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 A technique for solving problems of conversions.

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2  A technique for solving problems of conversions.

3  How many eggs are in a dozen? 1 doz. = 12 eggs or 12 eggs = 1 doz.  How can we write this as a fraction that is equal to 1 (conversion Factor)?

4  How many minutes are in an hour? 60 min = 1 hr or 1hr = 60 min Conversion Factors?

5  1. Write down given number and unit  2. Determine the conversion factor needed

6  3. Use the conversion factor that will cancel out the original unit.  4. Multiply the numbers on top and divide the numbers on bottom

7  Convert 0.347 kilometers to miles. ◦ (1.6 km = 1 mile)

8  Convert 870 kilograms to pounds ◦ (0.454 kg = 1 lb)

9  Convert 84 ounces to milliliters ◦ 0.034 oz = 1 mL

10  Convert 746 days to centuries

11  Convert 56 kilometers to inches (1 mi=1.6 km, 1 mi = 5280 ft)

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