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Bats ordinateur Review – ‘ER’ verbs. chercher To look for.

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Presentation on theme: "Bats ordinateur Review – ‘ER’ verbs. chercher To look for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bats ordinateur Review – ‘ER’ verbs

2 chercher To look for

3 apporter to bring (things)

4 dessiner To draw

5 enseigner to teach

6 visiter To visit (places)

7 oublier To forget

8 aider To help

9 habiter To live

10 montrer To show

11 danser To dance

12 marcher To walk

13 regarder To look/watch

14 désirer to want

15 *manger to eat

16 To like aimer

17 To sing chanter

18 To study étudier

19 To talk/speak parler

20 To hate/dislike détester

21 To play jouer

22 To prepare préparer

23 To cook cuisiner

24 To count compter

25 To give donner

26 To listen écouter

27 To enter entrer

28 To jump sauter

29 To stay rester

30 To pick/up, tidy *ranger

31 To swim *nager

32 How do you conjugate ‘er’ verbs? What are the two steps? Drop the ‘er’ add the endings

33 What are the endings? eons esez eent

34 **acheter To buy

35 Conjugate the verb parler – to talk/speak Je parleNous parlons Tu parlesVous parlez Il Elle parle Ils parlent Elles

36 Conjugate the verb aider – to help J’aideNous aidons Tu aidesVous aidez Il Elle aide Ils aident Elles

37 How do you conjugate ‘ger’ verbs? How are they different than ‘er’ verbs Add –eons in nous form

38 Conjugate the verb rang er – to pick up Je rangeNous rangeons Tu rangesVous rangez Il Elle range Ils rangent Elles

39 Conjugate the verb nettoyer – to clean Je nettoieNous nettoyons Tu nettoiesVous nettoyez Il Elle nettoie Ils nettoient Elles

40 How do you conjugate ‘yer’ verbs? How are they different than ‘er’ verbs Boot verb y  i in the boot

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