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Sector Group Environment Support for Europe’s Environmental Players Lisbon, 26 November 2012 Peter Wolfmeyer ZENIT GmbH.

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Presentation on theme: "Sector Group Environment Support for Europe’s Environmental Players Lisbon, 26 November 2012 Peter Wolfmeyer ZENIT GmbH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sector Group Environment Support for Europe’s Environmental Players Lisbon, 26 November 2012 Peter Wolfmeyer ZENIT GmbH

2 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation  Founded in 1984 as a Public Private Partnership to support the structural change in North Rhine-Westphalia  Shareholders: Netzwerk ZENIT e.V.; Federal State of NRW; Consortium of banks  Mission: To promote innovation and technology, above all in SMEs, in NRW  Employees: about 45  Turnover: about 4.8 million € (2011)  Services for the private and public sector  Core projects Enterprise Europe Network ZdI (Zukunft durch Innovation)  National Contact Point (NCP): NCP-SME, ICT/PSP in CIP, Eco-Innovation ZENIT GmbH

3 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation  Key instrument of European SME policy till 2014 COSME perspective until 2021 (similar aims and parameters)  Mission: “One-stop shop”  Over 600 partners in 54 countries (EU 27 plus Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Egypt, fYRoM, Iceland, India, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, Russia, Serbia, South Korea, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and USA)  Activities: Provision of EU-related information, support in internationalisation, partner search and mediation, assistance in technology and know-how transfer, innovation management, funding and financing advice, FP, etc.  Key feature: Thematic Sector Groups Enterprise Europe Network

4 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation  Objective: To use the expertise of its members to support European enterprises, above all SMEs, and other organisations, such as universities and research institutions, in their scientific and commercial development.  Purpose: Generally to support a specific sector and specifically to initiate all types of partnerships (commercial, technology transfer, research) between enterprises/other organisations in different countries  Activities: Formal meetings, brokerage events, seminars, company missions, symposia, conferences, workshops, policy feedback and publications, provision of information, amongst others  Status: 17 Sector Groups, including Intelligent Energy, Biotechnology, Aeronautics & Space, and Environment… Sector Groups

5 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation  Founded in summer 2008 as successor project of the successful Thematic Group Environment of the predecessor IRC project (since 1997)  Currently about 55-60 members  22 countries represented - From Norway and Sweden in the North, to Turkey and Malta in the South - From Portugal and Spain in the West, to Hungary and Poland in the East  Chaired by NRW.Europa/ZENIT GmbH SG Environment (SGE)

6 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation  To link players in the areas of environment and eco-innovation  To bring together enterprises, universities, research institutes, clusters and stakeholders for cooperation and exchange in the field of environmental topics  To unite supply and demand in the area of environmental technology  To provide of information on European funding schemes related to environment  To provide information on EU legislation and directives related to environment SGE – Objectives

7 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation  Brokerage events at environmental trade exhibitions (e.g. IFAT in Munich, Poleko in Poznan, Pollutec in Lyon/Paris)  Delegation visits (bilateral)  Compilation of catalogues with cooperation profiles related to environmental topics, e.g. “Water”  Survey of environmental clusters and their international interests  Information seminars for enterprises and institutes  Exchange of experience with other networks, institutions, initiatives and players (e.g. NCPs (“SGE-NCP Ambassador”), EcoAP)  Awareness raising for eco-innovation (e.g. on World Environment Day)  Bridge function between EU and enterprises  Active participation in workshops and other events organised by the European Commission  PR work (e.g. EEA) SGE - Activities and events

8 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation  “Pollutec”, 28.-29.11.2012, Lyon  “Novel integrated water systems”, 21.01.2013, Seville  “Green Ventures” at TerraTec/enertec 2013, 29.01.2013, Leipzig  “Successful R&D in Europe”, 07.-08.03.2013, Düsseldorf  “Energy Match”, 23.-25.05.2013, Copenhagen  “AquaMatch”, 05.-06.11.2013, Amsterdam SGE – Forthcoming events

9 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation  Strong sectoral focus on all environment-related topics, from A for air to Z for zero emission  Support by experts experienced in SME and environment issues  Help in all areas (commerce, technology transfer, R&D, legislation, funding…)  Contacts to like-minded partners in other countries  Tailored instruments to aid access to other markets (e.g. partner mediation events at environmental trade exhibitions)  Affordable (or even free) services  SME input to Commission policies via feedback through SGE SGE – Benefits for SMEs

10 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation  Local, centralised support is the ideal solution (“one-stop shop”)  Dialogue and cooperation between all players are important  Ongoing information and promotion is necessary (due to the dynamic nature of the target groups, above all SMEs)  SMEs need customised and continuous support from start to finish and not academic approaches - Consultants with expertise in environment who also understand SMEs are needed  Target groups need convincing with success cases (in print media and internet, at events)  It is important to facilitate, initiate and support cooperation at all levels (regional, national, EU) SGE – Lessons learned/recommendations

11 13th European Forum on Eco-innovation SGE Brokerage Event

12 Thank you for your attention! ZENIT GmbH / NRW.Europa Bismarckstrasse 28 D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Tel.: ++49-208-30004-31 Email:

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