the human right to health  Fair competition is conditional on the adherence to the rules  Good governance protects the citizens

15 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Energy projects worldwide  India: Strengthening quality infrastructure in the solar industry  Mexico: Quality infrastructure for renewable energies and energy efficiency  Support to Mongolia's quality infrastructure with particular regard to the energy sector  Latin America: Quality infrastructure for renewable energy sources and energy efficiency  Brazil: Supporting conformity assessment procedures as well as measurement and testing techniques for the labelling of the energy efficiency of household appliances  Tunisia: Quality infrastructure for photovoltaics  Northern Africa: Strengthening quality infrastructure for solar energy

16 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Africa and the Middle East

17 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Term  4 years (08/2012 – 07/2016)  New project under preparation (09/2016 – 08/2020) Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Solar Energy Budget  2.000.000 EUR Partner  30 institutions of metrology, accreditation, standardisation, testing laboratories, universities and research centres in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania

18 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Main activities  Improvement of conformity assessment of SWH (testing, accreditation)  Strengthening capacities of NSBs in the field of solar energy (e.g. harmonisation on regional level, participation in ISO TC meetings)  Improvement of traceability of measuring techniques (wind speed, irradiation, flow rate)  Development of a Blended Learning Course for university lecturers  Awareness raising for policy makers (energy agencies) and target group (private sector) Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Solar Energy

19 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Results / open questions  Testing laboratories in Tunisia and Algeria  Calibration of wind speed measurement instruments, pyranometers  17 trained university staff, QI part of curriculum planned in Monastir, Tunis, Oran, Oujda, Marrakech  4 regional auditors for technical requirements (ISO 9806, ISO 9459, EN12975 & 6)  Intercomparisons  Calibration of instruments, customs  Consumer protection, installation, inspection  certification: labelling on national level, SHAMCI, Solar Keymark, Global Solar Certification Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Solar Energy

20 TECHNICAL COOPERATION Africa and the Middle East Thank You Very Much For Your Attention.

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