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Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 1 Cross-Survey Analysis Summary Charts 2012-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 1 Cross-Survey Analysis Summary Charts 2012-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 1 Cross-Survey Analysis Summary Charts 2012-2015

2 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 2 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

3 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 3 Study Overview

4 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 4 28 Surveys Included in the Analysis

5 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 5 Majority Are Manufacturers; Respondents Report Nearly $5B in Revenue on Average

6 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 6 Respondents Primarily Split Between Process and Discrete Industries

7 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 7 Those in Process Industries Are More Likely to Have a Supply Chain Organization and Center of Excellence

8 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 8 Those in Process Industries Report Greater Pain with Data, Visibility, Strategy, Executive Understanding and Software Usability

9 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 9 Respondents Report an Average of 5 ERP Instances

10 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 10 Those with More ERP Instances Are More Likely to Use More B2B Solutions

11 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 11 Those with More ERP Instances Are More Likely to Describe Their Supply Chain as Reactive, Slow and Uncontrollable

12 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 12 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

13 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 13 Over Eight-In-Ten Have a Supply Chain Organization; 14 Years on Average

14 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 14 Those with a Supply Chain Organization Are More Likely to Be in a Process Industry and to Have a Center of Excellence

15 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 15 Seven-in-Ten Say Supply Chain Reports to C-Level or President

16 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 16 Top Functions Reporting into Supply Chain: Supply/Demand Planning, Inventory, Logistics, Distribution & Procurement

17 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 17 Top Five Elements of Business Pain: Volatility, Alignment, Data, Talent, Visibility

18 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 18 Those Who Report Demand/Supply Volatility Is Among Top Five Pains Also Report More Functions Reporting Into the Supply Chain

19 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 19 Those Who Report Demand/Supply Volatility Is Among Top Five Pains Also Report Less Visibility Into First Tier Suppliers and Extended Network Order Management

20 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 20 Those Who Report Alignment Is Among Top Five Pains Are More Likely to Have Higher Revenue and Be in a Process Industry

21 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 21 Those Who Report Alignment Is Among Top Five Pains Are More Likely to Describe Their Supply Chain as Cautious and Inside-Out

22 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 22 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

23 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 23 Top Supply Chain Descriptive Challenges: Tactical, Cautious, Room for Improvement

24 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 24 Those Who Consider Their Supply Chain to Be “Aligned” Are More Likely to Have a Supply Chain Organization and Center of Excellence

25 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 25 Those Who Consider Their Supply Chain to Be “Working Well” Are More Likely to Have a Supply Chain Organization

26 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 26 Greatest Improvements in Supply Chain Descriptors: Modern & Global

27 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 27 Most Desirable Supply Chain Descriptors: Global, Working Well, Aligned, & Proactive

28 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 28 Those in Process Industries Are More Likely to Desire an “Outside-in” Supply Chain Than Discrete Industries

29 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 29 Areas for Improvement: Proactive, Working Well, Fast, Strategic, Modern, Agile and Aligned

30 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 30 Greatest Gains Needed to Reach Desired State: Strategic, Proactive, Working Well

31 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 31 Greatest Gaps Between Past and Desired State: Modern, Proactive, Working Well

32 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 32 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

33 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 33 Four-in-Ten Have a Center of Excellence

34 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 34 Those with a Center of Excellence Are More Likely to Be in Process Industry and Have a Supply Chain Organization

35 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 35 Those with a Center of Excellence Are More Likely to Report Higher Team Alignment and Supply Chain Agility

36 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 36 Nearly Two-Thirds of Those with a Supply Chain Center of Excellence Report It Is Effective

37 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 37 Those with an Effective Center of Excellence Have Fewer Functions Reporting to the Supply Chain

38 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 38 Center of Excellence Areas for Improvement: Network Design, Inventory, Best Practices, S&OP

39 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 39 Most Important Center of Excellence Functions: Supply Chain Planning, Goals, Strategy, Metrics

40 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 40 Greatest Performance Gaps for Center of Excellence: Supply Chain Planning and S&OP

41 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 41 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

42 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 42 Nearly Four-in-Ten Report Their Supply Chain Is Agile

43 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 43 Nearly Three-Quarters Report Supply Chain Is More Agile Than Five Years Ago; One-Third Say More Than One Year Ago

44 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 44 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

45 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 45 Nearly All Report That S&OP Is Important to Improving Supply Chain Agility

46 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 46 Four-in-Ten Report Their S&OP Process Is Effective

47 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 47 Those with an Effective S&OP Process Have More Functions Reporting into the Supply Chain

48 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 48 Approximately One-Third Consider Company Good at S&OP Abilities

49 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 49 Not Having Supporting Technologies Is Largest Challenge in Building Effective S&OP

50 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 50 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

51 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 51 Greatest Opportunity for Alignment: Finance & IT, Operations & IT and Marketing & Finance

52 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 52 Manufacturing & Procurement and Sales & Marketing Are Among Most Important to be Aligned and Most Aligned

53 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 53 Greatest Gap in Alignment vs. Importance: Sales & Operations

54 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 54 Those with Sales-Operations Alignment Experience Less Pain with Visibility and Change Management

55 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 55 Only One-Fifth Believe They Manage Talent Better Than Their Peers

56 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 56 Those Who Manage Supply Chain Talent the Same or Better Than Peers Are More Likely to Have a Supply Chain Organization

57 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 57 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

58 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 58 Visibility Areas for Improvement: Order Management, First Tier Suppliers, Third-Party Logistics

59 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 59 Most Important Areas of Visibility: Transactions, Transportation & Manufacturing

60 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 60 Greatest Gaps in Visibility Performance: Transportation, Order Management, Third-Party Logistics

61 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 61 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

62 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 62 Most Common Types of Data: Supply Chain Visibility, Product Traceability, Sentiment Data from User Comments, & Mobile Apps

63 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 63 Data Types in Need of Improvement: Geo Location, Mobile Apps, and Internet of Things

64 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 64 Most Important and Best Performing Data: Product Traceability, Supply Chain Visibility

65 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 65 Greatest Performance Gaps in Data Types: Supply Chain Visibility, Product Traceability, & Mobile apps

66 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 66 Agenda I.Study Overview II.Supply Chain Organization III.Supply Chain Descriptors IV.Centers of Excellence V.Supply Chain Agility VI.Sales & Operations Planning VII.Team Alignment VIII.Supply Chain Visibility IX.Types of Data X.B2B Solutions

67 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 67 Phone/Email/Fax/Mail Is Most Common B2B Solution

68 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 68 B2B Solutions in Need of Improvement: Spreadsheets and EDI/XML

69 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 69 Most Important B2B Solutions: Phone/Email/Fax/Mal and EDI/XML

70 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 70 Greatest Gap in B2B Solution Performance: Phone/Email/Fax/Mail

71 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 71 Nearly Half Report IT Projects Meet Line-of-Business Leaders’ Objectives

72 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 72 Those Who Report IT Meets LOB Needs Are More Likely to Have the Supply Chain Leader Report to the President

73 Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2016, p. 73 Those Who Report IT Meets LOB Needs Are More Likely to Use Enterprise Web Portals and Business Networks

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