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COAST WATER SERVICES BOARD Prepared and presented by C D Donda Technical Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "COAST WATER SERVICES BOARD Prepared and presented by C D Donda Technical Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 COAST WATER SERVICES BOARD Prepared and presented by C D Donda Technical Manager

2 Introduction: The Coast Water Services Board (CWSB) was established in 2004 through a Gazette Notice No. 1328 dated 27 th February 2004. The Board started it’s operations in 2005. The CORE MANDATE of the Board is the efficient and economical provision of water and sanitation services in the Coast Region.

3 VISION To be a leader in water and sanitation infrastructure development in the country. MISSION To ensure sustainable and affordable water and sanitation services through infrastructure development and management.

4 CORE RESPONSIBILITIES OF CWSB CWSB 3. Operations & Maintenance of Bulk Water Supply which serves various counties. 2. Monitoring provision of Water and Sanitation Services. 1. Holders & Developers of GoK Water & Sewerage Assets. NB; Bulk Water Supply; Cross County Operated as one unit. One Bulk Tariff Large Transmission Pipelines. High operation cost due to pumping.

5 COAST WATER SERVICES BOARD Urban Water Supply # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # VOI Witu LAMU HOLA KWALE KILIFI Watamu Taveta Garsen MALINDI Mambrui Kinango MOMBASA Wundanyi Mariakani Msambweni Lunga Lunga TANA RIVER TAITA TAVETA KWALE LAMU MALINDI KILIFI 90090 180 EW S Miles N SERVICES STATUS :  CWSB Area covers 83,630 km 2  The Board serves the Six Counties.  Major Towns served; Mombasa, Malindi, Kilifi, Voi, Mariakani, Kwale, Ukunda, Diani, Hola, Lamu.  A Region with High Economic Potential;  A Vibrant Tourist Hub.  Home of the Hotel & Hospitality due to the clean sandy beaches and magnificent coral reefs.

6 S/STATUS CONT...  Large Manufacturing & Processing concerns like Bamburi Cement, Petroleum Refinery. Kilindini Sea Port is the only in Kenya. Projected population for the Region is 3.65 million. Water Demand is 320,000 m 3 /day. Water supply is 150,000 m 3 /day. Water and Sanitation Coverage is low. NRW is high, above 60%. Investments are needed to improve Services for sustainable economic development.

7 CONTRACTED WATER SERVICE PROVIDERS; Urban Water Service Providers No. of Connection s Active connections Water Supplied (m3/day) Ufw (%) 1. Mombasa Water and Sanitation Co 70,32233,82451,80050 2. Malindi Water and Sanitation Co 17,64714,19018,21832 3. Kilifi-Mariakani (KIMAWASCO) 16,12011,94223,54760 4. Kwale Water and Sanitation Co. 9,1225,3519,42245 5. Voi & Taita Taveta (TAVEVO) 11,2757,3935,66758 6. Lamu Water and Sanitation Co. 3,1362,0864,85346 7. Tana River Water and Sanitation 1,6031,4044,75348 8Coast Bulk Water Unit120,00023

8 WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS IN CWSB COUNTY CURREN T SUPPLY M 3/day 2012 DEMAND M 3/day 2015 DEMAND M 3/day 2020 DEMAND M 3/day 2025 DEMAND M 3/day 2030 DEMAND M 3/day 2035 DEMAND M 3/day 1Mombasa50,000133,060152,302184.372238,874288,918312,554 2Kwale7,50045,11650,53559,56676,76990,701119,910 3Kilifi35,00073,45984,597103,160133,443159,856210,047 4Lamu1,60010,51822,20441,68167,556104,763125,186 5Tana River1,70022,61525,19429,49236,98143,48655,739 6Taita Taveta10,00026,40029,41134,43042,78950,36663,817 TOTAL15O,000313,180364,243452,701596,413738,090887,253

9 Existing Water schemes in Coast Region WS Schemes Year Developed Water Production Capacity Type Remarks/ Status Existing Potential Mzima 1953 35,000 GravityRecently Rehabilitated 225,000 Marere 1923 7,000 GravityRehabilitation ongoing 12,000 Baricho 1980 90,000 PumpingRecently Rehabilitated > 196,000 Tiwi B/Holes 1980 13,000 PumpingRecently Rehabilitated 15,000 Taveta Lumi 1991 3,000 PumpingRehabilitation and expansion needed 75,000 Shela Acquifer (1980) 1,800 PumpingRehabilitation ongoing Hola1,200PumpingRehabilitation ongoing Over 10,000 Others Various 200 Over 10,000 TOTAL--- 150,000 430,000 NB; O&M cost high due to pumping schemes.

10 PAST & ONGOING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES Project Nameperiod Funding agency Funding Level Status 1 WaSSIP I ( Water and Sanitation Service Improvement Project ). 4 years (2009-2013) World Bank IDA and AFD. 7.1 bn USD 98 % 2 WaSSIP AF2013-2015 World Bank (IDA) 7.8 bn USD ongoing 3 GOK based Programs; District Bases, Drought Mitigation, NWCPC Program. AnnuallyGoK Over Ksh 200 m annually 4 Water Service Trust Fund Continuous GoK, SIDA & DANIDA VariesOngoing 5 Kenya Italy Dept for Development Program (KIDDP) 9 yrs (2007- 2015) Italy Govt Basket Funding New project ongoing 6UNICEF WASH program 6 yrs (2008-2013) Govt. of Netherlands Basket Funding Ongoing

11 WaSSIP funding to CWSB Rehabilitation and expansion of Infrastructure. Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening of Board & WSPs. Preparation of a Water and Sanitation Master Plan for Expansion. THEMATIC AREAS 1 2 3

12 Challenges faced in Service Provision in CWSB.

13 The Mzima II Pipeline Project; The Mzima 1 Pipeline was completed in 1957 The source of Mzima Springs is the Kyulu Hills. The Springs is situated Tsavo National Park. Mzima 1 is a gravity system with a capacity of 35,000 m3/day Mzima Springs has a potential upto 160,000 m3/day. The proposed Mzima II Pipeline Project will supply an additional 100 m3. The Project will involve the construction of ; o New Intake & Head Works at the source. o 220 km of transmission mains o Reservoirs at Mbololo, Voi, Mariakani, Mazeras, Nguu Tatu, Changamwe, & Kaya Bombo. o Branch Lines o Mini Hydro-Power Station. Cost estimate is about 400 m USD. CWSB is sourcing investors under e.p.c. arrangement The Mzima II Pipeline Project; The Mzima 1 Pipeline was completed in 1957 The source of Mzima Springs is the Kyulu Hills. The Springs is situated Tsavo National Park. Mzima 1 is a gravity system with a capacity of 35,000 m3/day Mzima Springs has a potential upto 160,000 m3/day. The proposed Mzima II Pipeline Project will supply an additional 100 m3. The Project will involve the construction of ; o New Intake & Head Works at the source. o 220 km of transmission mains o Reservoirs at Mbololo, Voi, Mariakani, Mazeras, Nguu Tatu, Changamwe, & Kaya Bombo. o Branch Lines o Mini Hydro-Power Station. Cost estimate is about 400 m USD. CWSB is sourcing investors under e.p.c. arrangement 1

14 The Mwache Dam Projects; The proposed Dam location is in Kwale County near Mazeras. The Dam location very close to Mombasa. The Proposed project has a potential to supply an 186 m3 of water The project is intended to serve Mombasa, Kwale County and parts of Kilifi County. The project involves construction of the following components; o A Dam with 118 MCM Water Storage Capacity, and some check Dams. o Water abstraction, treatment, Storage and transmission system. o An Irrigation component of 2,000 Hectares The project was conceived thro’ CDA (Coast Development Authority). Project preparation is being done through the (KWSCRP) Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project. Project is planned to be completed by 2018. The Mwache Dam Projects; The proposed Dam location is in Kwale County near Mazeras. The Dam location very close to Mombasa. The Proposed project has a potential to supply an 186 m3 of water The project is intended to serve Mombasa, Kwale County and parts of Kilifi County. The project involves construction of the following components; o A Dam with 118 MCM Water Storage Capacity, and some check Dams. o Water abstraction, treatment, Storage and transmission system. o An Irrigation component of 2,000 Hectares The project was conceived thro’ CDA (Coast Development Authority). Project preparation is being done through the (KWSCRP) Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project. Project is planned to be completed by 2018. 2

15 Rare Dam Projects; The proposed location of the Dam is near Kilifi Town. Expected storage capacity of the Dan is 30 million m3. Estimated water potential is 86,000 m3/day of which 64,000 will go for water supply and 20,000 for Irrigation. Towns and their immediate environs to benefit are; Kilifi, Mtwapa and Ganze. Study and design is currently ongoing by NWCPC. The project will also benefit rural Community. Rare Dam Projects; The proposed location of the Dam is near Kilifi Town. Expected storage capacity of the Dan is 30 million m3. Estimated water potential is 86,000 m3/day of which 64,000 will go for water supply and 20,000 for Irrigation. Towns and their immediate environs to benefit are; Kilifi, Mtwapa and Ganze. Study and design is currently ongoing by NWCPC. The project will also benefit rural Community. 3

16 Alternative Power Supply for Baricho Water Works; Baricho Water Works is a pumping water scheme with a capacity 90,000 m3/day. Baricho Installation produces about 60% of the water in the Coast region, which is supplies Malindi, Kilifi, Mombasa, Mtwapa Towns and the surrounding environs. The energy cost for the pumping is very high, takes up about 70% of the revenues generated by the Board. The quality of power is low due to frequent black- outs, power surges and power dips and this is a danger to the operations. CWSB propose to develop an alternative power generation plant to address the gaps. The current power demand is estimated at 4.7 Mega Watts which is likely to raise to 8.0 Mega Watts in future. Alternative Power Supply for Baricho Water Works; Baricho Water Works is a pumping water scheme with a capacity 90,000 m3/day. Baricho Installation produces about 60% of the water in the Coast region, which is supplies Malindi, Kilifi, Mombasa, Mtwapa Towns and the surrounding environs. The energy cost for the pumping is very high, takes up about 70% of the revenues generated by the Board. The quality of power is low due to frequent black- outs, power surges and power dips and this is a danger to the operations. CWSB propose to develop an alternative power generation plant to address the gaps. The current power demand is estimated at 4.7 Mega Watts which is likely to raise to 8.0 Mega Watts in future. 4

17 Lamu Port (LAPSET) Water Supply Project; GoK is in the process of constructing a new port in Lamu under the LAPSET Project. The new Port will required a reliable water supply and waste water disposal system. CWSB is proposing the Design and Construction of an Inter-basin water transfer from Tana River to Lamu at Garsen Bridge intake. The project is still at inception stage. Lamu Port (LAPSET) Water Supply Project; GoK is in the process of constructing a new port in Lamu under the LAPSET Project. The new Port will required a reliable water supply and waste water disposal system. CWSB is proposing the Design and Construction of an Inter-basin water transfer from Tana River to Lamu at Garsen Bridge intake. The project is still at inception stage. 5

18 Augmentation of Taveta Lumi Water Supply; Taveta Town near the Border of Kenya and Tanzania is one of the fast growing Towns in the Coast Region. Despite the abundant available water sources form the Taveta Lumi Springs, the Town experiences a high scarcity of water. It is for this reason that CWSB proposes to carry out the Augmentation of the Taveta Lumi Water Supply in order to supply adequate Taveta Town and it’s environs. Augmentation of Taveta Lumi Water Supply; Taveta Town near the Border of Kenya and Tanzania is one of the fast growing Towns in the Coast Region. Despite the abundant available water sources form the Taveta Lumi Springs, the Town experiences a high scarcity of water. It is for this reason that CWSB proposes to carry out the Augmentation of the Taveta Lumi Water Supply in order to supply adequate Taveta Town and it’s environs. 6

19 Development of Msambweni Aquifer; The Area South Coast of Mombasa upto Lunga Lunga and Vanga experience inadequate supply of clean water. The Master Plan study has demonstrated that the Msambweni Aquifer can be developed in order to supply South Coast adequate potable water. CWSB therefore intends to develop boreholes, a transmission main and a distribution system to Serve Msambweni, Diani, Lunga Lunga and Vanga. Development of Msambweni Aquifer; The Area South Coast of Mombasa upto Lunga Lunga and Vanga experience inadequate supply of clean water. The Master Plan study has demonstrated that the Msambweni Aquifer can be developed in order to supply South Coast adequate potable water. CWSB therefore intends to develop boreholes, a transmission main and a distribution system to Serve Msambweni, Diani, Lunga Lunga and Vanga. 7

20 Expansion of Waste Water System for Mombasa; Mombasa Town is the second largest city in Kenya, situated at the Coast of Kenya. The City has an estimated population of about one million inhabitants and is also a major tourist hub. The City and its environs has many Tourist Hotel and other Tourism activities. Manufacturing industries thrive very well. Currently less than 30 % of the Town is Sewered. To safeguard the environment from pollution the expansion of Waste Water Disposal system is needed. Expansion of Waste Water System for Mombasa; Mombasa Town is the second largest city in Kenya, situated at the Coast of Kenya. The City has an estimated population of about one million inhabitants and is also a major tourist hub. The City and its environs has many Tourist Hotel and other Tourism activities. Manufacturing industries thrive very well. Currently less than 30 % of the Town is Sewered. To safeguard the environment from pollution the expansion of Waste Water Disposal system is needed. 8

21 Up-Scaling NRW Reduction in CWSB; The level of NRW within the Board is still high (about 60%). The resultant revenue lost is over ksh 200 million per month, which works out to ksh 2.5 Bn annually. A an investment opportunity therefore exists to help reduce NRW and generate more revenue. Up-Scaling NRW Reduction in CWSB; The level of NRW within the Board is still high (about 60%). The resultant revenue lost is over ksh 200 million per month, which works out to ksh 2.5 Bn annually. A an investment opportunity therefore exists to help reduce NRW and generate more revenue. 9

22 Development of Waste Water Disposal Systems for 10 Coastal Towns; CWSB is preparing to undertake a Waste Water Master Plan. The objective is to develop Sewerage Systems for a no. of Coastal Towns. The Master Plan Study is already financed under WaSSIP. The study will also prioritize the investments and carry out detailed designs for three prioritized Towns. Amongst the Towns to be covered by the study are; Malindi, Kilifi, Lamu, Hola, Voi, Taveta, Kwale, Ukunda and Diani. Development of Waste Water Disposal Systems for 10 Coastal Towns; CWSB is preparing to undertake a Waste Water Master Plan. The objective is to develop Sewerage Systems for a no. of Coastal Towns. The Master Plan Study is already financed under WaSSIP. The study will also prioritize the investments and carry out detailed designs for three prioritized Towns. Amongst the Towns to be covered by the study are; Malindi, Kilifi, Lamu, Hola, Voi, Taveta, Kwale, Ukunda and Diani. 10

23 Key strengths and opportunities.


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