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CCSC Physics B3 review Whole-class test Mar 28 2016.

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1 CCSC Physics B3 review Whole-class test Mar 28 2016

2 Problem 1 A. A.B.C. D. A car breaks down in the street. A person pushes it forward for a short time. Initially the car moves, but then it comes to a stop. Choose the correct FBD for before the car is pushed.

3 Problem 2 A car breaks down in the street. A person pushes it forward for a short time. Initially the car moves, but then it comes to a stop. Choose the correct FBD for while the car is being pushed but not yet moving. A.B.C. D.

4 Problem 3 A car breaks down in the street. A person pushes it forward for a short time. Initially the car moves, but then it comes to a stop. Choose the correct FBD for while the car is being pushed and moving. A.B.C. D.

5 Problem 4 A car breaks down in the street. A person pushes it forward for a short time. Initially the car moves, but then it comes to a stop. Choose the correct FBD for while the car is moving but no longer being pushed. A.B.C. D.

6 Problem 5 Explain why the car eventually stops. A. The net force points the opposite direction from the motion, so the car slows down until it stops. B. There are no forces acting on the car in the horizontal direction, so it cannot be moving according to Newton’s First Law. C. The friction force pulls the car down into the ground, so it slows down until it stops. D. All of the forces on the car cancel each other out, so it cannot be moving according to Newton’s First Law.

7 Problem 6 The person wants the car to move at a constant speed in one direction. What would need to happen in order for this to occur? A. The person could continue pushing with a force equal to the kinetic friction on the car B. The person could start the car sliding on a frictionless surface and then let it slide without pushing it anymore C. Either A or B would work D. Neither A nor B would work

8 Problem 7 The graph below shows the velocity of a car. What is happening during segment C of the graph? A.Speeding up B.Slowing down C.Constant speed forward D.Stopped

9 Problem 8 8.What is the acceleration of the cart? A.2 N left B.2 N right C.1 m/s 2 left D.1 m/s 2 right

10 Problem 9 Which quantity below is NOT a vector? A.velocity B.acceleration C.distance D.force

11 Problem 10 A student is standing on a skateboard that is not moving. The total mass of the student and the skateboard is 92 kilograms. The student picks up a ball with a mass of 8 kilograms and throws it forward at 6 m/s so that the student and skateboard start moving backwards. What is the magnitude of the momentum of the student on the skateboard? 48 kg m/s 25 kg m/s 10 kg m/s 0.2 kg m/s

12 Problem 11 A 3 kg box is lifted to a storage shelf 10 meters above the floor. What was the amount of work necessary to raise the box from the ground to the shelf? 30 J 200 J 300 J 500 J

13 Problem 12 Just before hitting the ground, a 5 kg apple has 1000 J of kinetic energy. Ignore the effects of friction for this problem. From what height was the apple dropped? 200 m 40 m 20 m 10 m

14 Problem 13 On the Position vs. Time graph below, which segment(s) show that the object is moving at a constant velocity? A.D only B.B and D C.B only D.All segments

15 Problem 14 Newton’s first law states that an object continues its previous motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates Newton’s first law? A woman presses on both sides of a box with equal force, but the box does not move. A girl hits a volleyball. Her hand exerts a force on the ball, and the ball exerts a force on her hand. A moving cart becomes more difficult to stop as more mass is added to it. Two elephants push on a cart. The more powerful elephant doesn’t have to work as hard to get the cart to move.

16 Problem 15 Which statement best explains why it is usually harder to start an object moving than it is to keep the object sliding once it starts? A.Static friction is typically stronger than kinetic friction. B.Static friction is typically weaker than kinetic friction. C.Static friction is a force that resists attempts to start an object moving. D.Static friction is a force that opposes the sliding of two objects over each other.

17 Problem 16 When it is at the bottom of the circle in the picture below, the plane is moving to the left. What direction would the net force need to be in order to make the plane turn so that it follows the curved path towards point A? A. Right B. Left C. Up D. Down

18 Problem 17 At point A and D, the yellow ball has PE = 5 J and KE = 0 J. At point B, the yellow ball has PE = 0 J and KE = 5 J. What could the car’s PE and KE be at point C? A.PE = 5 J, KE = 5 J B.PE = 3 J, KE = 3 J C.PE = 1 J, KE = 4 J D.PE = 0 J, KE = 5 J

19 Problem 18 Katie uses 1450 N of force to move a heavy rock 0.1 meters. It takes her 18.5 seconds. How much power does she use? 145 J 145 W 7.84 J 7.84 W

20 What is the magnitude of F net ? Assume this object is on Earth. The object is accelerating at 1.5 m/s² to the right. A. 0.10 N B. 10 N C. 15 N D. 100 N 10 kg Problem 19

21 What is the magnitude of F frict ? Assume this object is on Earth. The object is accelerating at 1.5 m/s² to the right. A. 0.10 N B. 10 N C. 15 N D. 100 N 10 kg Problem 20

22 What is the magnitude of F grav ? Assume this object is on Earth. The object is accelerating at 1.5 m/s² to the right. A. 0.10 N B. 10 N C. 15 N D. 100 N 10 kg Problem 21

23 What is the magnitude of F norm ? Assume this object is on Earth. The object is accelerating at 1.5 m/s² to the right. A. 0.10 N B. 10 N C. 15 N D. 100 N 10 kg Problem 22

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