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Home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Eco-Innovera metrics.

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Presentation on theme: "Home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Eco-Innovera metrics."— Presentation transcript:

1 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Eco-Innovera metrics for eco-innovations Round table presentation Kathleen Goris Lisbon 26 th November 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie

2 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Content 1.Overview of some results of the background study work on eco-innovation criteria 2.Implementation in the second call 3.Some inspiration from IWT-criteria 4.Questions to the audience

3 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Context and objectives ERA-NET Eco-Innovera Network of European partners in charge of eco- innovation programmes Second call for proposals with deadline 28 March 2013 IWT is in charge of a task on metrics for eco- innovation

4 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Context and objectives Definitions of eco-innovation “innovations for the environment, including environmental-beneficial innovations who are not environmentally motivated” (Kemp, R.) (OECD) “the production, assimilation or exploitation of a product, production process, service or management or business method that is novel to the organisation and which results throughout its life cycle in a reduction of environmental risk, pollution and other negative impacts of resources use compared to relevant alternatives” (MEI project) “innovation processes towards sustainable development” (Rennings, K) => 3 dimensions “Eco-innovation is any innovation that reduces the use of natural resources and decreases the release of harmful substances across the whole life- cycle.”(Eco-Innovation Observatory)  most commonly a focus on the ecological dimension of sustainability

5 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Why innovation support? Classic motivation: Promotion of economic growth and job creation Companies tend to under-invest in research and innovation because of research risks/market risks (market failure) R&D has beneficial effects outside the parties performing R&D (e.g. network spillovers, publications, patents)

6 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Why specific support for eco-innovation? (1) Eco-innovation is not really special but... Various scientific and technical disciplines =>complex Additional policy goals outside innovation....e.g. reduction of the environmental impact of economic growth (decoupling) cost reduction of environmental measures create new markets/deal with expected market demands... may lead to additional market failures because of additional risks and uncertainties such as: markets depending on government regulation and other environmental instruments/ consumers’ acceptance/ expected environmental performance of the innovation/ overall costs etc.

7 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Why specific support to eco-innovation? (2) Environmental burden = Population x Wealth/Population x Environmental impact/Wealth Need for a Factor 4 of even Factor 10 improvement (Wuppertal Institut, www.factor10-

8 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Why should we measure eco-innovation? Translate macro-indicators such as: Material productivity (GDP/material consumption ) Water productivity (GDP/water consumption ) Energy productivity (GDP/energy consumption ) – the eco-innovation scoreboard To the micro-level (projects and programmes)

9 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Examples of environmental metrics and methodologies Ecolizer 2.0 (eco-points based on ReCiPe) Water footprint (ca. 100-1000 kg/kg product) Carbon footprint (impact in terms of climate change expressed in CO2 equivalent) Avoided fossil fuel consumption (MJ-eq) Ecological footprint (ha) MIPS (Materials Input per Service Unit) Avoided external costs (Euro)...

10 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Examples of environmental metrics and methodologies - SUSCHEM Compass SUSCHEM Compass a guideline for measuring sustainability  SUSCHEM Compass a guideline for measuring sustainability  82 measurement methods selection tool and helpdesk for all questions on sustainable chemistry However, LCA tools in general are rather developed for routine product design, engineering and investments. In the framework of setting up R&D&I-projects, there are time and resources constraints, data gaps and uncertainties

11 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Examples of environmental metrics and methodologies - SUSCHEM Compass

12 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Examples of environmental metrics and methodologies – LiDS wheel Lifecycle Design Strategies Wheel (LIDS -wheel), van Hemel, C. 1997.

13 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Examples of environmental metrics and methodologies – SIS toolkit Sustainable Innovation System toolkit (qualitative)

14 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Examples of environmental metrics and methodologies – Ecolizer 2.0

15 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Key questions and some answers (1) Which metrics are used in the different eco- innovation programmes? Most programmes work with qualitative criteria and topics without much attention for environmental metrics Generally spoken, no weighing mechanism is foreseen for the different environmental aspects Little experience with the evaluation of global environmental improvements in absolute metrics for innovation projects (e.g. avoided environmental costs, avoided fossil fuel or water consumption, carbon foot print, ecological foot print, Eco-Indicator,...)

16 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Key questions and some answers (2) Can we extract a best practice to be used in the second call? There should be a significant improvement compared to a reference scenario. This could be common existing technology on the market or BAT. Metrics will depend on the topic of the project. There is no consensus on a practical ready-to-use tool suited for all kinds of innovation, especially for evaluating system change. However, applicants will be asked to give clear metrics on economic, social and environmental impact of their projects.

17 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Key questions and some answers (3) Can we extract a best practice to be used in the second call? Life cycle thinking will be promoted. Applicants can include a work package on the evaluation of the environmental impact of different research options in a life cycle perspective and in order to steer the innovation trajectory and can involve a (LCA-)specialist in this field.

18 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie System innovation as an outcome of LCA thinking LCA thinking and approach may lead to: => focus on “functions” of products and services => focus shift from improving existing technical solutions towards a variety of approaches including renting, leasing, sharing in stead of owning goods Examples: Dematerialisation of personal transport (car sharing,...) Chemical leasing: a company is not selling chemicals anymore but the function of the product in the process and thus retains ownership of the product (

19 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Topics for the second Eco-innovera call Topic 1: System innovation Topic 2: Sustainable processes and products Topic 3: Recycling; re-use of waste water

20 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Evaluation criteria used in the Eco-innovera calls ( ( Scientific excellence (6) Environmental impact (6) Market impact (6) Quality and efficiency of implementation (4) Social impact (3) Trans-national value (3)

21 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Examples : sustainable products and processes (1)

22 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Examples : sustainable products and processes (2) Combined treatment of sewage and waste streams This project examines how the enrichment of domestic waste water with organic waste or secondary flows can increase the energy efficiency of water treatment plants. The approach could even lead to an energy production during the purification of enriched waste water.

23 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie IWT-definition and criteria as an inspiration (1) key innovation objectives to characterize projects as "potentially contributing to sustainable development" 1.reduced materials consumption savings 3.reduced emissions 4.waste minimisation 5.increased use of renewable resources (materials, energy) 6.enhanced re-use of materials through recycling 7.increased lifetime of products and processes 8.Social criteria including workers’ health and safety

24 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie IWT-definition and criteria (2) Possible motivations for your case: 1.Development of renewable resources 2.Improvement of BAT level 3.Quantification of the reduction of environmental external costs (Eco-points) 4.Other argumentations such as anticipation on future environmental regulations

25 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie IWT-Definition and criteria (3) General argumentation: -(Technical) amelioration of the market situation (=reference situation) -Bilan with positive and negative environmental impacts (LCA- based) -In any case enough exploitation potential

26 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie IWT-Definition and criteria (4) How to quantify positive environmental externalities? Potential substitution of economic activities by the new innovation (e.g.: within a 10 year exploitation horizon) Exploitation level XTechnical eco-performance (market penetration)improvement

27 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie IWT-Definition and criteria (5) Improvement potential expressed in Eco-points (Ecolizer 2.0 methodology based upon RECIPE and thus LCA) Ratio between “prevented environmental damage” expressed in eco-points and subsidy > 2

28 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie IWT-Definition and criteria (6) Exclusion criterion No funding will be provided if the economic exploitation of the research output would lead to serious potential problems in view of present or future environmental requirements

29 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Questions to the audience How would you measure the environmental impact of an eco-innovation? Have all relevant aspects been adequately included in the approach? What instructions should be given to the applicants? How well policy-makers and entrepeneurs are able to apply such ex-ante assessment in practice?

30 home > sitemap > metrics for eco-innovation projects EcoAP Forum-Lisbon 2012 agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie Contact details: Kathleen Goris IWT Koning Albert II-laan 35 b16 B-1030 Brussel Tel +32 (0)2 432 42 82

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