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Black Belt Project Storyboard Template Can be used in combination with Black Belt Storyboard Submission Guide Visit for more Lean Six.

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Presentation on theme: "Black Belt Project Storyboard Template Can be used in combination with Black Belt Storyboard Submission Guide Visit for more Lean Six."— Presentation transcript:

1 Black Belt Project Storyboard Template Can be used in combination with Black Belt Storyboard Submission Guide Visit for more Lean Six Sigma Resources

2 Storyboard: The 5 Tenets
Tell Your Story Succinctly Use a maximum of 15 Slides (plus a title page) to describe your project Make sure the flow of the project story is logical Clearly illustrate your analysis and how solutions/countermeasures address the root causes Let visuals (graphs, charts, maps, pictures etc.) do most of the work Add a “Key Take Away” to each slide to make it clear to the reader what you learned at each step Use the Tools Wisely Show that you understand the DMAIC method by selecting the right tools for the right reasons during each Phase Label Your Graphs Clearly List the metric name, the time frame and the axes names/units for each chart (along with the “Key Take Away”) Show the Improvement in Full Make accomplishments clear – list each measureable waste reduction, savings, margin increase, cycle time reduction, increase in customer satisfaction, etc. Use the Appendix for Overflow Include up to 10 slides for visuals that may help readers who would like more background on your project, and Include a “Key Take Away” for every slide in the Appendix

3 Executive Summary Questions & Activities to Address:
Use the Executive Summary template to create a one-page summary of the project that includes Business Case: Explain the reason the project matters to the organization Root Cause Analysis: Describe project discoveries Solutions Implemented: List the countermeasures used for root causes Project Results: List the project savings, gains, cost avoidance, cycle time reduction, customer satisfaction, etc. Graphical Display of Improvement: Provide a visual that proves you made a positive difference in the process * See Bahama Bistro Sample Storyboard in Project Submission Guide

4 Key Words (Specific To Your Industry)
List all words and acronyms that are specific to your industry and key to understanding your project Provide a brief description or definition of each term List in alphabetical order Keep in mind that this document will be viewed by those who are not in your industry or familiar with your process or industry

5 Questions & Activities to Address:
Define Phase Questions & Activities to Address: How and why the project was selected? Who was the customer and what did they require? Was the process data or process driven? What kind of map did you use (Swimlane, Value Stream, etc.) Did you complete an 8 Wastes assessment of the process? Did you complete a 5S Assessment (or in the Improve Phase)?

6 Potential Define Visuals*
Project Charter or A3 SIPOC Swimlane Process Map, Value Stream Map, other VOC Translation Matrix Primary Metric Chart (Baseline data if available) 8 Wastes Checksheet 5S Transactional Assessment 5S Manufacturing Assessment *Final Storyboard will include a restricted selection of templates/visuals

7 Define Phase - Bahama Bistro

8 Define Phase Tollgate Verify the project has a Champion/Sponsor and leadership backing Get approval from a finance partner for the potential savings or projected revenue Complete the elements of the Project Charter Collect the Voice of the Customer and uncover any unknown requirements Make customer requirements measurable Create a high-level map of the process Facilitate a team a Process Walk Develop and verify a detailed map of the process Conduct Stakeholder Analysis and develop an influence and communication plan

9 Questions & Activities to Address:
Measure Phase Questions & Activities to Address: What was the approach to Data Collection? (Who measured, when, for how long?) What was the approach taken to validate that data collection method produces accurate results? (Measurement Systems Analysis?) What is the understanding of the process baseline(s) measures and what is the gap between the baseline and the goal? What were the results of the Process Walk? What is the understanding of the potential issues?

10 Potential Measure Visuals*
Data Collection Plan Operational Definitions Efficiency and Effectiveness Matrix Sample Data Collection Sheet – Checksheet used Results of Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA, Gage R&R) Graphic Display of Baseline Data - Time Series Plots, Control Charts, Box Plots, Histograms, etc. “Before” Work Area Layouts Photos, diagrams, Spaghetti Maps Include distance travelled and time involved Cost Of Poor Quality (COPQ) Calculations Threats & Opportunities Matrix *Final Storyboard will include a restricted selection of templates/visuals

11 Measure Phase - Bahama Bistro

12 Measure Phase Tollgate
Select Baseline Measurements Develop a Data Collection Plan with Operational Definitions, stratification factors and checksheets if needed Develop a Sampling Plan and calculate data needs Conduct Measurement Systems Analysis Collect Baseline Data Determine Process Capability Update Project Charter and inform Stakeholders

13 Questions & Activities to Address:
Analyze Questions & Activities to Address: What was the approach to process and data analysis along with key insights? Provide the list of prioritized root causes (critical Xs and their impact on Y or primary metric) Illustrate the path to uncovering and verifying root cause(s) What are the Hypothesis Statements – Null and Alternative? What were the results of Hypothesis Testing? Were there any Quick Wins and if so what were the results?

14 Potential Analyze Visuals*
Fishbone Diagram with Five Whys Value and Cycle Time Analysis – wait time vs. work time Value Stream Map Hypothesis Testing Plan Root Cause Hypothesis Worksheet Hypothesis Test Results Graphs that show relationships or findings (e.g. Box Plots, Pareto Charts, Histograms, Time Series Plots, Control Charts, etc.) *Final Storyboard will include a restricted selection of templates/visuals

15 Analyze Phase - Bahama Bistro

16 Analyze Tollgate Checklist
Conduct Value and Cycle Time Analysis of the process to identify opportunities to reduce waste Identify root causes using data analysis, process maps, Five Whys and Fishbone Diagrams Develop a Root Cause Hypothesis and formal hypothesis statements Collect data to run statistical tests and prove or disprove Root Cause Hypotheses Check if the team has enough confidence in the analysis to move to the Improve Phase Update the Project Charter and inform Stakeholders

17 Questions & Activities to Address:
Improve Questions & Activities to Address: Provide a list of improvements made and to-be made Describe the approach to prioritizing and selecting solutions that eliminated root causes Barriers and efforts to overcome them Mistake-proofing and other risk management methods employed Pilot results and changes made to solutions Describe the Implementation Plan and results

18 Potential Improve Visuals*
5S Transactional Assessment 5S Manufacturing Assessment Impact Effort Matrix Weighted Criteria Matrix Final Workplace Layout (updated Spaghetti Map) Cross Training Matrix Training Plan Pilot Checklist FMEA Implementation Plan Graphic display of change to Primary Metric (before and after) Future State Map *Final Storyboard will include a restricted selection of templates/visuals

19 Improve Phase - Bahama Bistro

20 Improve Tollgate Checklist
Use team brainstorming to generate solutions to address the root cause Run a pilot of the solutions if needed Create a Design of Experiments where appropriate Assess and mitigate risk of process changes Implement solutions to address root cause Confirm that implemented solutions sufficiently affect the output Y Celebrate with the team and recognize them for their efforts

21 Questions & Activities to Address:
Control Questions & Activities to Address: How the project will be monitored and what are the Response Plans? Who is doing the monitoring, how often and how Are the Trigger Measures based on Control Charts? Will there be ongoing 5S inspections? Describe the Control Plan that ensures the gains are maintained over the long term What documentation and standardization has been completed regarding the improved process? What visual management techniques will ensure adoption of process changes? (include pictures where appropriate) How will you demonstrate improved process performance over baseline? Control Charts, other How has the Process Owner been prepared for hand-off and what is the Communication Plan? What were the lessons learned?

22 Control - Bahama Bistro

23 Potential Control Visuals*
Monitoring Plan Response Plan Control Plan Control Chart and/or other graphical tacking methods New Procedure Audit Communication Plan Innovation Transfer Opportunities *Final Storyboard will include a restricted selection of templates/visuals

24 Control Tollgate Checklist
Create a system and/or process to monitor results Utilize Control Charts for ongoing monitoring of the output and key leading indicators Finalize visual management of the process Create Response Plans in case there is a drop in performance Complete the Storyboard of the project Assess innovation transfer opportunities Hand over formal ownership to the process owner

25 Appendix Include supporting documentation, process maps and data charts provide evidence of tool applications or helpful project background Keep to 10 Slides maximum Add the “Key Take Away” for each slide Visit for more Lean Six Sigma Resources

26 Appendix – Bahama Bistro

27 Appendix – Bahama Bistro

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