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Prepared By : Abdallah Nairat Road Map for Renewables In Palestine Tubas as a Model Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop March.3.2015 Casablanca, Morocco.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared By : Abdallah Nairat Road Map for Renewables In Palestine Tubas as a Model Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop March.3.2015 Casablanca, Morocco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared By : Abdallah Nairat Road Map for Renewables In Palestine Tubas as a Model Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop March.3.2015 Casablanca, Morocco

2 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

3 Current Situation Of Energy Palestinians are living in abnormal conditions and they are not living in comfortable conditions just to mention one aspect they import most of their energy from neighboring countries (Israel, Jordan and Egypt) The result: They pay a lot of money and the supplying sources aren't dependable and secure due to political Sensitivities saying so our country is one of the richest in Sun radiation, over 3000 hours yearly, so lets get all the benefits of mother nature, develop, our economy and improve quality of living for our people.

4 The main Characteristics of the energy sector as follows:- Nearly all the electricity is purchased from Israel (88%). The electricity system especially in the west bank consist of numerous isolated distribution system and are not integrated into distribution network. Electrical energy account for 22% of the total energy. The growth of energy consumption is about 7% annually. Power supply and distribution is the responsibility of municipal councils and distribution companies. There are 6 distribution companies which are ( Gedco, Jedco, Hepco, Selco, Tdeco and Nedco) Current Situation Of Energy Cont.

5 The main Characteristics of the energy sector as follows:- All distribution companies purchase the energy from IEC on M.V network 22Kv or 33Kv. Small portion of electricity is purchased from Jordan supplying Jericho (20MW). Small portion of electricity is purchased from Egypt supplying Rafah (25 Mw). Palestine Electricity Regulatory Council (PERC) was formed in the year 2011. Last year (2014) Palestinian Electricity Transmission CO. Ltd (PETL) was launched (Government Owned) On March 2012 Palestine Solar initiative (PSI) and solar energy strategy were launched. Current Situation Of Energy Cont.

6 Is supplied by IEC grid through 251 connection points (60 in south, 156 north, 35 in middle). Total electricity purchased from IEC 3500 GWH. Maximum load in 2013 was 850 MW Number of consumers 550000. 70% of the load for residential and commercial customers, 30% industrial and others About 97.5% is purchased from IEC 2.5% from Jordan. Losses 24%. West Bank: Current Situation Of Energy Cont.

7 Is supplied by IEC grid through 10 points. Total electricity consumption from IEC 1500 MWH. Maximum load in 2013 350 MW. Number of consumer 200,000 70% of the load for residential and commercial customers 30% for industrial and others. 35% of power is purchased from IEC, 22% from power plant in Gaza, 8% from Egypt. 35% is shortage of power. Losses 35%. Gaza : Current Situation Of Energy Cont.

8 Renewable energy in Palestine

9 Renewable energy in Palestine CONT. 1. Photovoltaic electricity (PV). 2. Solar water heating 3. Wind Energy 4. Bio energy

10 National Renewable Energy Strategy 2020 (MW)Technology used 25On Ground PV 20Rooftops PV (Palestinian Solar Initiative) 20Concentrated solar power plants 18biogas from landfills 3biogas from animal waste 4Small-scale wind 40Wind Farms 130Total

11 Tubas District Electricity Company As Success Story


13 Company Profile TDECO was established in 2002 but it was officially registered on march 18,2006. The owners of it are municipalities and village council in Tubas governorate and some parts of Jenin governorate as well,the purposes of its establishment is to distribute electricity in these villages and towns, since the people of these villages and towns were either deprived of electricity or had some diesel generator run few hours a day!. Since then TDECO increased its power capacity 400% and served more town and villages.

14 Company Profile CONT. Its true that TDECO is the smallest and youngest company in Palestine but it is also true its leading all mentioning some aspects, owns and runs the only transformers maintenance center in the country SCADA system GIS system Solar projects.

15 Environmental Purpose National Purpose Economical Purpose Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

16 National Purpose Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

17 PROFIT & LOSS PV VS. INVESTMENT PROJECT Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

18 Capital Cost Cash Flow for One MWp 2 Million$ Ground Cost 300,000 $ 0 10 Annual Maintenance Cost 1000$ Annual PV Production 250,000$ Annual Maintenance Cost 1000$ Inverter Replacement Cost 175,000$ Salvage Value 330,000 $ i=5%

19 1MWp PV 100% Cash 01 03 02 1MWp PV 30% Cash IEC Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

20 PV Projects In TDECO Region Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

21 470KWp PV Project which dived to: PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop


23 470KWp PV Project which dived to: PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop



26 105 KWp PV Project for Agricultural purposes dived to: PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

27 PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. 105 KWp PV Project for Agricultural purposes dived to: Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

28 Feed In Tariff (FIT) PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

29 Feed In Tariff (FIT) PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

30 PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. Net Metering Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

31 PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. Net Metering Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

32 PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. Rural Area(Atoof,Yarza,Ibzeq..etc) : Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

33 PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. Privet Sector: Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

34 PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. 1 23 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

35 PV Projects In TDECO Region Cont. 456 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

36 Percentage Yearly Production from PV NOW 1.275 MWp Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

37 Percentage Yearly Production from PV AFTER 5 YEARS 9.275 MWp Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

38 SS UU CC CC EE SS SS STEPS TO SUCCESS 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

39 SUCCESS MEASURE 1  Clear vision from the beginning of 2009.  Training of human resources.  Adoption the Palestinian Solar Initiative.  Reduce administrative complexity. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

40 SUCCESS MEASURE 1  Many efforts have been done to increase public awareness  Find resources that support PV systems like CZDA and SEBA.  TDECO participation in all related conferences and seminars Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

41 SUCCESS MEASURE 2 Maximum Grid Capacity Power quality and losses Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

42 MAXIMUM ALLOWED PV ON GRID Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

43 PERCENTAGE PRODUCTION FOR 12MWp Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop


45 TECHNICAL STUDY CONT. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

46 INCREASE VOLTAGE REDUCE LOSSES TECHNICAL STUDY CONT. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

47 REDUCING LOSSES VOLTAGE INCREASING Before Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

48 REDUCING LOSSES VOLTAGE INCREASING After Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

49 VOLTAGE FLUCTUATOIN TECHNICAL STUDY CONT. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

50 VOLTAGE FLUCTUATOIN 50% Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

51 VOLTAGE FLUCTUATOIN 100% Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

52 POOR POWER FACTOR TECHNICAL STUDY CONT. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

53 POOR POWER FACTOR Before Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

54 POOR POWER FACTOR After Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

55 SUCCESS MEASURE 3 Preparing administrative guidelines. Preparing technical guidelines. Contractors' qualification. Public awareness campaign. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop


57 TECHNICAL GUIDELINES Inverter standard Palestinian Standard International Standard Description PS 2707 p2AS 4777 p2Inverters requirements PS 2707 p3AS 4777 p3Grid Protection requirements AS 3100General requirements for electrical PS 2683IEC 61727 Photovoltaic (PV) system characteristics of the utility interface EN61000-6Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

58 TECHNICAL GUIDELINES Photovoltaic standard Palestinian Standard International Standard Description PS 2684IEC61730-1 Safety qualification(requirements for construction) PS 2685IEC61730-2 Safety qualification(requirements for testing) PS 2676IEC 61215 Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules-Design qualification and type approval Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

59 TECHNICAL GUIDELINES PSASDescription 2707 p14777 p1 Installation requirements 1319 Safety signs for the occupational environment Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

60 TECHNICAL GUIDELINES Photovoltaic module. Inverter. DC electrical panels. AC electrical panels. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

61 TECHNICAL GUIDELINES Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

62 CONTRACTORS’ QUALIFICATION Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop


64  Number of samples = 853 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop


66 First Questionnaire Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

67 ADVERTISMENTS  Intensification Renewable energy advertisements.  Agreements with suppliers.  Agreements with Palestine bank to facilitate grants. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

68 ADVERTISMENTS Number of samples =76 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop


70 ADVERTISMENTS  Customer satisfaction from company’s administrative procedures Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

71 ADVERTISMENTS  Customer satisfaction from contractor installation was: Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

72 ADVERTISMENTS  There is recovery for renewable energy in Palestine

73 SUCCESS MEASURE 4 Feed In Tariff (FIT). First FIT 1.07 NIS Second FIT 0.80 NIS Net metering. Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

74 RECOMMENDATIONS Installation of mixture of RE (PV, wind and bio mass) is possible and feasible and it is a must in Palestine. 1 PSI must be extended since it is the core of the renewable and affect all people. 2 Regulations for renewables should be approved by PEA without any delay. 3 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

75 RECOMMENDATIONS All roof tops of public buildings shall have been first application of PV. 4 Training of technicians for multi mega projects. 5 Incentives by the government and distribution companies for every resident who install PV in roof top. 6 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

76 RECOMMENDATIONS New buildings shall not be licensed unless parts of energy consumption is produced by renewables. 5 Extending the green loans by local banks. 6 Intensification Renewable energy advertisements. 7 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

77 RECOMMENDATIONS Extensive public awareness campaign through all types of means media. 8 Annual national price by PEA for the best projects of the renewables. 9 Tax free for the equipment of renewables and the production of energy. 10 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop

78 RECOMMENDATIONS Involvement of educational institutions such as research of renewable and bridge such results with concerned parties. 12 Euro – Mediterranean innovation workshop Businessmen and women are very interested to engage in renewables and so they shall be encouraged through PPA. 11


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