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Welcome to Brockett Elementary Tonight’s Agenda: * Pizza Dinner at 6:00 * “What’s New in Bullying?” at 6:10 * Title I Update * AT 6:30: - PTO Moms on a.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Brockett Elementary Tonight’s Agenda: * Pizza Dinner at 6:00 * “What’s New in Bullying?” at 6:10 * Title I Update * AT 6:30: - PTO Moms on a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Brockett Elementary Tonight’s Agenda: * Pizza Dinner at 6:00 * “What’s New in Bullying?” at 6:10 * Title I Update * AT 6:30: - PTO Moms on a Mission meeting - “Old Watch DOGS” sign-up in the hallway - “New Watch DOGS” presentation in cafeteria

2 What is Bullying? Think about whether the following is Bullying… Another child threatens to punch another child on the playground. There is no history between the 2 children. It is an isolated behavior. During a weekend sleepover, a group of girls begin verbally attacking another child (not at the party) through text messaging. In the classroom, one student continuously uses his/her nonverbal skills to threaten another student. It happens daily, several times a day, and is causing the non-aggressive student a lot of duress.

3 This is what the law says… Bullying occurs when a student or a group of students engages in written or verbal expression (this includes electronic: cyber bullying) or physical means. Results in harm to student or their property. Places a student in reasonable fear of physical harm or damage to their property. Is so severe, persistent, and pervasive that it creates an intimidating or abusive educational environment. Creates an imbalance of power, interferes with a students education, or substantially disrupts the operation of the school. Might include hazing, threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, name calling, rumor-spreading, or ostracism.

4 Let’s Find Out Think about whether the following is Bullying or Severe Poor Behavior Another child threatens to punch another child on the playground. There is no history between the 2 children. It is an isolated behavior. NO (not persistent), still needs to be reported! During a weekend sleepover, a group of girls begin verbally attacking another child (not at the party) through text messaging. Might be, but if it doesn’t happen at school, we can not punish. Still can be reported though! In the classroom, one student continually uses his/her nonverbal skills to threaten another student. It happens daily, several times a day, and is causing the non-aggressive student a lot of duress. Yes (persistent, pervasive). Should be reported as BULLYING


6 What do I do now? Once a bullying incident is reported: Fill out Incident Report Form Teacher/Parent- Adult Form Student- Student Form Return completed form to Principal/Counselor “in a timely manner” What happens next? Principal/Counselor will do a thorough investigation in written form within 10 school days of the report being filed. If the investigation determines there was bullying taking place, the final report will be sent to the Superintendent and parents of all parties will be notified of their rights. Counseling Right to Appeal

7  SST (Student Support Team) meeting  Intervention/strategies are discussed  Students are monitored closely (4-12 weeks)  Follow-up meetings take place to monitor progress  SST committee might decide for further testing through Special Programs: Special Education/Speech or Dyslexia  If a student has a qualifying medical condition, a 504 Plan might be suggested What else happens for struggling students? SST Meetings can be started for any student struggling with behavior or academics.

8 Our Mission: Help students identify bullying behaviors Instruct students what to do if they see/hear/are the receiver of bullying How to report all forms of severe behavior they may witness How to keep themselves safe

9 Watch D.O.G.S Your Day on Campus : * You will receive a schedule. PLEASE follow it carefully (Please do not “hang out” in your child’s classroom. We want your presence to be seen all over campus!) * We run an efficient school by teaching routines and procedures ! Helping to role model these behaviors helps! * We believe in pointing out the good! Please feel free to ACKNOWLEDGE the great behaviors you see! (Ex: “I like the way you are _______________” or “I noticed you were__________________”)

10 NOW IT’S TIME TO SIGN-UP We can’t wait to see you on campus!! You will need to do 3 things: 1.Fill out the packet Registration T-shirt order form (please pay ASAP) Background check 2.Sign-up for your day These days are in blue 3.Show-up with your Watch DOGS t-shirt on your day! : ) *** We are asking for only 1 dad per available day ! Please allow all dads the chance to volunteer before signing up for more days! : )

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