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The World of Credit Unions Prague – 22 nd March 2016 Paul A Jones PhD Research Unit for Financial Inclusion Liverpool John Moores University.

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Presentation on theme: "The World of Credit Unions Prague – 22 nd March 2016 Paul A Jones PhD Research Unit for Financial Inclusion Liverpool John Moores University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World of Credit Unions Prague – 22 nd March 2016 Paul A Jones PhD Research Unit for Financial Inclusion Liverpool John Moores University

2 What is a Credit Union? Credit unions are democratic, member- owned financial cooperatives Credit unions exist to serve their members and communities. Credit unions are safe, convenient places to access affordable financial services.

3 Credit unions world wide – 2014 207,000,000 Members 57,000 Credit Unions 105 Countries –Canada – 694 credit unions – 43% penetration –USA –6,399 credit unions – 47% penetration –Australia – 101 credit unions – 30% penetration –Jamaica – 38 credit unions – 51% penetration –Ghana – 476 credit unions – 3.9% penetration –Ireland – 479 credit unions – 75% penetration –Great Britain – 378 credit unions – 3% penetration

4 World Council of Credit Unions Global trade association and development agency WOCCU WOCCU is founded on the belief that all people have the right to affordable, reliable and accessible financial services. Credit unions in Europe

5 Credit unions in action Credit unions in Ecuador EcuadorCredit unions in Ecuador Youth savings programme GhanaYouth savings programme Community Choice Credit Union USCommunity Choice Credit Union

6 European origins of credit unions Credit co-operatives originated in Germany in the 1840’s and evolved in three general directions: European Co-operative Banks France, Germany, Netherlands Small Savings Co-ops Italy, Greece North American Model Britain, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Eastern Europe Spread throughout the world Came to Britain via immigrants coming to London in the 1960s and then via Ireland

7 Economic Goals “Not for profit, not for charity, but for service” Profits (surplus) go to the member Giving people a better deal on financial services Providing financial services to people excluded by the for-profit sector Creating jobs in the community

8 Social Goals “People helping people” Giving people control over their financial destiny Mutual self-help and reliance Building community Education in the wise use of money Instilling democratic and co-operative values

9 Credit unions in Britain London Mutual Credit Union Hull and East Yorkshire Credit Union Enterprise Credit Union, Merseyside South Manchester Credit Union Community Development Credit Unions in the US National Federation of CDCUs

10 Credit unions are co-operatives National Credit Union Foundation NCUF website

11 Credit union members speaking This is our credit union UK Largest credit union in Europe

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