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ORC Chapter 3350 NEOMED Governance 1. Authority Vested With NEOMED Board of Trustees Section 3350.10(A) provides, “There is hereby created a state university.

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1 ORC Chapter 3350 NEOMED Governance 1

2 Authority Vested With NEOMED Board of Trustees Section 3350.10(A) provides, “There is hereby created a state university the northeast Ohio medical university.” Section 3350.10(A) provides, “There is hereby created a state university the northeast Ohio medical university.” Section 3350.10(A)(2) provides, “...the government of the northeast Ohio medical university is vested in a board of eleven trustees... Two of the trustees shall be current students of the medical university.” Section 3350.10(A)(2) provides, “...the government of the northeast Ohio medical university is vested in a board of eleven trustees... Two of the trustees shall be current students of the medical university.” Under Section 3350.10(B), student trustees are non-voting and are not entitled to attend executive sessions. Under Section 3350.10(B), student trustees are non-voting and are not entitled to attend executive sessions. 2

3 Powers of NEOMED Trustees Section 3350.12 provides: Section 3350.12 provides: “... The Board of Trustees of the northeast Ohio medical university shall employ, fix the compensation of, and remove, the president and such number of professors, teachers, and other employees as may be deemed necessary…” “... The Board of Trustees of the northeast Ohio medical university shall employ, fix the compensation of, and remove, the president and such number of professors, teachers, and other employees as may be deemed necessary…” “... The board shall do all things necessary for the creation, proper maintenance, and successful and continuous operation of the university and may adopt and from time to time amend bylaws, rules, and regulations for the conduct of the “... The board shall do all things necessary for the creation, proper maintenance, and successful and continuous operation of the university and may adopt and from time to time amend bylaws, rules, and regulations for the conduct of the university...” university...” “The board... may adopt and from time to time amend bylaws, rules, and regulations for the conduct of the board and the government and conduct of the university.” “The board... may adopt and from time to time amend bylaws, rules, and regulations for the conduct of the board and the government and conduct of the university.” 3

4 Powers of NEOMED Trustees Under Section 3350.13, the Board of Trustees may: Under Section 3350.13, the Board of Trustees may: “[R]eceive and hold in trust, for the use and benefit of the university, any grant or devise of land, and any donation or bequest of money or other personal property, to be applied to the general or special use of the university, unless otherwise directed in the donation or bequest,” and “[R]eceive and hold in trust, for the use and benefit of the university, any grant or devise of land, and any donation or bequest of money or other personal property, to be applied to the general or special use of the university, unless otherwise directed in the donation or bequest,” and “[M]ake and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the operation of the university.” “[M]ake and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the operation of the university.” 4

5 Powers of NEOMED Trustees Support of General Assembly Support of General Assembly Section 3350.14 provides, “The general assembly shall support the northeast Ohio medical university by such sums and in such manner as it may provide, but support may come from other sources.” Section 3350.14 provides, “The general assembly shall support the northeast Ohio medical university by such sums and in such manner as it may provide, but support may come from other sources.” 5

6 Restrictions of Trustees Section 3333.07 restricts certain powers of state institutions of higher education, stating that no such institution shall, without the approval of the chancellor: Section 3333.07 restricts certain powers of state institutions of higher education, stating that no such institution shall, without the approval of the chancellor: establish a new branch or academic center; or establish a new branch or academic center; or offer a new degree or establish a new degree program. offer a new degree or establish a new degree program. Section 3333.071 further provides, “... no expenditure shall be made for land for higher education purposes by public institutions of higher education or agents of such institutions from any fund without the approval of the chancellor of the Ohio board of regents...” Section 3333.071 further provides, “... no expenditure shall be made for land for higher education purposes by public institutions of higher education or agents of such institutions from any fund without the approval of the chancellor of the Ohio board of regents...” 6

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